"God's" will, my will, free will ?

Right, and what of it? Scripture is hardly fact.

Doing the Will of another

Whatever happened to the Mother archetype? Much too Pagan/Goddess-like?

You've proven my point even more . . . this is NOT Freedom of Will.

The problem is the denial of the female counterpart. However the female should never be treated like the male which can be confused because she is the feminine half. I am glad to see at least you acknowlsdge the facts . In reference to the female counterpart god is also called her protector.

The Lord also says who understands.Here are a few passages.Put them together and see what you can find.

This is a nice image of unity with wOrds.

Well its always a prince who rescues a princess isnt it?

lovely thread !
this & its mother-thread on "Good & Evil"

but it reminds me why scientists & philosophers & theologians
begin their endeavors by setting down some definitions
so they don't (endlessly) talk at cross-purposes with each other

who was it that called this kind of ad-hoc discussion , "conversation by analogy" ?
u each harboring (protectively) u'r own klatch of "meaningful" metaphors

as my pal Stevi once told me
the meaning of life is not metaphorical

Stevi insisted that u have to (instead)
either stop talking about "meaning" & start talking about (cold hard) "truth"
in a definitive way
or get dead-serious about "meaning" &
distil those contexts which actually apply
{originally posted 10-24-2011}​
for instance

time-travel back 2 billion years
to the young earth with its new ocean
suddenly teeming with single-celled life

each cell competing against every other single-cell for available nutrients

eventually (by accident) some of these individual cells bump up against each other
& cluster
& find that together they can corral more nutrients-per-cell than they can traveling solo
(they're called eukaryotic organisms)

these clusters organize in better & better (more efficient) ways

what started as an accidental physical event of contact
becomes a concerted drive toward community-building
(building an entirely new kind of eco-system , in the process)

many of the scientists who look at this clustering phenomenon , see it as
a very basic (but very real) evidence of intelligence at work in nature

let the "heroic" single-cells go it alone , if they want
but the "meek"
(who surrender a portion of their "free-will" to community-building)
shall inherit the earth
(sharing is the more intelligent thing to do , nutrient-wise)

(down thru the drama of evolution)
are the heroic solo figures (like reptiles) more "free" ?
more free than the intelligent communal figures (like mammals) ?

aboriginal single-cells are "designed" (genetically) to survive alone , my friend Stevi points out
except that the course of evolution
works against aboriginal design
yes , that is what intelligence does

intelligence is a "results-oriented" (Pragmatic) law of nature

Stevi quips (only half-jokingly)
the Second Law of Evolution should define life as
intelligent anti-design

& maybe that is what u each should be talking about
& not (de-contextualized & ungrounded) abstractions about "freedom"

The problem is the denial of the female counterpart. However the female should never be treated like the male which can be confused because she is the feminine half. I am glad to see at least you acknowlsdge the facts . In reference to the female counterpart god is also called her protector.
By this statement you are saying god is a male? Surely an omnipotent entity would be both . . . how would He know the Feminine otherwise?