Mahamudra - the great orgasm



Is there anyone familiar with this?

This is most correctly what I experienced, but there seems to be little dialog about it on these forums.

It is the ultimate of Tantra - although I'm reading about Tantra for really the first time recently. Tantra is a branch of Buddhism which gets a bad rap because of the sexual ramifications, and often practices of those wishing to abuse it. My experience was triggered by contemplation and meditation on a Buddhist statement, so it is not surprising to me at all that they would be related.

I have said this before, however, that it was exactly like an intense orgasm and a merging of myself and other - God. It is widely accepted that sexual energy is exactly the same energy which flowers into enlightenment - this is actually why celibacy is taught, to preserve this energy. Often, in really passionate sex, even a non-practitioner will encounter a point where two merge into one, they will be utterly lost in it. The same is true of Mahamudra, only instead of another person it is the whole...

Any thoughts on the topic?
But of course! That is the point!:p
Can just as easily go to sleep {hence the **yawn**} so you can be awoken {enlightened.}

Ever notice how **yawns** are often contagious? You **yawn,** and then someone else **yawns,** then next thing you know everyone is **yawning.**
Why do I feel dirty whenever I come to this thread?

Damnit seattlegal :p
A lot of people react that way. Tantra is a very hard sell in the West. That was a major reason Osho-BSR had so much trouble in Oregon.
A lot of people react that way. Tantra is a very hard sell in the West. That was a major reason Osho-BSR had so much trouble in Oregon.

I am actually reading his series "Tantra: The Ultimate Message" right now... beautiful man!

It is a shame that he is finally becoming accepted after 20 years of leaving this world, I would have liked to be alive when he was teaching - I was only 6 when he passed.

It is funny though, his words on Tantra are not so different from his words on any other topic. People will fight and fight to remain in their prisons though, they seem to want their forced repression, it is very odd.
This thread is awesome, every time I come back I smile.

I sort of wanna correct it and talk about the great insights of Tilopa, but I like smiling more... sort of fitting since he goes on saying to accept everything.
why do people have to be such... fetishists? Can't anyone just shag anymore?

Mahamudra is not (necessarily) sexual, it is simply compared to the ecstasy of orgasm, that it is as if every cell in the body is simultaneously experiencing the most potent orgasm possible.