thanks nice
so what is real islam ?
I have encountered salafi and hanafi sunni islam a rather unpleasant conversion experience. there seemed to be a lot of rules and regulations and punishments from allah if you dont obey them ?
is that real islam ?
there are different theological schools among muslims. I don't know exactly (for I know general rules of them) how others believe but this is our school's belief :
the after life is the reality of this world. The Hell or Heaven is nothing but the reality of our life. all our acts have a real effect on us that we can't see right now. in the other world we just see what we have done! we see exactly what we have done and nothing more.
"Shall you be requited except with what you used to do?" 27 : 90
"To Allah will be the return of you all, whereat He will inform you what you used to do." 5 : 105
"And the call would be made to them:" This is paradise, which you have been given to inherit because of what you used to do!" 43:7
the other world is the real vision of what we are. we are not what we look like to be. even now, if one gets to a level the one can see the real character of us.
"No indeed! Were you to know with certain knowledge, you would surely see hell. Again, you will surely see it with the eye of certainty." 102 : 5,6,7
many say that the material life itself is the hell. those who can't transcend to the heavens ( spiritual ) are the dwellers of the hell.
"Indeed, those who deny Our signs and are disdainful of them the gates of the heaven will not be opened for them, nor shall they enter paradise" 7 : 40