You underestimate the effects of manipulation of thought in the mental environment, the environment of thought in which more concentrated minds exert mental influence and persuasion on weaker minds. ETs have acquired sophisticated skills in influencing and manipulating thought in the mental environment. The ET Intervention cannot, and therefore, will not attempt to conquer the world by military force as in Hollywood movies, for no race is allowed to conquer any worlds by brute force in this region of the universe. Brute force and violence are considered primitive and will engender destruction of precious natural environments as well as disturbances to long-established trade routes in local universe. Thus, any attempt to conquer a world by any race or group of races will employ a more covert and subtle methods such as persuasion and deception in the mental environment.
My friend, i most definitely DO NOT underestimate the extent to which we are susceptible to manipulation in the Astral Spheres, The Emotional Spheres, and the Mental Spheres....
Be VERY clear of that....
But what I also KNOW - from experience and lifelong exercise - is that we exist in those spheres, not as a target for others - but as a SON of our Creator....
WE are the upcoming management....
We are not drifting helplessly through the big wide Creation, to be preyed upon by all those who notice us....
We are in a miraculously designed system which has it's natural protections from threat which is "outside" of the school...
but we may open the door and let them in....out of some illogical idea that THEY have some wisdom which has been kept from us...
They can help, somehow, when souls who have spent amounts of time here that you cannot even perceive of cannot......
I am not that desperate to be "Saved"....
“No man is more hopelessly enslaved, than he who falsely believes that he is free.” ~Goethe
Such is the lesson of the world - I no longer live for the world... I see a time when i will leave it behind...
He who would rather see the pretty pictures, sometimes misses the importance of the words.... - Michael Yavorsky ( just now)
I never spoke to an ET to my knowledge. However, there are books that will resonate within you. Here are some books that people can learn about the UFO/ET phenomena from:
- “The Allies of Humanity – Book I, II, and III” by Marshall Vian Summers
- “UFO Briefing Document” by Don Berliner
- “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs and the Conference at MIT” by Bryan C.D.B.
- “UFOs and the National Security State” Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941-1973” by Richard Dolan
- “The Allgash Abductions: Undeniable Evidence of Alien Intervention” by Raymond E. Fowler
- “Unearthly Disclosure” by Timothy Good
- “The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life” by David Grinspoon
- “Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility, and Transgenic Beings” by Budd and Rainey Hopkins
- “An Alien Harvest, LMH Productions” by Linda Moulton Howe
- “The Threat: What the Aliens Really Want” by David Jacobs
- “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens” by John E. Mack
- “Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us” by Jim Marrs
- “Underwater and Underground Bases” by Richard Sauder
- “Taken” by Karla Turner
Of these, “The Allies of Humanity – Book I, III, and III” are three sets of briefings actually received from an extraterrestrial source. Though I was skeptical about the books due to the fact that the informers were physical beings from outer space, I’ve come to see that their intentions are sincere without any coaxing, false promises, or persuasion of any sort (unlike the ET Intervention), and the wisdom they gained from their own experiences of losing their freedom and self-determination in their own home worlds to a similar ET Intervention is apparent and genuine without any subterfuge or deceptions.
I very much appreciate your intention - I'm a voracious reader and student....
but i will not be needing your selections...
I will finish responding to this at the bottom.
The ET Intervention is here to appropriate the resources of this planet which is a beautiful gem abundant in biological and other natural resources, in the universe filled with stark, barren worlds. We’re sitting on a prize and ruining, overspending, and misusing the natural inheritance God has bestowed upon us. There are other races in the local universe that envy and covet this world and its resources. They would like to overtake the world and take the resources for their use, if they could.
There is a reason they see Creation as a simple storehouse for themselves....
It is unwise to presume that they have no power over us. Again, you’re underestimating the power of influences in the mental environment. Already, there are many people who have fallen under the persuasion of the ET Intervention, and now become its supporters and apologists.
My friend, I say this with my heart in my throat - feeling a very strong sympathy for you :
There is NONE greater than a Son of God who has developed a connection, in actuality, to The Father - NOTHING MAY HARM YOU - EVER......
It is possible for anyone to become stronger in the mental environment. However, humanity needs much education about life in the universe, and much preparation in emerging into the Great Community filled with intelligent life, before any contact with any ETs occurs. Here, it must be stressed that any premature contact with any ETs is detrimental to humanity, as it is not prepared yet.
this is a wise course of action AFTER folks have been shown how to access their larger Nature... or they will get lost in Mental Spheres - because they have no foundation.....
Wrong. I have sighted at least five UFOs on four different occasions. Though there have been “visitation” throughout human history, these resource-seeking ETs are already here and, in fact, have been gathering in an increasing number each year and intervening in human affairs for their own benefits for the past six decades or so.
I'm not gonna worry about sounding "fringe" here - guess you can figure out why........
Yes, aliens are among us - many more than the average Joe realizes...
but the vast majority have been born in human bodies.... they are as "native" as you are.... you are being a bigot... (

didn't see that coming, did you? )
We are NOT natives to the physical - we are spending time here, and WE ARE NOT the management of this school - we are the STUDENTS....
We have a REASON for being here.... anything which distracts from that IS the lesson.....
The only Aliens we must concern ourselves with is those who need a spaceship to get here.... we are not helpless in that respect - an AWARE Human has the ability of sensing anything which comes near... folks could be trained to "see" them coming a mile away...
every problem that an alien resents to an aware human is easily able to be dealt with....
The MOST important thing going right now, my friend, is to wake folks up to who they REALLY are - and the danger evaporates....
These things which "get under our skin" and seem to possess our attention, are INDEED telling us something.... that its time to "mount up", and start looking out for ourselves....