Originally Posted by bhaktajan
The "Metrics of Everything" other than the "metric of Zero" can be measured
Isn't neti-neti the measurement of zero?
Is the term "neti-neti" the
measurement of zero?
No. Wrong understanding of the term.
It's like saying "
"One plus Two equals Four" . . . so please except that statement as payment . . . in lieu of Cash".
Neti-neti is the intellectual exercise of seeking out Godhead and/or Enlightenment ---and thus Doing a "Check-off List Proceedure" of encounters along the spiritual path:
- Neti-neti ---No Not This Thing.
- Neti-neti ---No Not This Thing either.
- Neti-neti ---No Not This Thing either . . . ad-infinitum
Repeat this process until there is nothing else here in the material world to check-off the list of encountered circumstances and/or lifetime experieneces as "Neti-Neti" . . . and then . . . one arrives at "Brahman".
Brahman is the underlying omnipresent Space inwhich the three-Gunas throw the Material Elements into flux and thus We individual spirit-souls [jiv-atmas] have a place to surjourn birth after birth while tied to the re-actions of one's past actions (Fruits-of-one's-actions-preformed-in-the-past; aka,
After rising through all the stratums of Spercies of Life from ameobas to vertibrates to bi-peds to humans to celestial denisens . . . and back down and sideways and up and down all over the karmic spectrum of "Acts" ---one finally, after sincere reasoning is developed to do so, One begins the Neti-Neti intellectual exercise to seek out that which is absolute.
The Absolute Truth of the Mystery of Life is the Personage of Godhead and His own name, fame, form, personality, paraphenalia, entourage and pastimes ---all of which transpire in a Non-Material, Transcendent to time mode, aka, Spirit-Energy (daivyam-prakriti) ---all of which is neti-neti this nor neti-netu that.
Brahman realisation comes before Param-atma (God as plenary expansions localised in the heart and situated along-side each living creature Individual Soul) ---this two realisations comes before the Final Realisation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Such revelations cannot be accepted from any source other than the direct disciplic succession of the Absolute Supreme Truth that is Godheads Personage Himself, and none other source can be relied upon to reveal such an Absolute Truth of Personhood of God other than God Himself.
Furthermore, such an absolute constitution of Godhead being His own specific person [while our predicament here in the transcient material world has us all changing bodies and ego-constructs birth after birth in search of positioning ourself as Lord-or-all-we-survey] points out that an absolute Truth is Absolute and not replacable by Neti-Neti alternatives no matter how long one searches for alternates to God being Hisown Absolute personage without being "affected" by the coming and goings of Material Affairs where Time exists and transpires and bringing everything in the world of Duality [ala, 'ying & yang'] to a contimuous cycle of "creation, maintenance & desolution".
seeking to become reborn anymore and to become unborne once again as I was before I left God's audience and starting taking birth-after-birth since time-immemorial (aka,
Hare Krishna,