Maitreya - the coming of the word teacher



according to my former esoteric teacher the Maitreya will incorporate the consciousness of Jesus, Buddha, etc others..
Do you follow this? I admit that I am not very hot on this subject, as any expectation of any savior being true or false. If he is here and I see him then I know...until them just wait and see.....
Indeed, there are several "sightings" and falsehoods (people claiming to be the Maitreya and ended up dubious characters.)
It is said Maitreya will be the next Buddha. This makes a lot of sense to me. I would not say he will incorporate the consciousness of Jesus, Buddha, etc., but that he will incorporate their teachings.
It is also said that, at higher levels of consciousness, there is no separation between us, such as there is today, between you and I, as we reincarnate as humans. Someday we, too, shall rise to such a lofty level of consciousness. It could be said that we will 'incorporate' each others' consciousness at that time. In this sense, the idea that "he will incorporate the consciousness of Jesus, Buddha, etc.,' is correct.
I believe that the coming, or technically the Reappearance of the Lord Maitreya, is probably the single most important Teaching of the New Era.

Every major religion expects Him, and we are told that with Him will be coming several of the Masters ... as the Ashrams of some of the Great Ones also externalize. This means that instead of working primarily from subjective and spiritual levels, we will gradually see physical-plane evidence of the Hiearachy - just as some are seeking. In addition, there will be a `Restoration of the Mysteries,' such that large numbers of the Human Family are able to set foot consciously upon the Path of Discipleship leading to spiritual Initiation.

Blessed are they who have not seen, yet who BELIEVE.
Do you imply that Jesus, Buddha were the Maitreya and he will come back with green eyes for one last time?
I believe that the coming, or technically the Reappearance of the Lord Maitreya, is probably the single most important Teaching of the New Era.
You might find this interesting.

Dalai Lama has also said "Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."

Osho is quite controversial, especially from orthodox perspectives, there is more on this topic which is available - specifically Osho speaking on this - but perhaps that will not be as meaningful as high ranking Lama's addressing him. He was also recognized in Sri Lanka and other places related to this thread.

Was Osho Meitreya? For me it doesn't matter, I love the man deeply and that is enough.

Perhaps look into it for yourself?

Let us recall that Meitreya simply means friend, it is not a name. This much at least you should understand, even if you cannot look at Osho.

It is plain that man today will not stand for the oppression religion has inflicted on him for so long, on this basis alone, Osho liberates many - but of course, all the orthodoxies were in agreement against him, he was a threat to them all, and his movement still grows today. For him, virtue arises of its own accord through meditation, it cannot be forced and it is unhealthy to try.

The very least that can be said is he had a fresh perspective on spirituality.
Do you imply that Jesus, Buddha were the Maitreya and he will come back with green eyes for one last time?
Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni and Maitreya Bodhisattva are three distinct Individualities. These are three different presences, entirely. That is what I believe. Shakyamuni and Maitreya, however, are more directly related ...

One is not even a member of our own Humanity, as He nearly attained to Arhatship in a much earlier cycle. Maitreya is the most advanced member of our true, present Humanity. Jesus was a very advanced Initiate 2100 years ago, but attained to Adeptship soon afterward (as Apollonius of Tyana) ... and is now a Lord of Compassion serving very closely under Maitreya Bodhisattva. The Eastern term for his position is Chohan, which translates as something like `meditating Dharma-Lord.' Six other such Chohans exist, with the Bodhisattva [Maitreya, World Teacher] presiding.

Esoteric Buddhism can be seen as a foundation for the Western adaptations which Theosophical and later groups have been given concerning the above information. Of course, all of the same tradition and underlying Teaching exists in the Judeo-Christian and other lines of instruction. I'm not saying that one must have experience in the exoteric presentation ... and it is possible to approach the subject from a scientific and non-religious basis altogether. The practical occultist is not a mystic, and is not inclined to a religious or mystical path, even if this may have constituted an avenue of approach for him along the Way.

When it comes to green eyes, I really can't say I know any of these Lords of the Dharma that well. ;)

For the record, however, the Master Jesus has piercing BLUE eyes. :)

My 2 cents ...
My teacher' claimed that The Coming World teacher, the Maitreya's eyes are in fact green, and that he is already here but in incognito.

Osho was a great man, I love his stuff, very unique but I seriously doubt that he was the Maitreya, since he is no longer with us.... :(
I do not believe having green or blue eyes proves anything. The debate as to whether Jesus was a reincarnation of Maitreya has been going on for many years. It is a fascinating question to ponder.

It is also fascinating to consider the idea that Jesus and/or Maitreya have had multiple reincarnations, and may in fact be reincarnating with us here on earth right now. But the idea of the Return of the Messiah (Maitreya, who may or may not have been Jesus), which will signify a huge landmark in the history of mankind (not the end of mankind, just a huge landmark in the history of mankind -- we still have a long way to go), makes me think Maitreya is not reincarnating with us right now, and will not for some time.
My teacher' claimed that The Coming World teacher, the Maitreya's eyes are in fact green, and that he is already here but in incognito.

Osho was a great man, I love his stuff, very unique but I seriously doubt that he was the Maitreya, since he is no longer with us.... :(

Who has touched so many during his life?

Right now, Osho's Facebook has more likes than even Christianity, not that I am saying this is a valid matrix, just an example of how he continues to touch the world.

I might point out that during Jesus' life, he was not accepted much, for 300 years still he was not much looked at. It was only when Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire that Jesus began to be heard more widely...

Osho has only been dead 20 years, and without any attempts to convert, he is already having a great influence. I have not met a serious spiritual seeker that has not been influenced by him in some way, it has almost become the criteria, even if your principle path is something else.

You actually confirm this, and a few others here as well, for me, I seemed to be pulled towards him after my first religious experiences. This seems to be a common story...
There are certainly many of us who believe in the immanent Presence the Bodhisattva, the Christ, call Him by whichever Title you like. We also believe that the Reappearance of the World Teacher is imminent.

Alice Bailey expected the Christ to appear sometime after 2025. I too believe that this is a likely ballpark, but Human affairs can hasten or delay that time. Some of us have good reason for expect this to be the correct year, however, and when we look back - to 1925 and events surrounding - we can support our Faith with good evidence based on precedent.

Even when you consider the first appearance of the present World Teacher at the cusp of Pisces, 2100 years ago, you will see that at the quarter century mark into each new century, the spiritual Hierarchy makes a kind of`push' toward bringing certain Ideals before the Human Family. The idea that Jesus was born in 105BC will begin to take on new meaning in this light ... since 30 years from that date, *precisely* would have been 75BCE. This can be compared with a date of 255BCE as the true astrological [and astronomical] beginning for Pisces, but just as we find a similar date for Aquarius around 1900CE, the first attempt at Reappearance only occurred 25 years later - and was not a complete success. Thus, one hundred years later [if not earlier], I think Maitreya will indeed Reappear before an expectant Humanity.

There are so many glamourized presentations of the Truth, however, that we should keep in mind and proper perspective ... that the exoteric religious expectation, from Buddhism to Hinduism to Christianity to Judaism and Islam, cannot possibly represent exactly what we shall witness. And of course, then as now, it is the Invocative cry of Humanity Itself which will determine many of the conditions under which the Coming One must perforce work and move.

Those who are sitting around waiting now, however, may well find themselves doing the same for many decades, long after the Christ has come and gone. The sincere student who wishes to understand all of this cannot do better, perhaps, than to borrow or pick up a copy of The Reappearance of the Christ, by Alice Bailey. This is a compilation of several essays by the Tibetan Master, Whose role for ~135 years has been Secretary on behalf of 7 Initiates (2 oriental, the Tibetan being one of these, and 5 occidental) most directly concerned with helping to prepare the Way for the Bodhisattva.
I do not believe having green or blue eyes proves anything. The debate as to whether Jesus was a reincarnation of Maitreya has been going on for many years. It is a fascinating question to ponder.

It is also fascinating to consider the idea that Jesus and/or Maitreya have had multiple reincarnations, and may in fact be reincarnating with us here on earth right now. But the idea of the Return of the Messiah (Maitreya, who may or may not have been Jesus), which will signify a huge landmark in the history of mankind (not the end of mankind, just a huge landmark in the history of mankind -- we still have a long way to go), makes me think Maitreya is not reincarnating with us right now, and will not for some time.
Nick, I am quite agreed that concerning ourself with eye color of the Messiah is a bit like wondering what brand of tennis shoes He might wear, or whether He will prefer Pepsi or Coke. Perhaps this is the wrong kind of thing to be concerned about.

If you subscribe to the teachings of one Bishop C.W. Leadbeater, however, I hope you will put certain confusions as to the identity of the World Teacher to rest. CWL may have relied partially on his own Teacher, the Tibetan Master, to instruct him on the distinctions between the Chohan Jesus, concerned with the 6th Ray ... and the Lord Maitreya, Who is head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Study the charts posted on the thread on the Masters, taken directly from The Masters and the Path.

Unless you are telling me that Leadbeater got it wrong, this will help to straighten out the confusion. Leadbeater even gives other incarnations for the Master Jesus, including Sri Ramanujacharya ... and Apollonius of Tyana. Again, take a look at Masters and the Path. Whether or not he takes his information from Alice Bailey remains for you to determine. The fact that he prints all of this in Theosophical literature, however, cannot be debated.

It doesn't matter much to me. I base my beliefs, and my understanding, on other presentations than the modern Theosophical ... ending with Leadbeater & Besant and the World Teacher Project. I do, however, maintain that my own grasp of the latter is - more or less - correct and accurate. As always, I encourage the sincere student to study source material, and not glamourous presentations (such as the I AM Movement has offered), speculation or heresay.

I can provide a list of several sources, from numerous different authors, all supporting the Teaching that Jesus, Maitreya and Shakyamuni are three distinct Individualities. Prior and subsequent incarnations are discussed, in some cases by H.P. Blavatsky, in other cases by the Masters Themselves, including some of Them closest to the Christ. A great deal of discussion is afforded surrounding the issue of the Christ's Reappearance, and well it should be, since the Tibetan Master states that this is the single most important endeavor being undertaken at this time by the Hierarchy ... for what I hope should be *obvious* reasons. Or are they so obvious to all of us ... ?

Clarity is useful; and a sincere, heartfelt (and disciplined) commitment to the One Work, showing forth in the world as *practical, regular ACTION* ... is even more useful. World tension will quite likely only increase. Anyone that has doubts may rest assured this will not be an easy time for any of us. The best we can do is to inquire within, earnestly seeking for more insight into what might be our unique & individual spiritual PURPOSE for the current incarnation. And if we believe in the coming (of the) World Teacher, by whatever name & according to whatever motif or tradition, we will surely find the needed direction to assist with World Need at this time ... again, if we SEEK this type of spiritual empowerment, and if we do so with the end in mind of Human Betterment. :)

Below is the original Teaching, provided by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul in 1919 in Initiation Human and Solar, regarding the Bodhisattva Maitreya. Please note that this is prior to the year 1925 and what is sometimes called the World Teacher Project in Theosophical circles. Also, there are two images at the end of this post. One is the Christ; the other is the Chohan Jesus, as He currently appears (rather than 2100 years ago).

Let the student with vision discern Truth for himself ... and determine what makes the most sense to him. I highlight certain phrases in blue which ring especially true, and relevant for ME:
The work of the World Teacher, the Christ.

Group two has the World Teacher for its presiding Head. He is that Great Being Whom the Christian calls the Christ; He is known also in the Orient as the Bodhisattva, and as the Lord Maitreya, and is the One looked for by the devout Mohammedan, under the name of the Iman Madhi. He it is Who has presided over the destinies of life since about 600 B.C. and He it is Who has come out among men before, and Who is again looked for. He is the great Lord of Love and of Compassion, just as his predecessor, the Buddha, was the Lord of Wisdom.

Through Him flows the energy of the second aspect, reaching Him direct from the heart centre of the Planetary Logos via the heart of Sanat Kumara. He works by means of a meditation centred within the heart. He is the World Teacher, the Master of the Masters, and the Instructor of the Angels, and to Him is committed the guidance of the spiritual destinies of men, and the development of the realisation within each human being that he is a child of God and a son of the Most High.

Just as the Manu is occupied with the providing of the type and forms through which consciousness can evolve and gather experience, thus making existence in its deepest sense possible, so the World Teacher directs that indwelling consciousness in its life or spirit aspect, seeking to energise it within the form so that, in due course of time, that form can be discarded and the liberated spirit return whence it came. Ever since He left the earth, as related with approximate accuracy in the Bible story (though with much error in detail) has He stayed with the sons of men; never has He really gone, but only in appearance, and in a physical body He can be found by those who know the way, dwelling in the Himalayas, and working in close co-operation with His two great Brothers, the Manu and the Mahachohan. Daily He pours out His blessing on the world, and daily He stands under the great pine in His garden at the sunset hour with hands uplifted in blessing over all those who truly and earnestly seek to aspire. To Him all seekers are known, and, though they may remain unaware of Him, the light which He pours forth stimulates their desire, fosters the spark of struggling life and spurs on the aspirant until the momentous day dawns when they stand face to face with the One Who by being "lifted up" (occultly understood) is drawing all men unto Himself as the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.

maitrey.jpg jesus.jpg
If I may add one further word ... yes, there are many spurious claims as to individuals claiming to be, or to know, of Maitreya. Benjamin Creme comes immediately to mind. To believe that the World Teacher is timidly waiting around for blind credulity, for people to buy into Creme's presentation as official front man ... seems quite absurd, especially when Scriptural teachings warn precisely against this sort of nonsense. There will be more Benjamin Cremes, and more Harold Campings, before 2025 (or whatever date the real Bodhisattva Maitreya decides to please stand up, please stand up, please stand up) ... that much is certain. ;)
This is precisely why certain marks such as the color of the retina might be of a small help. But certain charlatans (Creme etc.) would just wear colored contact lenses. :eek:

If I may add one further word ... yes, there are many spurious claims as to individuals claiming to be, or to know, of Maitreya. Benjamin Creme comes immediately to mind. To believe that the World Teacher is timidly waiting around for blind credulity, for people to buy into Creme's presentation as official front man ... seems quite absurd, especially when Scriptural teachings warn precisely against this sort of nonsense. There will be more Benjamin Cremes, and more Harold Campings, before 2025 (or whatever date the real Bodhisattva Maitreya decides to please stand up, please stand up, please stand up) ... that much is certain. ;)

Leadbeater got some things right and some things wrong. His definition of "Sambhogakaya" is the best I have ever heard. But he was dead wrong on proclaiming Krishnamurti to be the Messiah. I have learned to pick and choose what I accept and do not accept from his writings. He also became extremely needy in his later years (he even quit the Theosophical Society for the last part of his life) and these things make me even quicker to look at his writings with a critical eye.

When Leadbeater disagrees with Blavatsky, I go with what Blavatsky says. Blavatsky says the Messiah will come in several thousand years. Blavatsky also throws a great deal of skepticism on the idea that the Nazarene as depicted in the Bible even existed, and I quite agree with her on these things.

There is one more thing. Many writers have tried to bring the idea of a Christ into Theosophy. I see no need to do this, and neither did Blavatsky. Maitreya may be the next Buddha or even Manu, but I see no need to convey upon him the title of Christ. Blavatsky had no need to use the title Christ in this way, and I agree with her way of seeing this issue. In my humble opinion, a great deal of Alice Bailey's writings and Rudolf Steiner's writings were an attempt to bring Christ-type teachings into Theosophy, and I see no need to do this. Leadbeater tried to do the exact same thing, and many Theosophists think he was wrong in trying to do this (myself included).

Also, for those who may not know, the I AM movement and the Ascended Masters movement of the early 1900's were not a part of Theosophy, and for many of us, are still not a part of Theosophy.

It has been a constant battle, one group of Theosophists trying to bring the idea of a Christ into Theosophy, with another group of Theosophists trying to oppose it. Even Blavatsky herself tried to intervene in this with the London Theosophical Lodge, she failed, the Lodge split in two, and the group which headed off to create their own pro-Christ Theosophical Lodge, which quickly withered away and died.

But all of this is taking this thread off-topic. Perhaps we should return to the original idea, that Maitreya will be the next Buddha, he may or may not have reincarnated as Jesus, and Maitreya's return is exactly what the Jews are tallking about when they say they are waiting for the Messiah.
Respectfully, Nick, I think you have missed much of the point of Theosphy, and I believe you have misread HPB on more than one account. Perhaps you might look again at what she taught regarding the Christ. You may also look up what her own Master told her (unless it was KH, I forget) when she asked about a certain statue of the Master Jesus.

And further, if you really want the right answers ... GO TO THE SOURCE.

What matters in the end is not getting it right. It's far more important what we do with what we have learned, or what we believe. Hence the emphasis on the Faith of those who *have not witnessed*.

I have never beheld with my own eyes an Adept in his own physical vehicle that I was aware. Regardless as to the possibilities, should I toss out as unlikely or impossible that the Mahatmas even exist?

No, and neither you nor I should forsake what we have learned about these subjects. But I would like to emphasize, on this occasion, that there are many points on these subjects, and we don't all need to agree. For me to suggest any other than what I have shared here would be a betrayal of all that I have experienced, learned or otherwise witnessed. I allow room for error more along the lines of ~ saying too much ~ than looking for what I have said here that is inaccurate.

You will find many triangulations of the Truth, so to speak, when you are approaching it objectively. That is what I have come to believe. And although we must be careful not to let others do our thinking for us - or, for certain, to accept blindly what we hear even from sage teachers - I think there is also such a thing as beginning to "see how it all fits together."

Perhaps what fits together for us now will look somewhat different, even a few years from now. I like to think of it as a big Mosaic ... and even while I do not expect to ever see quite the whole picture, I do also believe, no affirm, that what we call holism, or Synthesis, beginning as Unity, exists on many levels. It is not appropriate to artificially force others, or as we both accept, to attempt to bend wills ... and if there is one thing that most disgusts Freethinkers among the Human Family it is the kind of browbeating - however subtle - which might lead another to prematurely part with his own ability & tendency to "make up his own mind," as also the budding discriminative Faculty {Buddhi & Viveka} which he will need in order to travel the Path.

To that end, I recollect the final teaching of the Buddha Shakyamuni, as related by one who knew Him well:
that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumors, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this," says he in concluding, "I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly."
Another way to view it, is that if the Bodhisattva and World Teacher is the esoteric head of the Hierarchy and also at the heart of all of the world's religions, then surely no one better than He - and possibly the Masters most closely assisting Him at this time - should know about the future of the world's religions.

The fact that most of the West follows the Christian traditions not only should not be overlooked, but it should be carefully noted that Christianity plays a tremendous role in the preparation for the CHRIST, the World Teacher ...

... and while I'm as comfortable as the next guy discussing this topic in terms of Buddhism, esoteric Buddhism, Theosophy, Christianity, Islam or Judaism, it might also be useful to get down to brass tacks and get the prejudices and biases out of our system.

If one has an ax to grind with organized religion(s), that may be understandable, and certainly explainable both in terms of individual, as well as current world karma. But, excuse me, you're way out of line, Nick, if you're gonna try this schtick about "let's keep Christ out of Theosophy" ... and frankly, I don't give one hoot if you have no great favor for what came after, but you see, sooner or later, you're going to apply your own thinking to your own mind, thought habits and even your current take on things -

- and Lo! It is going to dawn. Yes, there have been Teachers after HPB. Yes, there have even been Theosophical Messengers after HPB, some of perhaps equally great capacity - or greater, in various respects. And they will continue to come ...

... and they will also instruct, just as they always have, as the Masters continue to WORK with Humanity. We must get over the illlusion that everything stopped with HPB, or that after the glamourous days of Masters coming & going from Madras everything suddenly ceased between the Inner and the outer planes.
It is written that the time is not known. When it happens it happens. According to my (ex)-teacher, to gain actual contact, "working" in small groups is encouraged. Working, usually means mediation in a group and/or some light- working other than meditation. If someone tells you that he is the one or he/she KNOWS the time he is either a kook or a fraud (perhaps both).

As for Leadbeater - HE was a kook - so whatever he wrote MUST be taken with a grain of salt...
what conditions must be met in order for maitreya to manifest on earth?

please share your scholarly/learned views and your personal opinions.
