Maitreya - the coming of the word teacher


You said,

"...whatever he wrote MUST be taken with a grain of salt..."

--> Precisely. It is very difficult -- and necessary -- to separate the message from the messenger. There is a particular religious writer who I do not like, and I must admit that I often take whatever he writes and oppose it because he wrote it. I have also fallen into the trap (more than once) of believing something because it was written by a religious writer I hold in awe. Perhaps all of us can do a little less of both.

You said,

"...whatever he wrote MUST be taken with a grain of salt..."

--> Precisely. It is very difficult -- and necessary -- to separate the message from the messenger. There is a particular religious writer who I do not like, and I must admit that I often take whatever he writes and oppose it because he wrote it. I have also fallen into the trap (more than once) of believing something because it was written by a religious writer I hold in awe. Perhaps all of us can do a little less of both.

then how will maitreya, once manifest, carve a path through the collective skepticism and cynicism of the spiritual elite who await his arrival?

Similarly like Jesus or the Apollonian from Tyana once did - with magic and miracles - razzle and dazzle. It will be nothing like the first time 2000 years ago...
You know why? because this time the Master will not be in human form - he is not going to be an incarnate, flesh and blood - but a true Mahatma, in a dens astral form, untouchable, they won't be able to do the same as they did 2000-years ago. Many people confuse this; but Jesus was not god at first he was just a Jewish rabbi and once in the flesh no matter how advanced you might be - you are at risk of the mundane world. That's what got him killed. Many ways, I suspect, Apollonius was more advanced - he vanished when he was in danger so I suspect he was not an incarnate being either....who knows?
then how will maitreya, once manifest, carve a path through the collective skepticism and cynicism of the spiritual elite who await his arrival?

I tell you that the Christ will appear in a human form. He may overshadow some particular individual, as before. He may be able to take a distinct incarnation, as some also believe and assert. If circumstances permit, I think some of us will be quite surprised as to just how Maitreya is able to move in our midst. But do not believe that His appearance will be limited to the astral plane.

This was precisely what the Tibetan Teacher indicated would be the case when he began the dictations through Alice Bailey. However, as the teachings progressed, certain changes occurred - mostly brought on by Humanity itself. One of these was the determination, on the part of the Lords of Shamballa, that it should be the *6th* rather than the 5th Initiation which would make a human being jivanmukta ... and ready for the `Higher Way' of evolution.

Another change was the decision of the Christ Himself [Lord Maitreya] to reappear in a physical body. This is something I fully expect, but there will be no glamour emanating from, or directly surrounding the Great Lord. As we know, wherever the Christ goes, glamour (as evidenced by Creme, the "I AM" folks, and plenty of the Theosophical groups, with their outdated presentations of the Masters) will be dispelled.

So there will certainly be a cloud of witnesses, as before, yet the Christ is not looking for converts, performing miracles left & right in order to dazzle and attract a following. Not even the Masters, or the Arhats, or wise and experienced Initiates do this. Except in the RAREST of circumstances, you may rest assured that just such BUNK - even where levitations and psychometry and simple clairvoyance ARE real & being demonstrated - such displays are almost always an immediate indication that nothing of any real spiritual significance is taking place.

I will testify to this because it has *already been* my experience. The Avant-Garde is already here, and the Forerunner has declared much about the coming (or Reappearance) of the Great One. The collective John the Baptist is already quite active in the world at this time (not excluding a current incarnation of THE John the Baptist, either). This was the case 75yrs ago and more, and the signs will only increase over the next decade.

The DK/AAB Teachings indicate three methods whereby the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, is coming to Humanity. Two of these methods have already been well demonstrated, and as I would like to emphasize, the third WILL play out, in years to come. Nothing can halt that; if we are wise (and via the above indicated methods - in Hermes' post), we can certainly hasten it. :)

Christ may be looked for in the following:
  1. the stimulation of the spiritual consciousness in man, the evocation of humanity's spiritual demands on a large scale and the nurturing--on a worldwide scale--of the Christ consciousness in the human heart
  2. the impressing of the minds of enlightened men everywhere by spiritual ideas embodying the new truths, by the "descent" of the new concepts which will govern human living and by the overshadowing of all world disciples and the New Group of World Servers by the Christ Himself
  3. Christ might come in Person and walk among men as He did before. This has not yet taken place but plans are being laid which will enable Him to do so

For the benefit of those who would like to see the source of the above excerpts, I provide three paragraphs, quoted in full from the Tibetan Master's Teachings ... with a link to the entire article, which I encourage anyone following this thread to also explore:

"Many years ago, [see A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co., page 756] I indicated that the Christ would come in three ways, or rather, that the fact of His Presence could be proved in three distinctive phases.

It was pointed out then that the first move which the Christ would make would be the stimulation of the spiritual consciousness in man, the evocation of humanity's spiritual demands on a large scale and the nurturing--on a worldwide scale--of the Christ consciousness in the human heart. This has already been done and with most effective results. Of the factual nature of this process, the vociferous demands of men of goodwill, of welfare workers and of those pledged to international cooperation, to the relief of the world distress and to the establishment of right human relations, are the undeniable expression. That phase of the preparatory work which is indicative of His coming has now reached a stage where nothing can arrest its progress or slow down its momentum. In spite of appearances, this uprising of the Christ consciousness has been successful and what may appear as reverse activity is of no importance in the long run, but is only of a temporary nature.

The second indicated move of the Hierarchy would be the impressing of the minds of enlightened men everywhere by spiritual ideas embodying the new truths, by the "descent" (if I may so call it) of the new concepts which will govern human living and by the overshadowing of all world disciples and the New Group of World Servers by the Christ Himself. This planned move of the Hierarchy is progressing well; men and women everywhere and in every department of life are enunciating those new truths which should in the future guide human living; they are building those new organisations, movements and groups--large or small--which will familiarise the mass of men with the reality of the need and the mode of meeting it. This they are doing because they are driven thereto by the warmth of their hearts and by their loving response to human distress; without formulating it thus to themselves, they are, nevertheless, working to bring into visibility the Kingdom of God on Earth. No denial of these facts is possible, in view of the multiplicity of organisations, books and speeches.

Thirdly, we are told that Christ might come in Person and walk among men as He did before. This has not yet taken place but plans are being laid which will enable Him to do so. Those plans do not involve the birth of some nice child in some nice home on Earth; they will not produce the wild claims and the credulous recognition of the well-meaning and the unintelligent as is so frequently the case today, nor will someone appear and say: "This is the Christ He is here or He is there." I would point out to you however, that the widespread appearance of such tales and claims, though undesirable, misleading and wrong, nevertheless demonstrates human expectancy of the imminence of His coming. Belief in His coming is basic in the human consciousness. How He will come and in what manner is not yet stated. The exact movement has not yet arrived nor has the method of His appearance been determined. The factual nature of the two earlier and preparatory moves, already made by the Hierarchy under His direction, are the guarantee that He will come and that when He does, mankind will be ready."

Online source for entire article on The Reappearance of the Christ, from ch. III of a book by the same title.
I will stick up for Bishop Leadbeater. It is true that he had his weaknesses, and that he was in error about some of his teachings. The situation with Jiddu Krishnamurti became surrounded by glamour, and along with Annie Besant, George Arundale, et al, C.W. Leadbeater probably digressed somewhat from what would have been a more productive and less misleading advocacy of Krishnaji as the "vehicle for the World Teacher."

I will, however, also stand by Bishop Leadbeater's claims. The Lord Maitreya Himself chose to issue a statement, being the only instance I know of where the Christ PUT INTO PRINT *HIS OWN THOUGHTS* on the matter, hoping to clarify for many a devoted Theosophist what had gone wrong, and what was *STILL NEVERTHELESS RIGHT* (or "alright") about `The World Teacher Project' ... as it is sometimes called.

Now I might be mistaken, but currently, I would stake my very life on the 99.9% trustworthiness that what is available at the above link, is NONE OTHER than precisely what it purports to be. The student must use *his own intuition* to verify or dismiss the issued statement, confirming or denying its accuracy & legitimacy. ;)

To date, I have met with almost no one who will simply nod with me and affirm that all of this makes perfect sense ... as I have come to view it, or believe in it. Do you think I care, or that this makes ONE iota of difference, when it comes to the views I hold, or the Reality in which I believe?

I base my understanding not on someone else's presentation, not on what some supposed Teacher, or even what any one *genuine* Teacher, has to say on the matter. When you look at the above, and IF your Intuition confirms for you that Christ (the Lord Maitreya) is already HERE according to the first two of the three methods by which He shall Reappear ... what does it matter than the Theosophists or other students may still prefer their petty squabbles to *getting on with it*.

I am as guilty as the latter when it comes to these things, but I AM HOPING TO MOVE ON ... and for those of us who do look forward to a Reappearance *in our own lifetimes*, I cannot imagine the Wisdom of even ONE moment lost in such distractions, especially when anyone onlooking could only come to the understandable conclusion: None of these blokes has a clue what's taking place! ;)

We each have our own set of peculiarities and foibles, yet what I believe we have been called to do, IF we hope to help *prepare the Way*, is to render ourselves each day in heartfelt Service, marked by Harmlessness, self forgetfulness and Right Speech. Only thus might we hope to play our part, and to hasten the final stage of the Reappearance!

As the Mantram goes:

May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the One Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May I fulfil my part in the One work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.

I would like to ad this; the meaning of the "razzle-dazzle" miracle might be taken the wrong way. The sheer magic will be a non-incarnated astral entity taken a form. This is quite unprecedented and it will be taken by the same awe when Jesus "came back" from the "other side". The uninitiated took his Resurrection as a miracle and certainly it was uncommon... but you see, Jesus was in a dense Astral form when he was "resurrected". They opened the cave and his body was gone, that is probably bunk. When he, at the FIRST time reappeared to Mary, he told her; "do not touch me yet". As his vibratory rate was too high and it was dangerous to be contacted upon. Later, at the subsequent times when he showed himself to two disciples on the way to Emmaus etc - by that time he appeared to be like you and I, but certainly not off this world (and fully dense astral body). With an esoteric view the Bible actually makes sense....
If it interests anyone, I have a question:

If the final words of Shakyamuni Buddha were said to be, "For this I have taught you: not to believe merely because you have heard; but when you believed of your own consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly. ...

Then, what do those last four, or even three words mean to you? What is this last injunction all about?

For bonus points, in context of the thread, do you see continuity between this instruction of the last Buddha, and the impression you already have - whatever that may be - of the anticipated next one?

Thanks ...

You asked,

" will maitreya, once manifest, carve a path through the collective skepticism and cynicism of the spiritual elite who await his arrival?"

--> There will be a small number of people reincarnating at that time who are at a high enough level of spirituality to appreciate Maitreya's message. (Of course, there will also be people who are not spiritually advanced enough to appreciate Maitreya's message.) Maitreya will be able to communicate with each person on his or her own level, as much as they are willing to listen. Fortunately, there are several religious movements in the world today which are raising people's levels of spiritual level up to a 'minimum' level of spiritualty to really appreciate what Maitreya will say when he gets here.
There will be a small number of people reincarnating at that time who are at a high enough level of spirituality to appreciate Maitreya's message. (Of course, there will also be people who are not spiritually advanced enough to appreciate Maitreya's message.) Maitreya will be able to communicate with each person on his or her own level, as much as they are willing to listen. Fortunately, there are several religious movements in the world today which are raising people's levels of spiritual level up to a 'minimum' level of spiritualty to really appreciate what Maitreya will say when he gets here.

how will you personally discriminate between the bologna and the real deal? there seems to be a fraud around every corner.

I'm not entirely sure what all the confusion is about. Several of the Masters have walked openly again among modern Humanity, even in the towns and cities, for decades. There was one who is now essentially a bodhisattva, taking several incarnations in Europe over the last few centuries, and the testimony to his success at alchemical tranformation is well documented by numerous scholars and witnesses.

One Rishi, as Nick has pointed out, attended Oxford, and he too works closely with the Bodhisattva, as he will *BE* the next Bodhisattva. Any number of his former incarnations can be suggested, with good reason to consider many of them as valid. The Tree is known by its fruits.

Why should it be any more difficult to imagine the most senior spiritual Being, at the very APEX of the Pyramid of Humanity - while also Lord of Devas, of Angels - being able to get in touch with the aspirational nature within us all, even in some cases the faculty of Intuition, and communicating as Christ was said to have done 2100 years ago? The Buddha Shakyamuni, also, was able to deliver a Sermon and reach a large audience, despite obvious discrepancies in the intelligence levels, or varying spiritual maturity of those present.
I submit that the prophecies of the end times in all religions and cultures (including Buddhism) are being fulfilled around us, and therefore we should be expecting the imminent coming of Maitreya, or the Prophet expected by all religions and cultures to come at the end times/ending of an age/etc.

In fact I submit to you that Maitreya is already here. He has fulfilled Prophecies from all world religions and cultures, and brought a teaching that unifies all the religions of the world and for the first time shows clearly how all are from the same, One God, each sent as part of an overall Plan which is now coming to fruition. Maitreya's teaching also unifies the West and the East, science and spirit, and shows how the two are not contradictory but complementary.

Do not take my word for it - I challenge you to study Maitreya's literature, prophecies fulfilled, etc. and prove it to yourself that he is indeed the True Maitreya, the Prophet of God:

You must learn discrimination, being able to tell a fake religious teacher from a genuine one. This is one of the basic requirements of entering the path.

One more thing. Great religious teachers can see auras. They can look at an entire city and quickly see the advanced, golden auras of the spiritually advanced people in the city. Advance yourself spiritually, so your aura glows with a huge golden appearance. When you have you have accomplished this, great leaders will quickly and easily spot your golden aura, and come to you instead of you having to hunt for them.
a] Who is Maitreya that you speak of?
I am familiar with Maitreya from my copies of Vedic Literatures ... but are you referring to the same one?
Here's what my glossery says:
Maitreya (Muni)—the great sage who spoke the Bhagavata-purana to Vidura (court minister of Maharaja Dhrstarastra; and, the Prince Arjuna's Uncle), who gave advice to the Pandavas (Arjuna & Brothers) during their exile in the forest. It was Maitreya (Muni) who cursed Prince Duryodhana (Arjuna's inimical cousin) that their Great-grandfather Bhima would fulfill his vow.
b]Here is some excerpts.

Bhagavata-purana (compiled 3,000 BC by Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa-deva) 3.4.9-22:

In this excerpt here, Uddhava is relating to Vidura, his meeting and conversation with Maitreya. Vidura later meets and directly asks many sublime questions to Maitreya.

Uddhava says to Vidura:
“At that time, after traveling in many parts of the world, Maitreya, a great devotee of the Lord and a friend and well-wisher of the great sage Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa-deva, reached that spot out of his own perfect accord.”
Maitreya was one of the disciples of Maharshi Parashara, the father of Vyasadeva. Thus Vyasadeva and Maitreya were friends and mutual well-wishers. By some fortunate accident, Maitreya reached the place where Lord Shree Krishna was resting. To meet the Lord is not an ordinary incident. Maitreya was a great sage and a learned scholar-philosopher but not a pure devotee of the Lord, and therefore his meeting with the Lord at that time may have been due to ajnata-sukriti, or some unknown devotional service. Pure devotees always engage in pure devotional activities, and therefore their meeting with the Lord is natural. But when those who are not up to that standard meet the Lord, it is due to the unforeseen fortune of accidental devotional service.

“Maitreya Muni was greatly attached to Him [the Lord], and he was listening in a pleasing attitude, with his shoulder lowered. With a smile and a particular glance upon me, having allowed me to rest, the Lord spoke as follows.”

“Maitreya said: O Vasu (Uddhava), I know from within your mind what you desired in the days of yore when the Vasus and other demigods responsible for expanding the universal affairs performed sacrifices. You particularly desired to achieve My association. This is very difficult to obtain for others, but I award it unto you.”

“O honest one, your present life is the last and the supermost because in this term of life you have been awarded My ultimate favor. Now you can go to My transcendental abode, Vaikuntha, by leaving this universe of conditioned living entities. Your visit to Me in this lonely place because of your pure and unflinching devotional service is a great boon for you.”

“O Uddhava, in the lotus millennium in the days of yore, at the beginning of the creation, I spoke unto Brahma, who is situated on the lotus that grows out of My navel, about My transcendental glories, which the great sages describe as ‘Shreemat Bhagavata-Purana’.”

Uddhava said: O Vidura, when I was thus favored at every moment by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and addressed by Him with great affection, my words failed in tears, and the hairs on my body erupted. After smearing my tears, I, with folded hands, spoke like this.

O my Lord, devotees who engage in the transcendental loving service of Your lotus feet have no difficulty in achieving anything within the realm of the four principles of religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation. But, O great one, as far as I am concerned, I have preferred only to engage in the loving service of Your lotus feet.

My Lord, even the learned sages become disturbed in their intelligence when they see that Your Greatness engages in fruitive work although You are free from all desires, that You take birth although You are unborn, that You flee out of fear of the enemy and take shelter in a fort although You are the controller of invincible time, and that You enjoy householder life surrounded by many women although You enjoy in Your Self.

O my Lord, Your eternal Self is never divided by the influence of time, and there is no limitation to Your perfect knowledge. Thus You were sufficiently able to consult with Yourself, yet You called upon me for consultation, as if bewildered, although You are never bewildered. And this act of Yours bewilders me.

My Lord, kindly explain to us, if You think us competent to receive it, that transcendental knowledge which gives enlightenment about Yourself and which You explained before to Brahma-ji.

When I thus expressed my heartfelt desires unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the lotus-eyed Lord instructed me about His transcendental situation.

I have studied the path of understanding self-knowledge from my spiritual master, the Personality of Godhead, and thus after circumambulating Him I have come to this place, very much aggrieved due to separation.

My dear Vidura, now I am mad for want of the pleasure of seeing Him, and just to mitigate this I am now proceeding to Badarika-ashrama in the Himalayas for association, as I have been instructed by Him.

There in Badarika-ashrama the Personality of Godhead, in His incarnation as the sages Nara and Narayana, has been undergoing great penance since time immemorial for the welfare of all amiable living entities.”


Bhagavata-purana 3.4.26:

Shree Uddhava said: “You, Vidura, may take lessons from the great learned sage Maitreya, who is nearby and who is worshipable for reception of transcendental knowledge. He was directly instructed by the Personality of Godhead while He was about to quit this mortal world”.

PURPORT by Bhaktivedanta Swami (1896-1977)

Although one may be well versed in the transcendental science, one should be careful about the offense of maryada-vyatikrama, or impertinently surpassing a greater personality.

According to scriptural injunction one should be very careful of transgressing the law of maryada-vyatikrama because by so doing one loses his duration of life, his opulence, fame and piety and the blessings of all the world.

To be well versed in the transcendental science necessitates awareness of the techniques of spiritual science. Uddhava, being well aware of all these technicalities of transcendental science, advised Vidura to approach Maitreya Rishi to receive transcendental knowledge.

Vidura wanted to accept Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhava did not accept the post because Vidura was as old as Uddhava’s father and therefore Uddhava could not accept him as his disciple, especially when Maitreya was present nearby.

The rule is that in the presence of a higher personality one should not be very eager to impart instructions, even if one is competent and well versed. So Uddhava decided to send an elderly person like Vidura to Maitreya, another elderly person, but he was well versed also because he was directly instructed by the Lord while He was about to quit this mortal world.

Since both Uddhava and Maitreya were directly instructed by the Lord, both had the authority to become the spiritual master of Vidura or anyone else, but Maitreya, being elderly, had the first claim to becoming the spiritual master, especially for Vidura, who was much older than Uddhava.

One should not be eager to become a spiritual master cheaply for the sake of profit and fame, but should become a spiritual master only for the service of the Lord. The Lord never tolerates the impertinence of maryada-vyatikrama.

One should never pass over the honor due to an elderly spiritual master in the interests of one’s own personal gain and fame. Impertinence on the part of the pseudo spiritual master is very risky to progressive spiritual realization.

Is this the same Maitreya you all are referring to?
Here's another thought on recognizing the Coming One:

How many of us think we might never have recognized Gandhi, Mother Teresa or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is possible that one or more of these were Avatars (lesser avatars) of various types ... especially Dr. MLK, Jr. Many of us may not recognize this, but is it even conceivable that we could somehow have failed to witness their example and their Work altogether?

If, then, you think that there's any way you could possibly miss the coming of Him Who sent them ... would you care to explain it?
If, then, you think that there's any way you could possibly miss the coming of Him Who sent them ... would you care to explain it?

if i were maitreya, i would not waste any time trying to dazzle anyone. there are plenty of sedentary people being dazzled every day in front of tv, movies and video games, as well as facebook and all of the rest. there is no shortage of enthrallment and maya-fascination.

what hope can there be for the enthralled sheep? if maitreya performed a single miracle, the video footage would get 50million views, probably less than kony2012, less than 'Charlie bit my finger' and certainly less than all of justin bieber's music videos. the miracle would be debunked by mythbusters. it would be condemned by orthodox jews, muslims and christians. it would be condemned everyone threatened by Maitreya's power esp. armies. it would be mocked by richard dawkins and the intellectual elite. the power-hungry would beg him to teach him the secrets of acquiring power, without any ethical, moral or righteous considerations. i could go on, but i don't want to be any more irritating.

Moving along, at the maitreya press conference there would be envoys from the pentagon, from every government, many Universities; salesmen from every dark corner of the corporate world trying desperately to pitch book deals, TV deals, special appearances in movies, toys, video games, magazine adverts, etc. The press would be waiting like hungry wolves ready to chop up his speech into out-of-context sound-bites that they can spin into controversial, ready-to-eat ear candy for the already hopelessly deceived masses.

the line to maitreya's palace would be over a mile long and packed deep with every type of moral degenerate that exists on this planet, including backwoods inbred christian hilbillies that think he's the antichrist and would want to kill him. Billionaires and their envoys would helicopter in and rappel down, hoping to buy first access with money, power, threats or all three.

immediately upon hearing his message, which is simple and wise, the reaction would be simple. you can guess what it might be.

i can't imagine maitreya, or anyone with wisdom AND power, attracting the attention of the masses.

please forgive me for being so forthcoming.

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Whoever said Maitreya was going to remove the whole world from Maya and ego-thrallment?

Whoever said Maitreya was coming to appease mankind and fascinate us along religious lines, rendering all of the prophecies true according to our [mighty official-sounding, therefore suspiciously ego-pleasing] interpretations? Religions too, from denominations to offshoots, have collective egos, as do corporations, and more importantly entire countries.

Since when was it the World Teacher's job to pry us loose of our tightly-held allegiances and confused expectations? Haven't enough Prophets already been sent to provide the way into Christ's heart - via Buddha Nature, which is our common Centre, or Meeting-place? When the horse(es, by the multitudes) already stands at the watering-hole, what more is there to do until he feels thirsty?

How was the World Teacher recognized 2100 years ago? With what kind of welcome was He greeted by the multitudes and the masses, by the key religious figures and supposedly ruling bodies (clearly out of touch with true authority, whereupon this rests, how it works and operates in the world - regardless of all else)? What did his own people do in reaction to His coming and His predictions, to his example His Work?

How seriously was the Christ taken 2100 years ago, and what may have changed today, such that ... even if the world does not suddenly go goose-stepping Nazi in blind obedience and allegiance, nevertheless the essential Mission and Message of the World Teacher will be understood, and communicated to Humanity?
More thoughts on the matter (semi stream of consciousness, so I suppose I'm as forthcoming as any ;)) ...

I would suggest carefully envisioning just what it is that the World Teacher desires, on God's Behalf and in service to the Center where the WILL of God is known, the Father's House: Shambhala. This time, we are told, Christ does not come primarily to demonstrate or prove that LOVE [Love-Wisdom] is the reigning Rule of Law within the Father's House, the Hierarchy and therefore also, via gradual tranition, within the Human Family once again ... and thereby also in unrestricted Divine flow to and through and from again the lesser Kingdoms.

Christ has already done this, demonstrating Brotherly Love and also - even the solution to many of the world problems with which we are currently faced, yet simply ignoring, or balking at, when we recognize what would surely have to be done in order to solve them. Christ has proven for us that: There is no human problem that cannot be solved through Intelligence and Love.

If this is so, then what could the Bodhisattva possibly do for us at this stage which we cannot, if we summoned our own, both individual and collective ability(ies) DO FOR OURSELVES?

The religions and theologies will sometimes waste much time, spinning their wheels in sight or light of this false dilemma. Meanwhile, we could be well farther along building the lighted WAY of approach from Humanty to the Christ, that He might have an appropriate *means of approach & descent* from His High Place and from the Kingdom of Shambhala, even, via the Hierarchy [Christ & His Church, the Assembly of Enlightened Hearts & Minds] into the hearts & minds of Humanity.

An alternative, after all, while more calamitous than many (including the Hierarchy) would prefer ... simply means that much lost time & effort, plus untold suffering for possibly untold numbers. Been watching the world lately? There are plenty who oppose precisely at least some of the Christ's own plans, simply because we have grown accustomed to living a certain, as we increasingly know, impossible lifestyle. Most of the world suffers, even while we profit and thrive. Now that enough of the American people and the West in general have begun to wake up (a bit) from our slumber, it *just may be* that we can turn things around - in time.

Maitreya will come, regardless, and the time table is decades at this point, not Centuries. We should be careful not to mix exoteric symbolism with esoteric Teachings, if we are students of the latter. Sometimes our attachment to the much glamoured presentations even by the Teachers we cherish and hold dear (despite our willingness to criticize them if it suits us) ... prove to be the greatest illusions of all.

We do not have to make this error, and therefore esoteric groups by the dozens, numbering into the 100s and 1000s of members, worldwide ... do look forward to assisting with the Reappearance in the coming years and decades. In one sense, it is true to say that nothing under Heaven can prevent or arrest the steady inflow of what these Groups (and their members) working in Unison (or with the forces of Unity and Synthesis) represent and are committed to [achieving].

In another way, we might emphasize that a House divided against itself cannot stand ... and if we recognize that all of Humanity has certain astrological governances and strong influences, then it may be possible to see how in a reflected sense so too do the various Groups within the Human Family find different rulerships. Scorpio & Saturn govern the Path of Discipleship, the latter group being Responsible w/in Humanity of bringing to it the VISION of the future which all Mankind shall one day come to affirm. One esoteric mantram ends with the following stanza, speaking directly to the Coming of the World Teacher:
Let vision come and insight
Let the future stand revealed
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone
Let love prevail
Let all men love

Om Om Om
The purpose for invoking Humanity's own future directly is not that somehow the Lord Maitreya is impatient and doesn't feel like waiting around forever for us to somehow get it right, or even that we just need to see a few more millions, or even thousands of people saying the right things, or invoking God in just the right way, hopping on one foot, etc.

It should go without saying, yet we do sometimes need to remember, HUMANITY ITSELF determines much of the HOW when it comes to the way that the future unfolds. The spiritual HIERARCHY, Maitreya and Those Who come with Him ... have already done as much of Their part as Cosmic, Systemic, Planetary, Human and even in some cases individual karma will possibly allow. Anyone who accepts this Universal Law will surely see how and why, and THAT this is so.

Karma, Cause and Effect, do not work against the Law of Love-Wisdom, of Loving Compassion, nor against the Law of Purpose, or Synthesis.

No one can deny, however, that Humanity is still struggling MUCH as we attempt to resolve these ... or bring all three basic Laws into application - which is certainly not our job alone, yet which it is better to try and learn to SHOULDER, rather than simply shrug off saying, yeah, I dunno if I really care about that, or buy into that, or quite see it that way.

Fine, if you have a nuance that works for you, that's wonderful. We are, after all, speaking about Responsibility ... and umm, if there really is a `World Teacher' - by whatever title, tradition, name, (hi)story or presentation appeals most to you - doesn't it all come down, on some level fairly intimate & personal, for me & for you - to a question about a Pledge, a pact we have "with ourself(ves)" ... for lack of a different pronoun at the moment.

And if all that's true, then a post or two, here or there, probably matters ... yet learn (I am) to think of it like that. As simple as say, sound, it's a bit like a little gauge that goes with you, almost anywhere you go - for even in the silence, where the clicking stops (oh no, an STNG episode!), even where we are able to set the gauge aside, we know that it has not really stopped, accountability is never actually suspended, and indeed, as we are ready again, we allow this `clicking' to return.

If that were the nature of our awareness, if it's what were or was required in order to keep us focused on the Dharma ... would we welcome it, inconvenient as it happened to be? How about if it were the clap of two hands, or the sound of a dropped pair of scissors? Maybe the honk of a car horn? Or breaking glass? Or the exposion from the muzzle of the gun in the hands of the soldier beside you?

You will tell me, someone bold enough, that Christ is not with every person (and being) on this planet, but I will correct you, because I will point out that Christ is both what [Who] Awakens and also that which [whom] is awakened. Christ, as Maitreya Bodhisattva, becomes Full Buddha, in one sense, both because and as more of Humanity awakens. But while I point out above, that this is not simply numerical, it is also not to suggest that in the future (Nick!) there will not be 10,000 or so Arhats - "going with" the Great One, in that sense, to the farther [Tathagata] Shore.

Maitreya will bring these with Him, which may or may not include the Devas, which outnumber Humanity on this planet by more than 2:1. But long between then and now, the BODHISATTVA must approach and show us the Water poured forth for thirsty men, as every conquering Dharma-Lord (of Greater or lesser degree) also accomplishes in Aquarius. This doctrine, this correlation, this hint as to Maitreya's Heavenly origin - as well as ours - is as it always has been, writ into the Heavens. Let us think carefully before we argue too hard in an effort to write ourselves out ... or is this as the theologies have taught us, and as the pen of the skeptic has become accustomed to do?

Maitreya and the Mahatmas ... makes me wanna write a kids' book about the subject. Never hurts to be a little more in tune or in touch, however. And what was that part about an awareness every bit as accessible as our own elbow, any time, any place, if onely we seek it? It might well be (understandable) that some make a mistake, thinking "aha! now I have attained to the ~" [blippity blop, whatever they have come to like to call it] ... but I'm pretty sure you can't:

Become a Bodhisattva, Buddha, enlighten'd one ... and not quite be sure about it. ;)
Lucifer, even, parades [masquerades] as an Angel of Light. Hence all that parading that all of us love to do - some more often, some more to their own ego's delight, often most of us to just enough degree that we are happy saying, "oh, it's just __!" - and I gotta be free, and that kind of jazz, well ... I do see what folks are saying.

How would a World Teacher hope to reach folks who are so stuck within their own head ... or, in some cases, anchored in the body (as by pain or illness) - even the emotionally polarized, many of the religious, thus those who are inherently blinded by the tinted glasses that we wear ... HOW might the Bodhisattva hope to get through?

Good homework questions, makes me want to ponder Egoic groups, how an entire cohort will reincarnate again & again, its many members learning gradually to master certain lessons, while a mountain goat will occasionally break away, Capricornian like, and mounting the lessons of Scorio, sail right through Saggitarius and take Initiation. If a soul is fairly advanced, the lessons and procedure, the proscribed practice, is already well laid out before us.

Maitreya's mere Presence at this time is a stimulus to the Soul (on its own level) and a proverbial, Tauran cattle-prod to us on the more subjective levels of personality-awareness. It may hit us via religious or mythological motif, through a Hollywood-dressed superhero themed movie presentation - cheesy as these usually are ... or if we can make it to the natural world before it's all been cut down for Rooms to Blo furniture, we can even meditate, observe the natural Beauty - then perhaps realize anew that natural here does NOT also indicate accidental, random or otherwise nicely convenient but otherwise completely spontaneous & unintentional.

I really can't even grasp any more ... do people really believe these things? I find that more serious problems often have to do with the same sort of disconnect, perhaps (keeping my own business out of it) ... yet on the level of Humanity, as we compose the worldwide, etheric network. If we look around, there are so many chokeholds, narrowness of energy flow and outright obstructions even just to the free interchange of ideas, and I mean even within a given country, or group of people, let alone between our various constituent units & groups ... I think it is well to at least ask the question, "What might I do to at least move in the direction of helping to unclog this sort of mess?"

Then, inasmuch as we may find a partial, or e'en well-developed answer, lo! Opportunity for Action unfolds. It will NEVER cease to be the case that those who wish to help - even DIRECTLY - with the Reappearance of the Christ ... will be denied an opportunity. My testimony is that we will likely fail to recognize a good number of such, and it is here that - with Christian background or otherwise - we might do well to consider GRACE, plus Providence.

Do not think for one moment such dead-end thoughts as "surely the Christ does not need me," "oh, but a Bodhisattva has no use for someone so ego-deluded as those of us still trying to figure it all out," or "This is nonsense, God needs no one!" ... for while even if we hope to appreciate some subtle philosophical point in this last realization, HOW does that help us one bit in affirming what we ARE capable of, and thereby seeing how very possible and truly useful it is TO PLEDGE and Affirm our positive desire to lend a hand, to help Prepare the Way!

It is useful to be able to take the Universal and that which applies, must and will apply on the worldwide or collective scale, and SCALE IT DOWN so that we can see, envision or APPLY it on the individual and personal. If we cannot do this, part of the lines of communcation are in disrepair, or have not yet been established. Turn the equation around, and be able to also go from the particular to the Universal - knowing how sound is the observation that even one instance of a particular can DISPROVE what was formerly held to be a universal rule, or law.

In evidence of the latter, when once you KNOW that there is a Buddha Nature, or what some tend to call, the Christ within (Light within, God within, even Inner Goodness) ... see what will naturally follow, as a result of this dawning recognition and Realization. And if we do not short-circuit the conclusions which must logically and inevitably follow, we may rest assured - the seed of future self-Mastery, even BUDDHAHOOD that has been planted within us" ... will be watered & nurtured until it too develops into a (the) Tree, and bears fruit. (vide John 15:1-5)