More thoughts on the matter (semi
stream of consciousness, so I suppose I'm as forthcoming as any

) ...
I would suggest carefully envisioning just
what it is that the World Teacher desires,
on God's Behalf and in service to the
Center where the WILL of God is known, the Father's House:
Shambhala. This time, we are told, Christ does not come primarily to demonstrate or prove that LOVE [Love-Wisdom] is the reigning Rule of Law within the Father's House, the Hierarchy
and therefore also, via gradual tranition, within the Human Family
once again ... and thereby also in unrestricted Divine flow to and through and from again the lesser Kingdoms.
Christ has already done this, demonstrating
Brotherly Love and also - even the solution to many of the
world problems with which we are currently faced
, yet simply ignoring, or balking at, when we recognize what would surely have to be done in order to solve them. Christ has proven for us that:
There is no human problem that cannot be solved through Intelligence and Love.
If this is so, then what could the Bodhisattva
possibly do for us at this stage which we cannot,
if we summoned our own, both individual and collective ability(ies) DO FOR OURSELVES?
The religions and theologies will sometimes waste much time,
spinning their wheels in sight or light of this false dilemma. Meanwhile, we could be well farther along building the
lighted WAY of approach from Humanty
to the Christ, that He might have an appropriate *means of approach & descent*
from His High Place and from the Kingdom of Shambhala, even, via the Hierarchy [Christ & His Church, the
Assembly of Enlightened Hearts & Minds] into the hearts & minds of Humanity.
An alternative, after all, while more calamitous than many (including the Hierarchy) would prefer ... simply means that much lost time & effort, plus untold suffering for possibly untold numbers. Been watching the world lately? There are plenty who oppose precisely
at least some of the Christ's own plans, simply because
we have grown accustomed to living a certain, as we increasingly know,
impossible lifestyle. Most of the world suffers, even while
we profit and thrive. Now that enough of the American people and the West in general have begun to wake up (a bit) from our slumber, it *just may be* that we can turn things around - in time.
Maitreya will come, regardless, and the time table is decades at this point, not Centuries. We should be careful not to
mix exoteric symbolism with esoteric Teachings, if we are students of the latter. Sometimes our attachment to the
much glamoured presentations even by the Teachers we cherish and hold dear (despite our willingness to criticize them if it suits us) ... prove to be the greatest illusions of all.
We do not have to make this error, and therefore
esoteric groups by the dozens, numbering into the 100s and 1000s of members, worldwide ... do look forward to assisting with the Reappearance in the coming years and decades. In one sense, it is true to say that
nothing under Heaven can prevent or arrest the steady inflow of what these Groups (and their members) working in
Unison (or with the forces of Unity and Synthesis) represent and are committed to [achieving].
In another way, we might emphasize that
a House divided against itself cannot stand ... and if we recognize that all of Humanity has certain astrological governances and
strong influences, then it may be possible to see how
in a reflected sense so too do the various Groups within the Human Family find different rulerships. Scorpio & Saturn govern the Path of Discipleship, the latter group being Responsible w/in Humanity of bringing to it the
VISION of the future which all Mankind shall one day come to affirm. One esoteric mantram ends with the following stanza, speaking
directly to the Coming of the World Teacher:
Let vision come and insight
Let the future stand revealed
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone
Let love prevail
Let all men love
Om Om Om
The purpose for invoking Humanity's own future directly is not that somehow the Lord Maitreya is impatient and doesn't feel like waiting around forever for us to somehow get it right, or even that we just need to see a few more millions, or even thousands of people saying the right things, or invoking God in just the right way, hopping on one foot, etc.
It should go without saying, yet we do sometimes need to remember, HUMANITY ITSELF determines much of the
HOW when it comes to the way that the future unfolds. The spiritual HIERARCHY,
Maitreya and Those Who come with Him ... have already done as much of Their part as Cosmic, Systemic, Planetary,
Human and even in some cases
individual karma will possibly allow. Anyone who accepts this Universal Law will surely see how and why, and THAT this is so.
Karma, Cause and Effect, do not work
against the Law of Love-Wisdom, of
Loving Compassion, nor against the Law of Purpose, or Synthesis.
No one can deny, however, that
Humanity is still struggling MUCH as we attempt to resolve these ... or bring all three basic Laws into
application - which is certainly not our job alone, yet which it is better to try and learn to
SHOULDER, rather than simply shrug off saying,
yeah, I dunno if I really care about that, or buy into that, or quite see it that way.
Fine, if you have a nuance that works for
you, that's wonderful. We are, after all, speaking about Responsibility ... and umm,
if there really is a `World Teacher' - by whatever title, tradition, name, (hi)story or presentation appeals most to you - doesn't it all come down,
on some level fairly intimate & personal, for me & for you - to a question about a Pledge, a pact we have "with ourself(ves)" ... for lack of a different pronoun at the moment.
And if all that's true, then a post or two, here or there, probably matters ... yet learn (I am) to think of it like that. As simple as say,
sound, it's a bit like a little
gauge that goes with you, almost anywhere you go - for even in the silence, where the clicking stops (oh no, an STNG episode!), even where we are able to
set the gauge aside, we know that it has not really stopped, accountability is
never actually suspended, and indeed, as we are ready again, we
allow this `clicking' to return.
If that were the nature of our awareness, if it's what were or was required in order to
keep us focused on the Dharma ... would we welcome it, inconvenient as it happened to be? How about if it were the clap of two hands, or the sound of a dropped pair of scissors? Maybe the honk of a car horn? Or breaking glass? Or the exposion from the muzzle of the gun in the hands of the soldier beside you?
You will tell me, someone bold enough, that
Christ is not with every person (and being) on this planet, but I will correct you, because I will point out that
Christ is both what [Who] Awakens and also that which [whom] is awakened. Christ, as Maitreya Bodhisattva, becomes
Full Buddha, in one sense,
both because and as more of Humanity awakens. But while I point out above, that this is
not simply numerical, it is also
not to suggest that in the future (Nick!) there will not be
10,000 or so Arhats - "going with" the Great One, in that sense,
to the farther [Tathagata] Shore.
Maitreya will bring these with Him, which may or may not include the
Devas, which outnumber Humanity on this planet by more than
2:1. But long between
then and now, the BODHISATTVA must approach and show us
the Water poured forth for thirsty men, as every conquering Dharma-Lord (of
Greater or lesser degree) also accomplishes in Aquarius. This doctrine, this correlation, this
hint as to Maitreya's Heavenly origin - as well as ours - is as it always has been,
writ into the Heavens. Let us think carefully before we argue too hard in an effort to
write ourselves out ... or is this as the theologies have taught us,
and as the pen of the skeptic has become accustomed to do?
and the Mahatmas ... makes me wanna write a kids' book about the subject. Never hurts to be a little more
in tune or in touch, however. And what was that part about
an awareness every bit as accessible as our own elbow, any time, any place,
if onely we seek it? It might well be (understandable) that some make a mistake, thinking
"aha! now I have attained to the ~" [blippity blop, whatever they have come to like to call it] ... but I'm pretty sure you can't:
Become a Bodhisattva, Buddha, enlighten'd one ... and not quite be sure about it.

Lucifer, even,
parades [masquerades]
as an Angel of Light. Hence all that parading that
all of us love to do - some more often, some more to their own ego's delight, often most of us
to just enough degree that we are happy saying, "
oh, it's just __!" - and I gotta be
free, and that kind of jazz, well ... I do see what folks are saying.
How would
a World Teacher hope to reach folks who are so stuck within their own head ...
or, in some cases, anchored in the body (as by pain or illness) - even the
emotionally polarized, many of the religious, thus those who are inherently blinded by the
tinted glasses that we wear ... HOW might the Bodhisattva hope to
get through?
Good homework questions, makes me want to ponder
Egoic groups, how an entire cohort will reincarnate again & again, its many members
learning gradually to master certain lessons, while a
mountain goat will occasionally break away, Capricornian like, and
mounting the lessons of Scorio, sail right through Saggitarius and
take Initiation. If a soul is fairly advanced, the lessons and procedure,
the proscribed practice, is already well laid out before us.
Maitreya's mere
Presence at this time is a stimulus to the Soul (on its own level) and a
proverbial, Tauran cattle-prod to us on the more subjective levels of personality-awareness. It may hit us via religious or mythological motif, through a Hollywood-dressed
superhero themed movie presentation - cheesy as these usually are ... or if we can make it to the natural world before it's all been cut down for Rooms to Blo furniture, we can even meditate, observe the
natural Beauty - then perhaps realize anew that
natural here does NOT also indicate
accidental, random or otherwise nicely convenient but otherwise completely spontaneous & unintentional.
I really can't even grasp any more ...
do people really believe these things? I find that more serious problems often have to do with the same sort of disconnect, perhaps (keeping my own business out of it) ... yet on the level of Humanity, as we compose
the worldwide, etheric network. If we look around, there are so many chokeholds, narrowness of energy flow and outright obstructions
even just to the free interchange of ideas, and I mean even
within a given country, or group of people, let alone
between our various constituent units & groups ... I think it is well to at least ask the question,
"What might I do to at least move in the direction of helping to unclog this sort of mess?"
Then, inasmuch as we may find a partial, or e'en well-developed answer,
lo! Opportunity for Action unfolds.
It will NEVER cease to be the case that those who wish to help - even DIRECTLY - with the
Reappearance of the Christ ... will be denied an opportunity. My testimony is that we will likely fail to recognize
a good number of such, and it is here that - with Christian background or otherwise - we might do well to consider GRACE, plus Providence.
Do not think
for one moment such dead-end thoughts as
"surely the Christ does not need me," "oh, but a Bodhisattva has no use for someone so ego-deluded as those of us still trying to figure it all out," or "This is nonsense,
God needs no one!" ... for while even if we hope to appreciate some subtle philosophical point in this last realization,
HOW does that help us
one bit in affirming what we
ARE capable of, and thereby
seeing how very possible and truly useful it is TO PLEDGE and Affirm our positive desire to lend a hand,
to help Prepare the Way!
It is useful to be able to take the
Universal and that which
applies, must and will apply on the worldwide or collective scale, and
SCALE IT DOWN so that we can see, envision or
APPLY it on the individual and personal. If we cannot do this, part of the lines of communcation are in disrepair, or have not yet been established. Turn the equation around, and be able to also go
from the particular to the Universal - knowing how sound is the observation that
even one instance of a particular can DISPROVE what was formerly held to be a universal rule, or law.
In evidence of the latter, when once you KNOW that there is a
Buddha Nature, or what some tend to call,
the Christ within (Light within, God within, even
Inner Goodness) ... see what will naturally follow, as a result of
this dawning recognition and Realization. And if we do not short-circuit the conclusions which
must logically and inevitably follow, we may rest assured - the seed of
future self-Mastery, even BUDDHAHOOD that has been planted within us" ... will be watered & nurtured until
it too develops into a (the) Tree, and bears fruit.
(vide John 15:1-5)