Preachers Of Hate


Pam Geller is a disgrace to everyone. I am not sure why some Jews (or those calling themselves Jews) would reward someone a Queen Esther award when that person aligns with white supremacists. Geller received the award for "Jewish Heroism." Considering the account of Esther from the Bible, she ordered all those believed to be Jewish enemies killed before they all attempted to do anything. Maybe, Geller is a "Jewish" hero for calling for murder of all Muslims "before they all attack Jews.":cool: Here is the link:

Photos: Creative Zionist Coalition Award Night Celebrating "Modern Day Heroes" - Atlas Shrugs

Here is an article about Geller with white racists:

White Supremacists Find Common Cause with Pam Geller?s Anti-Islam Campaign | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

Pam Geller calling on all Muslims to be killed, banning Islam and demolishing islamic religious sites:

Pamela Geller advocates banning Islam, demolishing mosques, deporting and killing Muslims | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper

According to Wikipedia, Pamela Geller is Jewish by religion.

Geller's brother in anti-Islam movement, Spencer, is also featured on the Purim Gala photo above (bearded guy).
Pamela Geller, a publicly declared Islam-hater, might be closest example of an evidence of Zionist anti-Muslim propaganda and movement.

"Zionist" being someone with strong nationalistic views. Of course, we have seen what nationalism can do to people: the Balkans in 1990s demonstrates such.
Serbs celebrate atrocities in Vukovar (Croatia) and Srebrenica (Bosnia). In the video, the adults and children are dancing to the song that goes: "Oh, Pazar-new Vukovar, oh Sjenice-new old mother is looking for her son, she went to general Draza asking: General, where is my son? (answers) guarded by serbian bayonets."

Here is the video: Bratunac - Praznik Svete Makljive (14-08-2013) - YouTube

General Draza Mihajlovic was a famous Serb nationalist during WWII, promoting the ideology of Greater Serbia. Mihajlovic committed many war crimes against non-Serb civilians, mainly in the Eastern Bosnia. According to my grandmother (rip), Mihajlovic's Chetnicks and Croatian Pavelic's Ustasha competed who can kill the most people in WWII.

Pazar and Sjenica are towns located in Serbia, with majority Muslim population. With the song above, the Serbs are celebrating what they did in 1990s and are threatening to do the same to Muslims in Pazar and Sjenica.

During the 1990s Yugoslav wars, some 30,000 Catholics were driven out of Vukovar and many killed. About 8,000 Muslim men and boys (with some women and one Catholic man) were massacred in Srebrenica, 1995.
Unfortunately we've got this crap everywhere...hate, violence, lies...they are thankfully the minority...the minority of Jews, the minority of Christians, the minority of Islam, the minority of Buddhism....

they are there, they are vocal, they get attention, and they not only stir their own side and get supporters but their actions are self fulfillingly their actions are used by the radical opponnents as evidence that thier BS is correct...

Spreading the hate here has what impact on interfaith dialogue??
Ah, you are guessing at her ideology. She is no Zionist, let alone a believing Jew. She is merely a very stupid and dangerous vicious anti-Muslim who happens to have been born the product of Jewish genes.

Neither Kahane nor Amir represented most Jews. Just as UBL and KSM did not represent most Muslims. Just as Falwell, Rushdoony or Weyrich represent Christians.
I constantly remind myself of the fact that these people are minorities among their own peoples. Thank God! Unfortunately, these badmouths are the loudest and they do lots of damage. Because of them, history keeps repeating itself.
Kinda. There is a Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) saying to the effect that "when you take an action, consider unto the seventh generation" (hence "Seventh Generation" green products).

Applying this criterion and looking 7 generations (at 20 years per generation) in U.S. history; it coincides with two (I think) pivotal moments. First, with with W.E.B. Du Bois’ beginning his opposition the The Atlanta Compromise (he was targeting lynching from the beginning, in my opinion) and second, with Woodrow Wilson’s “History of the American People” (the culmination was his sell out to the vultures of the KKK, including Thomas Dixon, his former roommate, author of “The Clansman”, and co-author of “Birth of a Nation” based on that work with: "t [“Birth”] is like writing history with lightning [a]nd my only regret is that it is all so terribly true").

Get it? Seven generations ago the foundations of both the Civil Rights Movement (DuBois) and the Nazification of the Republican Party (thanks a lot Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh) began. The question is “who is winning”?

If history is any indication, it is the former. I pray I am not too wrong.
pamela geller is a moron (although a rather photogenic one). she is best understood as an instance of the "everything is someone else's fault" school of political thought.

i'm not sure i particularly like the implication of "pawns of the radical branch of the zionist movement". zionism doesn't have any more "pawns" than tibetan nationalism does. you're playing to an old anti-jewish trope there... of course, you didn't know that, did you?

zionism is not by definition, as some seem to think, extreme nationalism. i am a zionist. you can be any sort of zionist. some are political, some are religious, some are extreme, some are moderate, some are left, some are right. it is no more and no less than support for the right to national self-determination of the jewish people. if you support the right of national self-determination for the *palestinian* people - or indeed any other people - then there are no grounds other than racist and bigoted ones to deny the jewish people the same right.

