What a waste of good internet space. But, then again, 99.9999999% of internet space is wasted, so I reckon another misguided date-setter has a right to waste as much as he wants. I'd be careful using the Old Testament as evidence for your preposterous, (excuse me, erroneous) theory, because I am quite sure that part of Jesus' quest was to put that book to rest. But man, in his infinite ignorance, slapped the New Testament right on top of the very book that Jesus was trying to do away with. Or, as He put it, "poured the new wine into the old wineskin", and vice versa, or, "sewed the new patch on the old garment". So, the wine got bitter, and the wineskin burst, and the garment is now torn to shreds. I'll give you a little evidence, so you will know that this is not me saying this, it is written down in the New Testament, as well as in the scrolls of what Jesus called "hidden manna", which did not get included for several reasons, none of which I will get into.
1. Water to wine story. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a story about a magic trick. It contains several messages, the most important being the fact that Jesus, the bridegroom (hint hint) went against what was customary procedure when serving up wine at social gatherings. What did He do? He served the "good wine" last, not first. Wine is always used symbolically as a reference to scriptures. The good wine is the Truth contained in Jesus' words, and the Truth was served up last, not first. But, since the guests (man) was already snookered on the cheap stuff, they didn't care to hear the Truth, because "the old wine was good enough". According to Jesus it wasn't. Does this make sense? I'll quote Jesus again. "Those with ears, hear".
2. Jesus was not one to condemn anyone or anything save one. He literally "cursed" the fig tree. "May you never grow fruit again", He said. Or, as the King James puts it, "Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever". It is no secret that the fig tree is symbolic for the nation of Israel, and the Hebrew religion, perceived and claimed to be the true Kingdom of God. Jesus was a Jew, but I guarantee you that He was far from being a Hebrew. Jesus couldn't stomach Judaism, just as He most definitely would not stomach Christianity as it is taught in the churches today, more on that later. He went as far as to call the Israelites devil worshipers. He made it clear that the His Father was not the same God that the Hebrews worshiped. Read John 8 verses 39-47, because I am not making this stuff up, He said it, not me. The point here is that Jesus was telling us that the nation of Israel was not the true Kingdom of God going as far as to "curse" it to death. And, the tree withered and died, just as the nation of Israel ceased to exist in 70 A.D. If Jesus were here today, He would certainly be labeled an "antisemitic", and an "Antichrist" to be sure. Please do not think I am bashing Jews or Christians, because I love people just as Jesus did, but, like Him I don't care much for the "leaven of the Pharisees, scribes, and Sadducces" . I also am a Christian in the Truest sense of the word, but, rather than relying on the teachings of all the false teachers both past and present, I chose to listen to the Words of Jesus when He said, "pick up YOUR OWN cross, and follow after me".
3. One last tidbit of evidence that clearly illustrates what Jesus thought of Hebrew scripture. This comes from a scroll of what Jesus called "hidden manna" that would be given to those who "overcome". Jesus said way more than what is included in the four very redundant gospels of the bastardized canon.
Jesus said, "Seek not the law in your Scriptures for the law is life, whereas the Scripture is dead. I tell you truly Moses received not his laws from God as writing but through the living word. The law is living word for living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life to the law is the law written, for I tell you truly all living things are nearer to God than the Scripture which is without life. I tell you truly that the Scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our God. Wherefore do you not listen to the words of God which are written in his works? And wherefore do you study the dead Scriptures which are from the hands of men?" (Gospel of Peace)
If Jesus said it, you best believe it. If He says the scriptures were "dead", and written by man, and to listen only to the words of God which are written in His works (I'll explain this if you reply), why then do you and a billion plus others continue to study those "dead scriptures which are from the hands of men"?
Using the Noah story, or any other story in the Old or New Testament as evidence for date setting is not just a waste of your time, it contradicts Jesus when He tells us that no one will know the time or the hour, we can only know the "season". Your site implies that Jesus must have lied when He said that.
I'm sorry I ranted, but your pamphlet is really bugging me. I am going to post again with some serious questions concerning your site and what you perceive as evidence for this unbelievable notion you have which you claim as truth. Some people may actually believe this crap, and you are scaring the hell out of them. Teaching fear goes against what Jesus taught, as He never once said to "fear God". Others did, but not Christ. How can anyone Truly love something they fear? Stop it. Please.