Dream .... this was "twenty years ago", yet you're still trying to understand it, to.. name it?
I'm laughing with you though, as opposed to AT you... I know how it goes... only because I've been there too.
Almost 20 years ago, I too had a big, full-on "religious" type "experience". I saw amazing, brilliant lights, red, yellow, green, blue, gold, all on a backdrop of white, all fading away to leave just the brilliant white speckled with diamonds... bells, like windchimes, tinkled and clanged in perfect harmony, and I felt love, such... grand, overflowing love, tears streamed down my face at the ... perfection of it. My friends, who found me sat on the floor, crying, unable to see anything except this fabulous other realm, asked me what happened. I told them that God had just picked me up and kissed me on the forehead. They laughed, of course, but... the feeling the experience left me with lasted for weeks -- and it seemed to effect others too-- people smiled at me, everyone was laughing, and happy, and nobody wanted to screw me up or over. I now realise everyone was smiling at me mainly because I was smiling madly at them! But...
Afterwards, I became acutely aware of my... powers. My story differs from yours, in so far as I was born psychic; dreaming of future events, seeing dead ppl, the usual stuff, but it became a lot worse -- being able to pick up objects and have a sense of their owners, and hearing a lot of other people's thoughts, feeling their pains, terrors, etc. I started... further developing these skills, with the naive yet noble intention to assist others, but risked my own life in the process and am no longer prepared to do so simply for the sake of it.
That aside... what we have experienced goes by many different names -- some people think of that big experience as ... meeting the numinous... awakening the kundalini energy... becoming enlightened, meeting with God...
For me: it's God. Not a ... named God, a faced God, a person-like being with a distinct identity, but ... my ...God... I still connect with that God, when I feel I need to. I allow that... big experience, and all the many little ones after it, to guide my hand, and my heart, still trying to reconcile my own mortality with that immortality...
you were "... in prayer... sort of meditation, sustained stillness and supreme joy... meditating on the goodness of God, love of God... The goodness of goodness, right of right, love of love"...
Can't it be just that? That, for a few seconds, you were... connected to something bigger, more... complete, something Holy?
You say you received some sort of communications about the future and the present, and assumed it was God, but... then you try to pooh on your own great wonder by considering it to be something false, rendering a great experience some lesser, insignificant, even maligned state, when, at the time, it was bliss...
Why do we do that to ourselves? It's okay for Jesus to talk to God, and for Allah, and Buddha, and priests, and gurus, but... not people like us, right? Not ordinary Joes and Josephines trying to muddle on through best they can. Saints, Holy Beings... they're the .. special ones.
Although I'm not a fan of new-age teachings, I think there is some kind of ... grand design, of which we are part, and we all experience moments of synchronicity, where... we "get" something, something big, we get information, we get guidance, given to us, but... we miss it. We trample on the Holy by being rational, intelligent beings, and questioning our own judgement. Sometimes there's no boxes to tick to say... "X is a known quantity and X means bhgf456".
I like to think... I met God. For some reason, God likes me, and God tries his best to ... mark my card. I, in turn, am greatful, and try to.. point God in the right direction, via prayer, or... dare I even say it... I try to do what I think my God would want me to do in specific situations.
I'm a deluded moron, maybe. Maybe I'm insane. It's possible. I still can't be sure I'm not some kind of urban saint though... And, until then...