what actually is DUALITY??????



dear members
please give us your ideas..which types of revealations can lead to DUALITY thoughts in the mind?? and which types of revealation is not touch by duality?? revealations are 2 types,,,directly from god with nothing in between..and the second is with something in between like angels...so where duality is? is this dangerous? it leads us to?? please discuss with me
All identification becomes the grounds for your separation, then you begin to see all other phenomenon as something distinct as well...

Your name
Your family
Your country
Your religion
The very statement "I"
Everything which provides for the ego... all of it has to be dropped to transcend duality.
All identification becomes the grounds for your separation, then you begin to see all other phenomenon as something distinct as well...

Your name
Your family
Your country
Your religion
The very statement "I"
Everything which provides for the ego... all of it has to be dropped to transcend duality.

yes a good answer also.. what if i say DUALITY is taking place when there is a wrong self identity, that means when we are taking 2 to be our true self.. mind and body,, and the soul total of 2.. duality thoughts can be avoided if we are taking our true self the soul only.. mind and body just the outer garments.. the outer garments only show us the play of maya, heaven and hell is included in it.. the pure ego or spirit is the only entity that can escape from maya and get liberted from cycles of birth and death..mind is not independent, it depends on air, if there is no air it dies..so it s journeys are also limited..it cannot take is far..body is not independent, it depend on food and water.. so this also cannot take us far eventhough it is perfect and pure.. so now the only entity left in our body which is independent not dependent on food water and air is the soul.. the soul eats THE NAMES OF GOD.. this is the one that can take us to god head.. any comments? this is my oppinion. thanks
let your eye be single....

duality....doesn't duality allow us to read this post? Black letters on a white background?

Is there a difference between duality and contrast?
Ah, wil. Taoism and Ch'an both give you a tremendous river of sources for this (not that you need them). All these dualities do "fall out in the end" perhaps, but the dualities are what make contrasts contrasting.
yes a good answer also.. what if i say DUALITY is taking place when there is a wrong self identity, that means when we are taking 2 to be our true self.. mind and body,, and the soul total of 2.. duality thoughts can be avoided if we are taking our true self the soul only.. mind and body just the outer garments.. the outer garments only show us the play of maya, heaven and hell is included in it.. the pure ego or spirit is the only entity that can escape from maya and get liberted from cycles of birth and death..mind is not independent, it depends on air, if there is no air it dies..so it s journeys are also limited..it cannot take is far..body is not independent, it depend on food and water.. so this also cannot take us far eventhough it is perfect and pure.. so now the only entity left in our body which is independent not dependent on food water and air is the soul.. the soul eats THE NAMES OF GOD.. this is the one that can take us to god head.. any comments? this is my oppinion. thanks

You are saying the same in a more complex - in a more mind-oriented - way.
let your eye be single....

duality....doesn't duality allow us to read this post? Black letters on a white background?

Is there a difference between duality and contrast?

Duality is what permits experience, it is exactly the contrast which makes our existence possible.
Ah, wil. Taoism and Ch'an both give you a tremendous river of sources for this (not that you need them). All these dualities do "fall out in the end" perhaps, but the dualities are what make contrasts contrasting.

"Constrasts constrasting"

Duality is just the contrast, the difference between this and that.

Enlightenment is the dropping of this and that, to realize contrast is false.
Duality is the polar extreme of the same thing . . . it is not two opposites.
It occurs when the True Self/Essence reflects upon itself and begins the down-stepping of frequency towards the material being.
In other words, separation of subjective and objective universes.
Duality is the polar extreme of the same thing . . . it is not two opposites.
It occurs when the True Self/Essence reflects upon itself and begins the down-stepping of frequency towards the material being.

Nice! I agree completely!

In other words, separation of subjective and objective universes.

In other words, it is the separation between the spiritual and physical universe
Duality is the polar extreme of the same thing . . . it is not two opposites.
It occurs when the True Self/Essence reflects upon itself and begins the down-stepping of frequency towards the material being.
In other words, separation of subjective and objective universes.

Nice! I agree completely!

In other words, it is the separation between the spiritual and physical universe

From the Hsin Hsin Ming:

To return to the root is to find the meaning, but to pursue appearances is to miss the source.​
Duality comes from "pursuing appearances," imo.

Compare Tao Te Ching 1: my notes added in blue

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao non dual
The name that can be named is not the eternal name duality--separating from unnamed
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth non dual
The named is the mother of myriad things plurality
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence non dual
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations duality-plurality
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders
In other words, it is the separation between the spiritual and physical universe

You limit it...

Subject and object is the relation between this and that, I and other.

It is to realize that inner and outer are false.

It is to realize left and right, up and down, are utterly imagined.

It is to realize hot and cold, life and death, are just concepts.

ALL differentiation that is made forms the basis for duality, all of it. You cannot say, ahh, this duality is intended. No, it is to realize you are merely observing yourself, that is the state of non-duality - there is only ever a single being.

Find out what the I is, it is naught but your barrier to the other, it is a wall put up by your own mind, but now you protect it. Take it down and you realize your true nature, keep it up and you can only speculate.
From the Hsin Hsin Ming:

To return to the root is to find the meaning, but to pursue appearances is to miss the source.​
Duality comes from "pursuing appearances," imo.

Compare Tao Te Ching 1: my notes added in blue

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao It has become confined to mind and language
The name that can be named is not the eternal name To name it, you have brought it already to mind
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth It is beyond the seen and unseen
The named is the mother of myriad things It is the nature of everything we see and touch, indeed too that which sees and touches
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence When you do not desire things, when you do not conceive of anything, you are free
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations When one desires, one creates his own prison
These two emerge together but differ in name Essence and manifestation is not distinct
The unity is said to be the mystery The entire goal of religion is to discover this unifying nature
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders Now you are simply awestruck, how can so much difference be the same in essence? It makes no sense, you can only wonder at it.

Ugh, beautiful! (my own notes)

Encountering the root means to go to the center, not to by stuck on the periphery. When you find that root, you realize all is that unity, you have encountered the mystery of existence: you enter through the door of truth - and truth is always a mystery, always brings a wonder, facts destroy truth because they can never describe the reality, everything becomes dry statistics.
DUALIST believers will always receive multiple blows of death life after life and will never attain salvation, to break away from cycles of birth and deaths
DUALITY thoughts in the mind will always attract you towards earth or physical plane with gross matter to undergo death again. it will keep the soul in a bondage. maya forces will pull the soul away from GOD. the only force that can liberate the soul is the GRACE of god that will pull the soul towards the lord. GRACE is love. GRACE of god is a very powerfull force that will instantly liberate the soul. once you says god is powerfull then please do not lift up another force a devil that opposes god. if you lift up then we call it duality thoughts. once you said god is eternal, then please do not talk about another place called heaven that is eternal. if you say that there is eternal heaven then this is called duality thoughts. if you say god is everywhere then please stick to it. do not say later that god vision is only available in heaven not here on earth. if you say both then it is a duality thought. if you say god only washes our sins then please stick to it do not say later that a man or a holy man in a temple can wash our sins. if you say so then this is a duality thought in the mind
DUALITY thoughts in the mind will always attract you towards earth or physical plane with gross matter to undergo death again. it will keep the soul in a bondage. maya forces will pull the soul away from GOD. the only force that can liberate the soul is the GRACE of god that will pull the soul towards the lord. GRACE is love. GRACE of god is a very powerfull force that will instantly liberate the soul. once you says god is powerfull then please do not lift up another force a devil that opposes god. if you lift up then we call it duality thoughts. once you said god is eternal, then please do not talk about another place called heaven that is eternal. if you say that there is eternal heaven then this is called duality thoughts. if you say god is everywhere then please stick to it. do not say later that god vision is only available in heaven not here on earth. if you say both then it is a duality thought. if you say god only washes our sins then please stick to it do not say later that a man or a holy man in a temple can wash our sins. if you say so then this is a duality thought in the mind
first you say god is the creator of everything. all is happening on god s will. then suddenly out of a blue you say badness is coming from other source a devil. you are limiting the unlimitted..this is example of a DUALITY THOUGHTS, and usually dualist will think this way. thanks
Ugh, beautiful! (my own notes)

Encountering the root means to go to the center, not to by stuck on the periphery. When you find that root, you realize all is that unity, you have encountered the mystery of existence: you enter through the door of truth - and truth is always a mystery, always brings a wonder, facts destroy truth because they can never describe the reality, everything becomes dry statistics.

ya it s very nice but at least you should say something about existance of GOD,,,the unmanifested and manifested
you always praise the lord and remembers him. but when comes to destiny you forgets him..you make the destiny elsewhere to heaven..so this is duality. you should make the destiny to return back to him