I have heard the comparison made of looking at your body under a microscope. The cells will look distinct, separate if you zoom in far enough. You will not see how they can be working together in a single body, they look autonomous this close up. Yet, such is the case, we are all part of one body.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 says this as well, but they have not seen atoms yet, else I think they'd agree moreso with the example of the atoms. It infers here that we are each an organ of God, but this gives the beings too much credit. In fact a country can be likened to an organ, or even a planet or even a solar system, but here it says a person. We are not so important as that, for in our lifetime every cell in our bodies are replaced every 7 years, this is more the importance of the human - just a part for a while.
Yet the body lives on, will you identify with the atom and its duty, or with the body itself?
I believe within the bodies are cells that have ,stem cells, a number that is each persons highest self and the openings to resurrection as well as union with ones own opposite. These cells have an unbreakable unchangable number that is the source of who you are and where you belong after resurrection.