Beatitudes are a description of samsara?


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This is supposed to be a question, but i can't edit the title :D

Hi, i have always believed some of the new testament is very wrongfully interpreted because of the sole reason given by the constant political mixture with faith that has plagued the christian churches all the time.

One of these misinterpretations are in my view the blessings which should not be seen as advice on how to be but as a mere description of the illusory world we live in. I believe that by enumerating them Jesus simply wanted to warn on how the world steals your divine approach to life and gives in return all kind of false expectations. These do their part and keep you wanting more and coming back to this life. It is a mix of vedic reincarnation belief, budhist view of the physical world and actions named samsara and the christian approach on morality as a means.

What i got was a haiku based description on how each beatitude is actually a form of alarm on the "beatitude" provided by the illusory samsara.

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

the poor in spirit
complex beauty around us
samsara the lie

2. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted

to mourn and comfort
the deceit and violence
painful samsara

3. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth

the meek inherit
poor parents with no fortune
endless samsara

4. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled

thirst for righteousness
a subjective perspective
karmic samsara

5. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

pure hearted God sight
subconscious mind background
samsara the riddle

6. Blessed are: the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy

the mercy exchange
the theory of chaos
fractal samsara

7. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God

child of God makes peace
treaty negotiation
unfair samsara

8. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

sake of righteousness
the principle of reward
abstract samsara

What do you think? :)
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awesome! however my intent was not to preach or to state that i found the ultimate expression of biblical figures of speech :)
What i wanted was to ping anyone who likes haiku, feels the same thing as i did ... a bitterness in the beatitudes, an impossibility close to nothingness of reaching each state described.

See, if anyone is touched in the same way by that sermon then the concept of samsara (the endless experience of reincarnation) might sound terribly familiar.

Its an open invitation to commentary not a dogma on what each beatitude means.

Well, the form is pretty good in Japanese because of all the verbal baggage each character brings. English is much friendlier to Sonnets.

Of course the Beatitudes are sorrowful, bitter. That is why they "get under the skin". And samsara and karma are not too far removed ("we reap what we sow") and check out the Hasidic connection to transmigration.

As for comments: will do that next.