awkward squadnik
sheesh, dauer. is there anyone jewish in the bible you actually like??
Sacredstar said:Dear Dauer
Its so interesting how we all view things differently.
"Solomon did not convict either woman at all. He allowed them to convict themselves."
In my view this is the true wisdom and the Grace of GOD.
To not judge or make judgement, but to allow the darkness to come into the light of day. And to allow humanity to see it for themselves, the darkness of their own ways. Allowing us to be our own judges, through our own conscience and heart of being. As they say 'what comes around goes around' in my view this is the natural and true nature of the universe and the way it is meant to BE.
Love beyond measure
Sacredstar said:Dear Dauer
Please tell me of the crazy ones likes Elijah......
Love beyond measure
Sacredstar said:Dear Dauer
Sounds like me....big smiles!
Is that all? LOL
It made me laugh when I read the passage about Noah getting drunk and his sons getting his clothes for him. At least they were human but not sure I understand why it was deemed to be important enough to be part of biblical scripture????
Is there any explanation of this in Judasim?
I had a big debate on another forum about drink and biblical figures especially as Jesus was called a drunkard and a glutton.
being love
I know for the same reason you "know" what you know. After researching and cross referencing and comparrison, I chose to accept what I was told and read, as being true, for me.dauer said:How do you know this? Is it because the narrators tell you to know this? Would you know what the narrators told you to know if you lived in communist russia and read histories of the world? dauer
juantoo3 said:Bump for relevence to the Melchizedek thread, especially posts 27-30. Hope this helps.