On the aspect of love, dating and christian beliefs



Within the bounds of being a true christian, what is your stand about dating? While the word is such captivating but on its truest sense, dating should be with in the bounds of knowing each other with out physical contacts. Do you agree? If you are a male I think you don't and if you are a female and knows what values is, then you will agree with me. Setting boundaries on dating is a must on any christian. You should stand what is good and pleasant in the site of God and you should do things in accordance to what is right. May I know what is your stand about this? I would gladly appreciate it but please no haters allowed. Okay? If we are on the opposite end about dating, please do itin a nice way. After all we are all human with breeding.
Hello Cranberry, and welcome IO! Can you please define what a "True Christian" might be?
A Christian is one who lives their life in accordance to a bible, no? It's like anything, u need to practice a religion before defining yourself as someone who is religious. That my understanding. I agree with cranberry. I believe you should only be intimate with the one u marry. Call me a prude but God gave us these boundaries for a reason, for our own good.
Dating is when you just talk and do things to get to know each other without having sex. Over time you have to determine for sure that you've got physical attraction, too. There is no predefined way to do that. Yes some people make sex part of a date, but dating is not sex. Its not assumed. In Christian dating you should avoid sex, because you aren't committed to each other for life yet. It shouldn't feel easy to avoid sex though. If its too easy not to have sex, then maybe you aren't really attracted. If you are serious about someone then probably you are dating once a week plus a random visit once per week. Then if you get engaged you typically see each other every day. There are some good personal strengths that can come out of dating this way. You learn about yourselves and gain confidence, and you learn about how you are together. Marrying someone who you don't know well, don't love, don't like or don't respect is probably not a good idea when you can date instead and find someone who suits you. Dating helps you learn what kind of person is best for you. You always learn something, and you can break up at any time. You should not start dating anyone who you cannot break up with, because that is not dating. When two people date it is understood that they may not see each other again. That is dating.
A Christian is one who lives their life in accordance to a bible, no? It's like anything, u need to practice a religion before defining yourself as someone who is religious.

you are trying to define Christianity from an Islamic perspective but Islam and Christianity are very different.
If one is a literalist....than fornication is prohibited... that would be unlawful sex, sex outside of a marriage.

There was the day when dating required a chaperone, to eliminate/reduce chances of anything untoward happening. There were dances that you didn't touch....simply circled around and gazed at each other...

But for me...I would not condemn another for not living upto your expectations, live your life as you see you need, in accordance to your interpretation.
you are trying to define Christianity from an Islamic perspective but Islam and Christianity are very different.

Maybe...but I have read the bible. Similar statements made in both with respect to sexual activity. And other aspects of life. I don't wana tread on anyone's cyber toes, this is my perception.