reincarnation question

And as I understand it, if you reincarnate as such, or an insect, or whatever, you cannot regain the human state, because that state is beyond the current state of existence. That is part of the reasoning of the 'special state'?
No, it is possible to regain human form when the balance of bad karmas goes down with stay in hell.
Yeah, they are that, astral. It is not mentioned that 'this' hell is located in 'this' galaxy, in 'this' star or in 'this planet'.But before being born, he has to suffer his time in hell for any ill-deed done by him. Even then the slate is not clean, because the God of Fate, Vidhata, Lord Brahma, keeps some fruits of actions which he may cause to fructify at any desired time. That introduces a factor of uncertainty.

There are these kinds of karmas in Hinduism:
"Everything that we have ever thought, spoken, done or caused is karma, as is also that which we think, speak or do this very moment.[2] Hindu scriptures divide karma into three kinds:

1. Sanchita is the accumulated karma. It would be impossible to experience and endure all karmas in one lifetime. From this stock of sanchita karma, a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of actions, which have begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only on their fruit being enjoyed and not otherwise, is known as prarabdha karma.
2. Prarabdha Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has "ripened" and appears as a particular problem in the present life.
3. Kriyamana is everything that we produce in the current life. All kriyamana karmas flow in to sanchita karma and consequently shape our future.

Kriyamana (actions in this life) flow into Sanchita (the brought forward), part of Sanchita may be wiped in hell, but another parts is reserved for future lives, that is known as Prarabhda. That comes up suddenly without warning as per the wishes of Lord Brahma. This is for good deeds as well as evil deeds. For example, one may win a lottery ticket or be involved in an accident. That is the effect of reserved karmas of previous lives, Prarabhda. As I said, it is all well-defined. :D
Thanks Aup. As I said, I can accept the concept of rebirth of some sort of personal essence/soul into various states and worlds and dimensions, but have trouble accepting the 'common' idea of repetitive reincarnation upon this planet.
Tibetan Wheel of Life


The bhavachakra consists of the following elements:

1. The pig, rooster and snake in the hub of the wheel represent the three poisons of ignorance, attachment and aversion.

2. The second layer represents karma.

3. The third layer represents the six realms of samsara.

4. The fourth layer represents the twelve links of dependent origination.

5. The fierce figure holding the wheel represents impermanence. It is also Yama, the god of death.[8]

6. The moon above the wheel represents liberation from samsara or cyclic existence.

7. The Buddha pointing to the white circle indicates that liberation is possible.

Symbolically, the three inner circles, moving from the center outward, show that the three poisons of ignorance, attachment, and aversion give rise to positive and negative actions; these actions and their results are called karma. Karma in turn gives rise to the six realms, which represent the different types of suffering within samsara.

The fourth and outer layer of the wheel symbolizes the twelve links of dependent origination; these links indicate how the sources of suffering—the three poisons and karma—produce lives within cyclic existence.

The fierce being holding the wheel represents impermanence; this symbolizes that the entire process of samsara or cyclic existence is impermanent, transient, constantly changing. The moon above the wheel indicates liberation. The Buddha is pointing to the moon, indicating that liberation from samsara is possible …
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As I said, I can accept the concept of rebirth of some sort of personal essence/soul into various states and worlds and dimensions, but have trouble accepting the 'common' idea of repetitive reincarnation upon this planet.
Ditto that.
Thanks Aup. As I said, I can accept the concept of rebirth of some sort of personal essence/soul into various states and worlds and dimensions, but have trouble accepting the 'common' idea of repetitive reincarnation upon this planet.
No one is forcing you to do that. :D
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No one is forcing you to do that. :D
Where Hinduism believes we probably go through many human rebirths upon this planet, Buddhism believes a human birth is special and not likely to be repeated? Just trying to get clarity?

I mean to get clarity in my own mind
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Well, as an atheist Advaitist Hindu, I too believe there is no rebirth in the main-line Hindu sense, though I stand for chemical recycling, if anyone takes that as rebirth. After my death, the molecules of my body will be omnipresent in the world, perhaps one in Antarctica and another in Arctic. :D
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Ditto that.
OK, that makes 3 we can cross off the list of potential Hasidic Jews. I shouldn’t slight @Cino so let’s make that 4! (All noted with the rabbi’s tongue firmly in cheek.)
OK, that makes 3 we can cross off the list of potential Hasidic Jews. I shouldn’t slight @Cino so let’s make that 4! (All noted with the rabbi’s tongue firmly in cheek.)

Thank you. My understanding of Hasidic belief in transmigration is very basic, can you elaborate?
No one is forcing you to do that. :D
I really like that about your comments in this thread!

If you are X than you will be reincarnated.

If you are Y than you will return to dust

If you are saved you will go to heaven

You are expressing the various beliefs (as i see it) as fact...

This is what you/they believe and you/they will be saddled by the parameters of that belief.

That to me is incredibly refreshing.

It falls into the "Don't believe in gay marriage? Dont do it. Don't believe in abortion? Dont get one." For mě.
do you believe in reincarnation and why?

The individual soul reincarnates BUT the present ego does NOT reincarnate.

The soul transmigrates to a new birth as per past karma allows. But with a whole new set of bodily identification.
If I think as a theist - sure, bodily identifications are not carried over. But karmas are. And they will have some effect on ego. The slate is not wiped out, Prarabhda Karmas.
So, I think, ego too reincarnates. Though it may have been modified by stays in heaven and hell.
Sort of, more knowing now, or chastened. :)

Jada Bharata was born as a simpleton, but he still had the knowledge of Brahman, etc.
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