There has been a dramatic change in the concept of children in the past 100 years. Before that children around the world were chattel. Education went to 8th grade maybe...often at 6 one could be sold into servitude, or 12 as an indentured servant or apprentice for a trade. On a farm you procreated for the purpose of creating farm labor. Children in their youth were ignored as they often died, it was recommended you not name them or get attached to them for the first years, to insure they made it. After that it was the beginning of training for them to be 1 self sufficient, 2 respectful, and 3 pull thier wieght around the house and farm, not be burden, but to be of value. Training was done much the same you would with a horse or dog.
The past 100 years in the industrialized nations have seen an incredible change in attitude...and now we expect the entire world to keep up, dispite the fact that our newfound snobbery in this regard, and the treatment of women and invalids is relatively new and only followed prosperity, and ample free time....