

a buddha
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Portland, Oregon
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

My belief is that we are all one eternal Spirit and that our basic nature is good. We get caught up in the complexities of this game called life, though, and we forget our basic goodness. That's where "evil" comes into play. But we all eventually remember who we really are, either in this life or after it. I think all religions can be paths to this realization.

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who Your Really Are by Alan Watts is my main scripture. I also dig the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the Tao of Pooh, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Heart Sutra,...

My spiritual practice consists of going to church with my family, practicing zazen and mindfulness, playing guitar and singing, drawing and painting, and enjoying life.

This seems like a friendly forum and I'm excited to join in the conversations!:)
Namaste me, lookin good, you remind me of you an old forum mate.

Not that you thinks like me, just that me reminds me of you.

But as for what me has to say and purports to believe, I like it and look forward to discussion.
Namaste me, lookin good, you remind me of you an old forum mate.

Not that you thinks like me, just that me reminds me of you.

But as for what me has to say and purports to believe, I like it and look forward to discussion.

Namaste! I have to say, your post confused me at first, until I remembered what I put as the thread title. Was there really a person on the board who went by the handle, "you?" Lol! You can call me jungleturtle or jt or Lance (my given name). :)
Welcome Jungle turtle, yes, I got so wrapped up in the title somehow I didn't catch that that wasn't your moniker, I suppose as it was just too much fun confusing myself as I wrote it!
A turtle goes paddle, hide, snap. A jungle goes, grow grow grow. A horsey goes rumble prance whinny, and a kangaroo goes chew bounce punch. A snake goes slither coil bite, and a little doggie goes bark bark bark.
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

My belief is that we are all one eternal Spirit and that our basic nature is good. We get caught up in the complexities of this game called life, though, and we forget our basic goodness. That's where "evil" comes into play. But we all eventually remember who we really are, either in this life or after it. I think all religions can be paths to this realization.

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who Your Really Are by Alan Watts is my main scripture. I also dig the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the Tao of Pooh, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Heart Sutra,...

My spiritual practice consists of going to church with my family, practicing zazen and mindfulness, playing guitar and singing, drawing and painting, and enjoying life.

This seems like a friendly forum and I'm excited to join in the conversations!:)

Every thing is beautiful about your life, but one; Your hope that if we don't remember what we really are in this life, we might in the life after this. According to Ecclesiastes 9:5, the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. So, try your best in this life, because it is all that we have.
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

My belief is that we are all one eternal Spirit and that our basic nature is good. We get caught up in the complexities of this game called life, though, and we forget our basic goodness. That's where "evil" comes into play. But we all eventually remember who we really are, either in this life or after it. I think all religions can be paths to this realization.

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who Your Really Are by Alan Watts is my main scripture. I also dig the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the Tao of Pooh, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Heart Sutra,...

My spiritual practice consists of going to church with my family, practicing zazen and mindfulness, playing guitar and singing, drawing and painting, and enjoying life.

This seems like a friendly forum and I'm excited to join in the conversations!:)


This land is curse the time Adan and Eve disobeyed God and that is why evil tries to tempt us to commit sin. We are really good in nature since we are created in the images and likeness of God. I hope you always continue to serve God and stay righteous always. God bless you.
Jungle Turtle said:
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

My belief is that we are all one eternal Spirit and that our basic nature is good. We get caught up in the complexities of this game called life, though, and we forget our basic goodness. That's where "evil" comes into play. But we all eventually remember who we really are, either in this life or after it. I think all religions can be paths to this realization.

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who Your Really Are by Alan Watts is my main scripture. I also dig the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the Tao of Pooh, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Heart Sutra,...

My spiritual practice consists of going to church with my family, practicing zazen and mindfulness, playing guitar and singing, drawing and painting, and enjoying life.

This seems like a friendly forum and I'm excited to join in the conversations!:)
Join right in!