


Is there another goal in life? Every pursuit is basically founded on the belief it will bring you happiness, you can bare any sort of torture if there is the promise of happiness at the end of it.

Have you ever looked at happiness, tried to understand how it has arisen?

Basically, it is just that you have not tried to fight whatever is happening, and this the message of Lao Tzu - Tao is just the flow of life, he says to let go into it...

Instead, we will fight, we will say this and that are sins, we will go against our nature to try to find this eventual happiness which someone has promised us. Even if we see this person basically lacks happiness, that his whole life has seemed like a torture, somehow we trust that this is the way to happiness - yet he is constantly saying you will find happiness later, even after death.

Please look into this, do not take my word for it. As you watch what has caused happiness though, when you have found out how it has come about, continue with it, continue to do whatever makes you happy, whatever raises your happiness to new heights.

Reading this, the so-called religious people will be finding it difficult to read, but is it not said God is the God of life not death? Why are you running from life that you can be rewarded in death? It makes no sense...

Bringing harm to another, you will see it is harmful to yourself, there is no happiness in it, there is only a surge of adrenaline, only seek absolute happiness. Eventually, at the very peaks of happiness, there is pure bliss, and higher still there is absolute truth. Climb to those peaks, this is to be respectful of life.

You have been told to maintain humility, is there anything like that in happiness? These people are basically zombies, and you are striving to be like them? If they are bringing themselves to the brink of death, why will you trust them to know what everlasting happiness and pleasure is?

Do not get it twisted, their whole teaching is about heaven, about paradise, about the very peaks of pleasure, yet you think that becoming absolutely absent of life is the path to this?

Do not be so foolish.
When you see clearly that happiness is your true goal, you give because it makes you happy, you share because it creates more happiness, friendships are there to make you more happy, everything around you, everything you do is to bring happiness to a new height.

Currently, sharing is an obligation, friendship is an obligation, relations with family is pure obligation, and this perspective is a drain on you. You will work jobs you hate because at least you can afford things you don't need. It is such a strange state man has gotten himself into, and fundamentally it is because he has been told to do certain things which he does not really want to do.

Drop all these obligations, drop everything you think must be done as part of life, everything you have been instructed. Simply grow in love, bring in more energy to your being, and you will find yourself doing these things naturally.

Certainly they will increase your happiness, but it is not for some future pleasure, the pleasure is there in the very giving, the very sharing of yourself. Gradually you see that the laws of the inner world are quite strange, the inner economics are entirely backward. In the objective world, you give and you have less, you give everything and you are left with nothing, you find yourself clinging to everything, trying to acquire more with minimal losses.

In the inner world, it is quite the opposite, give a little and you get back double, give your all and you get everything - it doesn't seem logical at all, yet life is not logical.
NOW absolute selfishness is ok.

When you see that in giving, you get double, now the goal should certainly be abundance. It is because even when you attain the whole existence, still you are trying to give it away to go further into bliss. Now, absolute greed is the virtue, because it is life itself you are trying to enhance.

With the ego, you have always been trying to have more, but it is at the expense of others. This is the way it is in objective reality, you think that having more things is being rich. It is to be absolutely impoverished because in reality you are now serving these things, you work to pay them off, you waste your life trying to gain more.

When you start working with your subjectivity, you come to a point where you literally have everything, it is all part of your subjective reality. In the objective world, it is the same basic goal, but the goal is utterly impossible, and this causes suffering.

This is why all the great ones have tried to push you into yourself.
Happiness is not one of my goals.

whattya say to that?

I would simply ask why you are still alive?

What are you working towards? If you are not seeking happiness, for me you are essentially already dead, you might as well end it. Happiness is the natural arising of a life well lived, are you trying to live the worst life possible?

Of course, this is exactly what I have said about the saints, the priests, I would suggest you are basically a follower of these disgusting people. Find out what enhances your soul, and you will find it is happiness, it is bliss, you are trying to kill your soul... for me I cannot say why.

Just ask what exactly is the point of your current endeavors, is it valid?
If your goal is to experience anything but the crescendo of life, I cannot understand you at all. If you are not trying to understand the very nature of life, I do not understand why you are alive. For me, there is nothing higher than experiencing the very peaks of what life has to offer, and if you are not trying to enhance life, for me you are the cause of suffering itself.

The nature of suffering is that life is not coming to its potential in you, you are trying to swim against life itself, and this is basically unnatural. All life wants to live, if you are not enhancing life you are part of the reason it is deteriorating. Enhancing life, you gain more life yourself, this is the nature of happiness, of bliss, to have life absolutely.

Otherwise, you are wasting space, you should just kill yourself and let others enjoy life more abundantly, you are taking away from their oxygen which is a fundamental source of life, you are taking away their food which has created much suffering because many are starving.

Either bring life to the peak for as many possible or kill yourself, but understand that increasing anothers life will have its rewards for you, there is a direct correlation. If you are not trying to enjoy life, you are harming life.

Harming life, this is the highest crime.
I would even question what sort of goal cannot have happiness as its end.

Look into those goals and ask why exactly you are endeavoring towards them, surely the central purpose is that you think it will make you more happy.
Happiness is an emotional and biological state of mind, idiots can be all too happy (case in hand above)

Studies have shown that high concentrations of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine leads to feelings of elation and euphoria (extreme happiness) (Franken, 1994). Scientists have long known that there is a "pleasure center" or "reward center" in the brain. In 1956, James Olds discovered that rats quickly learned to press a bar attached to electrodes implanted in their brain that would trigger an electrical stimulation in that part of the brain. The human brain has also been found to have a "reward system". Studies with humans have shown that high levels of some neurotransmitters (specifically norepinephrine) can increase feelings of elation and euphoria (happiness) while low levels of norepinephrine have been linked to feelings of depression (unhappiness) (Franken, 1994). So it seems clear that, yes, there is a biological component to happiness.
Happiness is an emotional and biological state of mind, idiots can be all too happy (case in hand above)

Studies have shown that high concentrations of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine leads to feelings of elation and euphoria (extreme happiness) (Franken, 1994). Scientists have long known that there is a "pleasure center" or "reward center" in the brain. In 1956, James Olds discovered that rats quickly learned to press a bar attached to electrodes implanted in their brain that would trigger an electrical stimulation in that part of the brain. The human brain has also been found to have a "reward system". Studies with humans have shown that high levels of some neurotransmitters (specifically norepinephrine) can increase feelings of elation and euphoria (happiness) while low levels of norepinephrine have been linked to feelings of depression (unhappiness) (Franken, 1994). So it seems clear that, yes, there is a biological component to happiness.

Umm, I'm not sure why you have bothered to post this?

I am saying the biology of man, when at its peak, rewards the person for it. I am saying that this is healthy, and that maintaining what has given this reward is beneficial. I am saying that the more you follow this reward structure, the higher is your life energies, and eventually you find the absolute peak.

You call those that follow happiness "idiots", I am saying that not following that which is rewarded is utterly stupid. We train all animals on the basis of reward, and it creates happy animals. Are you too proud to accept rewards from existence to train yourself towards happiness? It is rewarding you for coming to new peaks of life, just as you reward your dog for not pissing you off. There is very little difference in it at all...

Life WANTS you to live abundantly, just as much as you want your dog to not ruin your things. Life experiences itself through you, it is just as selfish as you training your dog.
You are inferring that to be trained means you are less intelligent... do you not realize that EVERYTHING you do on a day to day basis has been the result of training?

Think of a baby, how useless it is, without someone even showing you how to eat, even that you would be incapable of today. Everything in life is a training, and actually we are so advanced exactly because we do not skip steps - we do not assert our own individual intelligence very much.

There have been tests, 4 year old monkeys and humans were shown a way to get snacks out of a puzzle box. Monkeys actually figured out by themselves how to get the snack quicker, most would say they are more intelligent than the child that continues doing what they are told. Yet this ability to emulate exactly rather than innovate is central to the human intelligence!

Now, you are disagreeing with this finding indirectly, you are suggesting that the heights of life cannot be found by obeying life exactly - for this is how happiness occurs. I would suggest you reconsider this...
Happiness is EXACTLY the dog treat of existence.

The question, then, is what exactly is it training us for? I would suggest Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, these are all examples of those who have obeyed completely, that have finished the school.

This, I would suggest, is their graduation which is conveyed in what we call "religion", are you prepared to flunk? I do not see the point, passing is quite enjoyable. I would suggest the same for your notions of "Higher Self", it is the same graduation which is found - although you go in the opposite direction, it is perfectly good, you will just be hit harder by the punishments.

Endeavoring absolutely, unrelentingly, eventually you see you have accomplished nothing at all, it results in the same graduation, the same utter let go but it is much harsher. There is nothing wrong though, you have simply created more contrast, the ecstasy will be a little more.
I am saying the biology of man, when at its peak, rewards the person for it.
"when at its peak" ? I don't follow this thought, the reward mechanism results whether we are biologically at our peak or not.

I am saying that this is healthy, and that maintaining what has given this reward is beneficial.
What makes some people happy may not be beneficial for another person. Therefore, it is not always healthy.

I am saying that the more you follow this reward structure, the higher is your life energies, and eventually you find the absolute peak.
Sounds like a desire to me

We train all animals on the basis of reward, and it creates happy animals.
We train domestic animals not all animals, a lion's reward is killing you and eating you.

Are you too proud to accept rewards from existence to train yourself towards happiness? It is rewarding you for coming to new peaks of life, just as you reward your dog for not pissing you off. There is very little difference in it at all...
I never said I didn't lead a hedonistic life, certainly you know that we LHP'ers exalt in the Earthly Pleasures.

Life experiences itself through you,
Happiness is a biological function, nothing more, stop placing such importance on stupid things. Life doesn't experience itself through us, we enable Life to take place in order for US to experience our Self.

This is objective / subjective universe 101
"when at its peak" ? I don't follow this thought, the reward mechanism results whether we are biologically at our peak or not.

Yet you call me an idiot...

The peak is a build up of the rewards.

What makes some people happy may not be beneficial for another person. Therefore, it is not always healthy.

This assumes that the same things make everyone happy, no, they arise from being in line with our natural course in life - which is absolutely unique for everyone.

Sounds like a desire to me

Happiness is the nature of all desires, and finding it fulfills all desires. The path is not to run from desire, unless you wish to head for death.

We train domestic animals not all animals, a lion's reward is killing you and eating you.

Which makes him happy because his hunger is satisfied.

I never said I didn't lead a hedonistic life, certainly you know that we LHP'ers exalt in the Earthly Pleasures.

Yet you fight my words about happiness?

Happiness is a biological function, nothing more, stop placing such importance on stupid things. Life doesn't experience itself through us, we enable Life to take place in order for US to experience our Self.

Life is a biological function.

This is objective / subjective universe 101

Nothing I say is based in object/subject correlations.

You have simply read it and inferred you are something other than life.
A given person can say:

I am a grandfather
I am a father
I am a husband
I am a brother
I am a son
I am a friend
I am this
I am that
You might even have nicknames

Where is the difference if you say:
I am a man
I am a women
I am from this country
I am from that country
I am this religion
I am that religion
There is none.

What if you say:
I am john
I am jack
I am joan
I am jill

Is there any more difference? Yet this is what life does when it says it is you or me, the father and husband identifications can even argue and reach compromise - all inside a given mind.

These are all identifications, yet there is only one true being.

Free from identifications, that Self is found.

Happiness occurs when you release the ego momentarily, you let go into the moment.

Depression happens when you cling absolutely to the ego despite what is going on, it is to see nothing is the way you wanted it...

Enlightenment, which is utterly blissful, is to see you never had anything to hold on to.

The more you insist you are, the less enlightened you show yourself to be.

Just follow happiness, it will show that you need not be anything.
being happy is part of being alive as much as being sad as much as being in pain.

life is pain amongst other things.
I would simply ask why you are still alive?

What are you working towards? If you are not seeking happiness, for me you are essentially already dead, you might as well end it. Happiness is the natural arising of a life well lived, are you trying to live the worst life possible?

Of course, this is exactly what I have said about the saints, the priests, I would suggest you are basically a follower of these disgusting people. Find out what enhances your soul, and you will find it is happiness, it is bliss, you are trying to kill your soul... for me I cannot say why.

Just ask what exactly is the point of your current endeavors, is it valid?

No, I do not seek validation from anyone. i seek truth, do what is right, embody righteousness (to my best ability, which varies daily) and live my purpose which is to serve god.