Jesus has freed us from being slaves to obligation

fadded blue jeans

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OBLIGATION it sure can inslave one agian very quickly .. A commercial comes on the air showing a starving child dying of hunger in some strange land .. it appears to be a christian commercial asking for just twenty five dollars a month .. but if one looks closly what right does any christian have playing on the emotions of other making them feel guilty by the commercial they show? yes even christians fall in to the trap of making other slaves to obligation .. God does not want anything from us out of obligation ..



SO NOW even charity should be given out of a cheerful heart zealous out of thanks to what Jesus has WON AND done .. NOT OUT OF OBLIGATION OR GUILT TRIPS.. like ma, ma liked to give us..

obligation and guit trip commercials have gotten so bad now even non christian persons have figured out how to play on the emotions of christians asking money from christians FOR NON CHRISTIAN religious festivals ..

tv comercials are not cheap by any means ..

the worse thing about all this its stealing freedom found only in christ and making people once again slaves to obligation and guilt trips
So Jesus said, "Screw the poor. You aren't obligated to help them. Just cut a deal with me and I'll let you into heaven." That's lame.
William B wrote:
So Jesus said, "Screw the poor. You aren't obligated to help them. Just cut a deal with me and I'll let you into heaven." That's lame.

Hi William, while I can see how you come to this interpretation from what fadded blue jeans wrote; he did however say, that while people shouldn't help the poor from feelings of guilt, they should however help the poor out of love.
So, I am not sure if your comment above is taking this into account.

Now, I did say that I could see how you came to your conclusion expressed through your quote. For the most part, when I hear talk from Christians about how Jesus has done it all, how we don't have to DO anything, that we shouldn't help out of obligation, but everything should be done out of love for what Jesus has done for us, while there is truth in these statements, the reality is that the majority of people who say these kinds of things are people that are dead set against doing ANYTHING that Jesus said, and that would include helping the poor.

I think it's important to help the poor, and I think the best motivation should be out of love, rather than guilt or coercion. However, if we all wait until we have the right motivation to do anything, i.e. help the poor, then I think we'll be waiting a very long time.
Oh, one last thought, Jesus did say that when we had done all the things he had commanded us (of which helping the poor fits right in), we should say, ''we have done only that which is our DUTY to do''.

Duty....obligation? If one is a servant, then they have a duty, they have an obligation. We are obligated to help our fellow human beings. That obligation however doesn't have to be through guilt, but love, but either way you want to roll the dice, we have a responsibility.

Evidently all you fellows would rather go to bed with wives that have to OUT OF OBLIGATION AND DUTY ..

Try loving them unconditionaly EACH AND EVERY MINUTE OF EACH AND EVERY DAY as the God of Christianity loves you ..

After all wouldnt you to ? rather have wves that went to bed with you because they wanted to... not because they had to.. BECAUSE IT WAS THEIR DUTY THEIR OBLIGATION
Haven't yet answered the question. If I have no duty or obligation or motivation to do what is good and I am saved, why should I ever do anything good? Why shouldn't I just sit back and starve myself until I am taken away?
Evidently all you fellows would rather go to bed with wives that have to OUT OF OBLIGATION AND DUTY ..
You are sort of saying you want to f*** the poor because you get off on it. "Oh, yeah. Let me j*** on your face you poor people." Your religion is really messed up.
You are sort of saying you want to f*** the poor because you get off on it. "Oh, yeah. Let me j*** on your face you poor people." Your religion is really messed up.

and here I was just going to tell faded blue jeans we come here for discussions, not sermons.

but seems I need to also mention we come here for amicable discussions, they can get heated, they can go to the edge, but this type of response is not beneficial to discussion.
and here I was just going to tell faded blue jeans we come here for discussions, not sermons.

but seems I need to also mention we come here for amicable discussions, they can get heated, they can go to the edge, but this type of response is not beneficial to discussion.

when i joined i fuly exspected a lot worse .. i think its going rather well ..

you havent even kicked me out yet :eek:
im new here .. you mean interfaith discussion dont normaly make people angry :confused: and here i thought it was all going rather normaly..

i think i know why now my pastors will have nothing to do with them thooigh;)
Haven't yet answered the question. If I have no duty or obligation or motivation to do what is good and I am saved, why should I ever do anything good? Why shouldn't I just sit back and starve myself until I am taken away?

who said you had no motivation I thought it was clear your motivation was the unconditional Love for you by God ,, No one said you could not reject it spit in his face and be a judas .. judas did many dont. THE DAMING FAULT OF JUDAS WAS NOT HIS BETRAL.. but his rejection of Christ forgivness for his betrayl. He hung himself .
You are sort of saying you want to f*** the poor because you get off on it. "Oh, yeah. Let me j*** on your face you poor people." Your religion is really messed up.

hI WILLIAM WOULD YOU MIND TELLING EVERY ONE what faith group you represent?:D
William B wrote:

Hi William, while I can see how you come to this interpretation from what fadded blue jeans wrote; he did however say, that while people shouldn't help the poor from feelings of guilt, they should however help the poor out of love.
So, I am not sure if your comment above is taking this into account.

Now, I did say that I could see how you came to your conclusion expressed through your quote. For the most part, when I hear talk from Christians about how Jesus has done it all, how we don't have to DO anything, that we shouldn't help out of obligation, but everything should be done out of love for what Jesus has done for us, while there is truth in these statements, the reality is that the majority of people who say these kinds of things are people that are dead set against doing ANYTHING that Jesus said, and that would include helping the poor.

I think it's important to help the poor, and I think the best motivation should be out of love, rather than guilt or coercion. However, if we all wait until we have the right motivation to do anything, i.e. help the poor, then I think we'll be waiting a very long time.

But you forget thankfully we have the Williams of the world.. who have been snookered into Thinking They have to do it uinder threat of damnation ..:D and they far out number the rest of us .
And then you also Forget About The self righteous ness of the athieists .. who are trying to please a god they say does not even exist.. a god whom they don't even know.. with out them Who could put up the billions of dollars of guilt money that also buys them bragging rights on television ..
when i joined i fuly exspected a lot worse .. i think its going rather well ..

you havent even kicked me out yet :eek:
So you came here to get kicked out?

Why exacly would you do that?

Many come with the intent to spread their thought...but in order to be effective with that you have to stick around, gain respect, and folks might actually listen. Or you could become a flash in the pan that no one ever hears from again.


who said you had no motivation I thought it was clear your motivation was the unconditional Love for you by God ,, No one said you could not reject it spit in his face and be a judas .. judas did many dont. THE DAMING FAULT OF JUDAS WAS NOT HIS BETRAL.. but his rejection of Christ forgivness for his betrayl. He hung himself .
WhEn OnE use CapitAls to EMphasiXe a POint one should Consider Spelchext.

Just a suggestion.

Seems to me Judas was told by Jesus to go and do what he must...I don't recall him spitting in his face...what version do you use?
So you came here to get kicked out?

Why exacly would you do that?

Many come with the intent to spread their thought...but in order to be effective with that you have to stick around, gain respect, and folks might actually listen. Or you could become a flash in the pan that no one ever hears from again.


WhEn OnE use CapitAls to EMphasiXe a POint one should Consider Spelchext.

Just a suggestion.

Seems to me Judas was told by Jesus to go and do what he must...I don't recall him spitting in his face...what version do you use?

i came here thinking I would be in a hostile territory.. I dont exspect you or any one else to treat me fairly. My being heard . honestly is not important you know that i know that .. who am i but a flash in the pan as you so rightly say.. .

your right there was no literal spit in the face of Jesus by Judas but a non literal spit in the face happened just the same,,

I can promise you one thing if i stay .. You will find how much more eduated you are then me..

You will find im not as smart as you or as every one else .. But you will also Find how God uses my disabilities to my advantage..;)

I know things others can never get . i pity them There brains simply Gets in the way
of God given faith

when i use a english bible then
I Perfer Lutheran pastor Dr Beck's translation

when i use the german
it will be Luthers translation..
fadded blue jeans said:
i came here thinking I would be in a hostile territory..
You can listen to other people without feeling like its an attack, and you can talk without being in charge.
I can promise you one thing if i stay .. You will find how much more eduated you are then me..
There isn't a leader here. Educated people can be humble.
There brains simply Gets in the way of God given faith
Pride gets in the way. Brains are ok.
i came here thinking I would be in a hostile territory

The problem is that the expectation is creating the situation... be more mindful of this, please.

You are not going to convert anyone, it is not possible... all you can do is offer what you have to give and let them decide to accept or reject. Any conversion you might enable is still the others doing, not yours. Christianity has created an obligation of attempting conversation so everyone understands what you are doing, but you will need to learn to be more tactful, more communicative and constructive.

I can promise you one thing if i stay .. You will find how much more eduated you are then me..

Why this negative self-image? If you dislike something about yourself, take action to correct it, but don't beat yourself up over it - this accomplishes nothing at all. You are perfect as you are, you have the ability to affect any change you wish, but this statement is very self-defeating. You have identified yourself as stupid, in this you will ensure you remain stupid. Your disability is not a valid excuse, it just means you will have to come up with devices that make things easier for yourself.

In Christian terms, you are created in God's image... perfection has created you out of that perfection, how can you be less than perfect? Do not attach to this either though, this will result in feeding your ego, you will go deeper into sin. You are perfectly right that your differing brain functioning can assist you in seeing what others will miss, but it is wrong to say it is a disability, it is simply not ordinary and people have not understood how to cater to your needs.

It seems the problem is that you have not catered to your needs either, instead you have simply accepted and convinced yourself it has benefits that supersede education. It is not so, you will simply have a fresh spin on that education...