Illuminati nothing compared to Zoroastrianism



I believe that Dan Brown's works are equivalent to those reality TV shows on haunted houses. They serve a purpose in entertaining our curiosities, but in the end there is no pay off. The only value in secret societies as well as religions organizations, in other words political organizations is to suppress the truth, but what can a secret society do when the truth is truly out there? What I've been talking about on the other hand, putting key concepts influential in religious organization "God," "Heavean and Hell," in terms of Intellectual Property Regimes, and in economic terms, is the definition of knowledge power, and is what "The Da vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons" should have been about. Am I right or am I right?
Intellectual property rights on those kind of terms are a little hard for me to swallow. My conception of G!d is some Divine creativity and consciousness and has little or nothing to do with the "typical" Z-J-C-I-B (Abrahamic religions') definition. Brown is fiction (okay, kinda wierd fiction): he built on some earlier work by others who, in turn built on the work of others. We are all dwarves standing on the shoulders of giants.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt.
I believe that Dan Brown's works are equivalent to those reality TV shows on haunted houses. They serve a purpose in entertaining our curiosities, but in the end there is no pay off. The only value in secret societies as well as religions organizations, in other words political organizations is to suppress the truth, but what can a secret society do when the truth is truly out there?
No secret society, simply conspiracies and a movie based on old outdated conspiracy theories for profit, pure and simple fiction and fun.
What I've been talking about on the other hand, putting key concepts influential in religious organization "God," "Heavean and Hell," in terms of Intellectual Property Regimes, and in economic terms, is the definition of knowledge power, and is what "The Da vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons" should have been about. Am I right or am I right?
You are wrong. Your patent has run out, it has been in the unclaimed file for 3,000 years and is no longer applicable.

However your continued tilting at windmills has one Mr. Quixote the 14th a little perterbed and you may expect a missive from his litigator at any moment.
You guys crack me up. I swear you gave me a good laugh. I needed that. First of all an idea is not patentable because the law would not define an idea as an invention. However there is Sui Generis Rights, and it is a recent concept, but it is a concept that is way more human than IP law in the United States because seriously, you're comparing apples and oranges. I mean WTF? I don't care if the idea was developed yesterday or 3000 years ago. Why would the Aryans let anyone, Jew, Christian, or Muslim use their ideas for political gain. I came here with an open heart. I told you upfront that I am an atheist. This is not about God, this is about business. If you don't believe in a God according to the definition of the Abrahamic religions then you're cool, but if you are and you're making money off of it and that includes tithes, then you have a problem on your hands. Because you're using ideas that do not rightfully belong to you, and this American is wide awake of the inequities. And I hope you don't believe in the Abrahamic God, and have a problem with what I'm talking about because why why the heck would it be so easy for you to believe in that and not what I'm talking about? How about you start telling the world the truth about the Zoroastrian origin of the Abrahamic ideologies including ideas like "one God" and then you can make jokes because I talk to people everyday about the pre-Islamic religion of Afghanistan and Iran and virtually no one knows shite about those facts. And how about telling people who the real Aryans are in the world. I mean the Aryans that the term Aryan came from (Afghans, Iranians, Tajiks. Kurds, etc...) , and not a hypothetical common ancestor of the Indo-European people.
I'm not quite sure I follow your logic, do you feel that there was an original that was somehow invented? That some people sat down and thought up Zoroastrianism?
I know next to nothing about ancient cultures so I can't counter with facts, but it is simply not the way the world works in my understanding of it.

As radar quoted

Peter Greenaway said:
I think that every artist dreams of renewing the forms which came before, but I think very few can be considered to have achieved that. We are all dwarves standing upon the shoulders of the giants who preceded us, and I think we must never forget that. After all, even iconoclasts only exist with respect to that which they destroy.
I'm not quite sure I follow your logic, do you feel that there was an original that was somehow invented? That some people sat down and thought up Zoroastrianism?
I know next to nothing about ancient cultures so I can't counter with facts, but it is simply not the way the world works in my understanding of it.

As radar quoted

The world works that way. It's called Sui Generis Rights. The United States doesn't work that way.

Zoroastrianism was the product of the original Aryans. Man first conceived of God and other key concepts influential upon the Abrahamic faiths during the Zoroastrian era.
The world works that way. It's called Sui Generis Rights. The United States doesn't work that way.

Zoroastrianism was the product of the original Aryans. Man first conceived of God and other key concepts influential upon the Abrahamic faiths during the Zoroastrian era.

I say we pay ten trillion dollars to every living Zoroastrian in that original circle around the fire, that created the latest mythology of their day.

AS for the past 75 generations of them, that have squandered their inheritance and left their belief a simple also ran in the society of religions....they get nothng, for if it weren't for the Jews, then Christians, then Muslims....monotheism obviously would not even have gotten off the ground. (better hope they don't have a counter suit for keeping your theory alive)

all in favor say aye eya yas rovaf ni lla
oh I've had pitchers of guiness tossed on me by our beloved sg and actually enjoyed it...

but I've yet to get a pfft....

(not to say it may have not been deserved...or thought of....)
you can tile this so you can have endless Guinness :p
The world works that way. It's called Sui Generis Rights. The United States doesn't work that way.
You are mistaken. The Anglo-American law invented the law of patents and copyrights with the rationale that, if inventors and authors were given exclusive rights for a limited time, this would create incentive for the creation of more ideas which would then be in the public domain. There is no motivation whatsoever to create a legal structure giving exclusive rights to ideas for all time. Outside the Anglo-American system, there wasn't any such thing as exclusive rights even for a limited time, until the Anglo-American law was copied elsewhere.
Zoroastrianism was the product of the original Aryans.
You are mistaken. What the original Aryans created was the exuberant polytheism that Zoroaster hated and despised; modern Zoroastrianism incorporates a lot of those old deities, but Zoroaster himself would have considered that a treasonous blasphemy.
Man first conceived of God and other key concepts influential upon the Abrahamic faiths during the Zoroastrian era.
You are mistaken. The notion of "God" has arisen in various forms in multiple cultures, often long predating Zoroastrianism. There are definitely concepts borrowed from Zoroastrianism in the Abrahamic faiths, such as the whole notion of The Devil as an anti-God, and the hosts of angels and demons emanating from God and the Devil, and afterlives in heaven and hell-- but I would consider all of that to be unfortunate baggage which would be better thrown away.
I say we pay ten trillion dollars to every living Zoroastrian in that original circle around the fire, that created the latest mythology of their day.

AS for the past 75 generations of them, that have squandered their inheritance and left their belief a simple also ran in the society of religions....they get nothng, for if it weren't for the Jews, then Christians, then Muslims....monotheism obviously would not even have gotten off the ground. (better hope they don't have a counter suit for keeping your theory alive)

all in favor say aye eya yas rovaf ni lla

No that's obviously not the way it would work. Zoroastrianism is the cultural heritage of the Aryan people (Afghans, Iranians, Tajiks, Kurds, etc...) therefore compensation would go to Aryan people, but not directly into their pockets, rather into an Aryan Heritage Foundation, a legitimate non-profit organization that seeks to defend Aryan culture from identity theft (e.g. non-Aryans promoting racial conceptions of the Aryan designation in schools), from exploiting the living heritage of the Aryan people including ideas like "God," and "Heaven and Hell," and presenting a more positive portrayal of Aryan culture contrary to the continuous lowballing by "westerners" and selling out by Aryans themselves I see in pop culture here. It's like ok ok I get it the Aryan people aren't perfect, but this it's becoming friggin ridiculous. What's going on in the "west" is so blatantly obvious propaganda. When it comes to big budget films and the Greek phenomenon I can recall Clash of the Titans, Troy, 300, Alexander, my Big Fat Greek Wedding, and that doesn't even include documentaries, but when it comes to big budget films and the Aryan phenomenon I can only recall one Prince of Persia, a movie that was based on a friggin video game, and has no historical value other than people will come out recalling that Persia was a place with nothing to compare how vast it was. The recent small budget movies that I recall are all movies that portray the Aryans as pedofiles, Osama, Kite Runner, and more recently the Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, and House of Sand and Fog. No one has tried to do any real educating, and therefore I equate the people who are behind our educational systems, and pop culture no better than the Taliban in succeeding to suppress Aryan culture as well as defame it. I think that the moment "westerners" cut the bs, start to man up, and say nice things about Aryan culture that the world will be better off. And as far as Sui Generis Rights, it's the way of the future, and the sooner the United States gets on board with this policy, the world will be better off. The Cold War is over remember? The war against communism was won the day the last Soviet troop withdrew from Afghanistan.
And as far as Sui Generis Rights, it's the way of the future
I do not see anyone in the world supporting your peculiar notion. There is no incentive to do so. The wave of the future seems to be rather in the opposite direction, of de-criminalizing "intellectual piracy" and simply allowing anyone to copy anything they can get ahold of. Certainly China shows no interest in enforcing copyright or patent law, and their influence will grow.
No that's obviously not the way it would work. Zoroastrianism is the cultural heritage of the Aryan people (Afghans, Iranians, Tajiks, Kurds, etc...) therefore compensation would go to Aryan people, but not directly into their pockets, rather into an Aryan Heritage Foundation, a legitimate non-profit organization that seeks to defend Aryan culture from identity theft (e.g. non-Aryans promoting racial conceptions of the Aryan designation in schools), from exploiting the living heritage of the Aryan people including ideas like "God," and "Heaven and Hell," and presenting a more positive portrayal of Aryan culture contrary to the continuous lowballing by "westerners" and selling out by Aryans themselves I see in pop culture here. It's like ok ok I get it the Aryan people aren't perfect, but this it's becoming friggin ridiculous. What's going on in the "west" is so blatantly obvious propaganda. When it comes to big budget films and the Greek phenomenon I can recall Clash of the Titans, Troy, 300, Alexander, my Big Fat Greek Wedding, and that doesn't even include documentaries, but when it comes to big budget films and the Aryan phenomenon I can only recall one Prince of Persia, a movie that was based on a friggin video game, and has no historical value other than people will come out recalling that Persia was a place with nothing to compare how vast it was. The recent small budget movies that I recall are all movies that portray the Aryans as pedofiles, Osama, Kite Runner, and more recently the Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, and House of Sand and Fog. No one has tried to do any real educating, and therefore I equate the people who are behind our educational systems, and pop culture no better than the Taliban in succeeding to suppress Aryan culture as well as defame it. I think that the moment "westerners" cut the bs, start to man up, and say nice things about Aryan culture that the world will be better off. And as far as Sui Generis Rights, it's the way of the future, and the sooner the United States gets on board with this policy, the world will be better off. The Cold War is over remember? The war against communism was won the day the last Soviet troop withdrew from Afghanistan.

There is nothing under sui generis that I can find that applies in this manner that you describe. Sui generis in connection with specific aboriginal cultures is either limited to the specific land connected with that culture, or to allow specific cultures to shape their educational system within their culture. It's basically the opposite of standardization in this respect. It does not entail reverse standardization, which seems to be what you are advocating.
There is nothing under sui generis that I can find that applies in this manner that you describe. Sui generis in connection with specific aboriginal cultures is either limited to the specific land connected with that culture, or to allow specific cultures to shape their educational system within their culture. It's basically the opposite of standardization in this respect. It does not entail reverse standardization, which seems to be what you are advocating.

If you go onto UNESCO'S Cultural Heritage website you'll find a list of different forms of intangible cultural heritage that is protectable including Traditional Knowledge. The following article describes an instance where the third party usage of a concept "native American shapeshifting into wolves" that is part of a particular societies larger ancient mythology became an issue for a people.

Sui Generis Rights for the Protection
of Traditional Cultural Expressions

And this is not necessarily a totally original concept in that there are no parallels to other societies. Herodotus speaks of Scythians shapeshifting into wolves, but the fact that the shapeshifters were native American made the concept distinct enough to drive it's respective living recreators to make some noise.

This case also reminds me of how the Jewish community was in an uproar for believing their culture to have been misrepresented in the Passion, and if I'm not mistaken there was compensation in the form of a donation at the end of their ordeal.

And the concepts I'm talking about are original in that they had no parallel to the conceptual components contained in the rest of the world's mythologies during the time if their conception, yet they are confusable enough with later conceptual developments attested by the Abrahamic people.
If you go onto UNESCO'S Cultural Heritage website you'll find a list of different forms of intangible cultural heritage that is protectable including Traditional Knowledge. The following article describes an instance where the third party usage of a concept "native American shapeshifting into wolves" that is part of a particular societies larger ancient mythology became an issue for a people.

Sui Generis Rights for the Protection
of Traditional Cultural Expressions

And this is not necessarily a totally original concept in that there are no parallels to other societies. Herodotus speaks of Scythians shapeshifting into wolves, but the fact that the shapeshifters were native American made the concept distinct enough to drive it's respective living recreators to make some noise.

This case also reminds me of how the Jewish community was in an uproar for believing their culture to have been misrepresented in the Passion, and if I'm not mistaken there was compensation in the form of a donation at the end of their ordeal.

And the concepts I'm talking about are original in that they had no parallel to the conceptual components contained in the rest of the world's mythologies during the time if their conception, yet they are confusable enough with later conceptual developments attested by the Abrahamic people.

lol, Zoroastrianism, Inc.? ROFLMAO!

Culture, by definition, is public. Creating a bureaucracy trying to privatize it will not preserve culture, by the very definition of culture.

You are aware that fascism is generally recognized as collective binding, often via joining of corporations and the state? Is this proposed bureaucracy creation anything less?
lol, Zoroastrianism, Inc.? ROFLMAO!

Culture, by definition, is public. Creating a bureaucracy trying to privatize it will not preserve culture, by the very definition of culture.

You are aware that fascism is generally recognized as collective binding, often via joining of corporations and the state? Is this proposed bureaucracy creation anything less?

Hey I'm glad someone's getting a kick out of this, cause I certainly ain't, and the Aryan people who've suffered to preserve the underlying truth of their heritage one invasion to this day must not be very happy about it either. But please don't go throwing big words like "fascism" around to take the focus off the facts. And lets not play semantic games either. Some culture is public some culture is not. In this case it is not, and privatizing it will do justice by the owners or heirs of this cultural heritage by preventing the "borrowers" of this culture from using it for gain and unfair competition, without compensation. This way no one's independent heritage is being exploited, but compensation is also an indication of credit where credit is due. You gotta think there were wars fought over these ideas. The Zoroastrians conceived them, the Jews under the Persians borrowed them, now we have a religious state called Israel, etc..., the Jews gave rise to the Christians who allied themselves against the Romans in attempts to undermine the Zoroastrian states, Judeo-Christianity gave rise to Islam and Muslim influence on the Aryan people.
Hey I'm glad someone's getting a kick out of this, cause I certainly ain't,
I think we all are. I still haven't concluded that you aren't working on a standup routine or a screenplay.
and the Aryan people who've suffered to preserve the underlying truth of their heritage one invasion to this day must not be very happy about it either.
must not? MUST NOT? You mean to tell me that you've created this passion by yourself, this whole thing has been developed souly by the non-believer?
But please don't go throwing big words like "fascism" around to take the focus off the facts.
Facts? That you think somehow the world owes you because it wronged someone unrelated to you thousands of years ago? Did you study ambulance chasing someplace
And lets not play semantic games either. Some culture is public some culture is not.
Surely your not suggesting anti-semantic games now...
In this case it is not, and privatizing it will do justice by the owners or heirs of this cultural heritage by preventing the "borrowers" of this culture from using it for gain and unfair competition, without compensation.
Face it, the Js, Cs, and Ms have beat the Zs to the ends of the alphabet and back.
This way no one's independent heritage is being exploited, but compensation is also an indication of credit where credit is due.
Yeah, you know that maybe the angle....we bought the rights for the use of G!d on a 9,999 year lease, call us back when its over, we'll renogiate if we still want it but by then we might be ready to give it back.
You gotta think there were wars fought over these ideas.
You gotta think? Again we don't know but we'll just make it up? This is a screen play idear you are floating isn't it?
The Zoroastrians conceived them, the Jews under the Persians borrowed them, now we have a religious state called Israel, etc..., the Jews gave rise to the Christians who allied themselves against the Romans in attempts to undermine the Zoroastrian states, Judeo-Christianity gave rise to Islam and Muslim influence on the Aryan people.
Maybe the new Palestinian state could be called Zoroastria.... go ahead and take your idears to Hamas and the UN and come back and tell us how it all worked out.