And another thing, where is the provinance to bandie about the use of the word "Aryan".
"Aryan" is a sanskrit word. It began as a sanskrit word. It has always existed as a sanskrit word. It remains a sanskrit word. Such sanskrit word is defined with the requiste sanskrit definition. This word may be borrowed, lent or stolen ---but it remains a HINDU SANSKRIT TERM.
(Zarathushtra) — And his blessedness, even that of Ahura Mazda, shall the nobles strive to attain, his the Aryans (Airyamnâ) with the brotherhood, his, ye Daevas, in the manner as I declare it.
(The Representatives of the Classes) — As thy messengers we would keep them far away that are enemies to you. – Yasna 32.1
3. Thereupon gave Haoma answer, he the holy, and driving death afar: Pourushaspa was the fourth man who prepared me for the corporeal world. This blessedness was given him, this gain did he acquire, that thou, O Zarathushtra! wast born to him, the just, in Pourushaspa's house, the Daeva's foe, the friend of Mazda's lore, (14) famed in Airyana Vaejah (airyene vaêjahe) ; and thou, O Zarathushtra! didst recite the first the Ahuna-vairya, four times intoning it, and with verses kept apart [(Pazand) each time with louder and still louder voice]. – Yasna 9:14
Yasna 9:14 is the oldest Indo-Iranian composition that shows the form "Aryan" was used to designate an actual Aryan homeland, which means that the Irano-Afghans were "Aryan" in the national sense. The Indics do not mention an Aryan homeland until after the Vedic period in the Manusmirti. But maybe you can help me here Bhaktajan. Can you read devangari because BX claimed that an almost identical form of the form Aryan appears in the Manusmirti. Can you confirm this?
The mother Tongue of the INDO-EUROPEAN Family of Languages is Sanskrit.
I think the Scythians would make a much better candidate for a mother tongue of the Indo-Europeans. They lived on part where the Slavs, the Celto-Italic (see also Halstat) , and Germanic people arose. The earliest Buddhist compositions that are written in Buddhas own words show evidence of Saka or Scythian influence. Buddha himself was known as "the Great Sakamuni." This was later than the Vedic period, but shows that the aristocracy was mixed Irano-Afghan and Indic. If I'm not mistaken the Albanians even lived under Parthian rule for a while and the Parthians were Scythians. Lithuanian is very similar to Sanskrit and therefore Gathic Avestan. And there is also evidence of Irano-Afghan loans in Myceneaen, the earliest attested Greek language.
The spectrum ranges from "Indo" (refers to India) to "European (Europa)" ---my research says this:
the sanskrit words 'uru' + 'purusha' are a compond sanskrit term that abberrated to form the present word "europa"
'uru' + 'purusha' equates to: 'wide, vast' + 'peoples'.
Hence, Europa is a Sanskrit derived name.
The conventional etymology is Eur- "wide" + opa "face" cf. opos "eye" like in Eth-opia. But weren't the Purusha the ancient Parsu or Pashtuns?
I think if we postulate the "Indo-aryans" (who wrote the vedas and moved to India)and "Iran-aryans" (who wrote the Gathas and moved to Iran) split on the steppes somewhere between 2000 and 1500 BCE we have agreement?
That is convention.
The Indo-aryans were influenced by the aboriginal Indus Valley civilization and the Irano-aryans by the aboriginal Jiroft Civilization, probably. The problem is that the high Iranian Plateau (north of the Jiroft and East of the Elam sites) has never been archeologically developed in terms of early bronze age sites.
I don't know enough about Jiroft. But for sure the Irano-Afghans displaced the Elamites, and the Indics the Dravidians.
Otherwise, the postulation has actually been about Shangra-la peoples of Shambala descended from inhospitalble environs to conquer more ideal settlements ---if so, the lament is the fall of that left behind lost Capital City in the Mountains & high Foot Hills of the Himalayas.
The interesting thing about the Tibetans is that like the Zarathushtrians they both practiced exhumation. They didn't bury their dead. Some have even postulated that the pre-Buddhist Tibetan religion known as Bonn and the religion of the Aryans descended from a common ancestor. Another thing that may be worth noting is that the Tibetans were one of the peoples who the Nazis performed anthropological studies and they concluded that they were descendents of the PIE Aryans.