Can a person of faith know the true path? Or do they believe it is the true path? I find that these words are often mixed up, are there a difference?
I personally don't believe the general population know right from wrong in science. There are always scientists arguing from both sides of a dispute. And reading a report about the population growth of a certain rodent in a specific area won't give me the knowledge to know that it is true. I can learn the different markers and signs that there is a population growth and I can trust that the scientist is telling the whole truth, and I can believe that they made all necessary experiments and made the the propper conclusions based on this. But I don't believe that I can know that they didn't miss a vital fact.
But Faith don't work like this, and since I have next to no experience with faith I wish to learn.
You are right, to the knowing about life the scientific explanations do not contribute anything.
The truth is not irrational, but it doesn’t start from the mental vision of reality. It starts from the heart-knowing, the direct clear observation of the reality of life, and our sensitivity to it. A certain kind of intuition, as William said. There are things that we believe in, in our heart, that are different than the beliefs that people train their minds to hold, different than religious dogmas and opinions. If you start from what you deeply believe is true, the business of the mind is to accept it and not reject it, and not overlay it with mental junk.
Those are the things that determine the life of one’s own, the people around and our place in the world. And we all share them, regardless of religious background etc. Maybe you will need to search your heart to come clear about it, but I am sure you will agree with me. These are things like: “There is love. Everyone is capable of loving. All people are sensitive, regardless of their act. God is good. Doing right by others is the way to live”. These things are undeniable for the heart.
Deep acceptance of the knowing of the heart supports a life of love. It is a life-determining factor to hold onto the faith in it regardless of the difficulties and apparent contradictions to it. It is easy to lose faith in people, in life, in the universe laws, and in God’s care when a person doesn’t live rightly and whose experience of oneself and others is bad as a consequence. But taking responsibility for our love and morality puts us in a different position. It is a moral issue.
True faith is not blind, and it is not mere belief. It is closer to trust in the goodness of all. A true man or woman of faith is true to the goodness of what God made. The true path is the life of love and to the extend that a person lives love, the person lives faith.