No I know J!sus loves me because H! has told me so (we believe in the experience of G!d directly). You see, there is no "cause" for me making that decision...
I see we are going no where with our discussion...
You say there is no "cause"...yet surely the cause (for knowing Jesus loves you), is He told you so.
...But when I test them against things like love and justice and kindness, the traditional Protestant (specifically Lutheran or Cavinist) one falls far short of deserving (in my opinion, which is really all that counts, remember, "free will") my belief as true.
Well, we know where we both stand.
BTW, I'm not a Lutheran or Calvinist...nor I am a "Christian" is commonly understood.
If you believe my arguments were personal, then I apologize. I can present articles that represent my beliefs if you want to read them.