Brother, I am hanging in the clouds. I mean, I do not understand what you mean by "The Jewish relationship with God is related to the issue of the Trinity." Care to elucidate? Thanks.
Sure - but I am attempting to step away from the current understanding of things....
as i have been....
I believe that the original concept the Jews were to carry, was of a close and personal relationship with God.....
It is due to the development of souls that there needs to be New Messages brought...
There came a point when souls were ready for another step - that of acknowledging a personal connection to the Divine within every individual...
It was a point in the development of souls which had been prophesied about....
But that change would have required the ENTIRE established religion to change to address this new concept.... and the habits of a couple thousand years made this impossible.....
I believe it was earthly concerns which prevented further messages from getting through - and those earthly concerns demanded an interpretation of Godhead which still required the intercession of earthly priests... and a failure to acknowledge those who did indeed bring further messages...
i believe it was purposeful, that the connection to the Divine which was available to all, which is the proper understanding of souls in a state of development such as ours, was hidden and when it showed it's head - those involved were demonized....
because that connection to the Divine clearly points to the loss of control for the priest craft.... in the minds of Unaware Beings...
What i find to be slightly confusing is that AWARE beings would do so much more with the church.... it would become a light to the world.... it IS NOT as if the Church would lose influence - They would begin gaining status in a REAL manner....
But it would require the priest craft to live life honestly.... which is where the problem comes in....
one understanding of the Trinity places us squarely in the driver's seat.... taking Our Father's instruction, going to the EXACT places where we may find benefit....
the other places us in the back of the bus.... with a human being driving, and seeing the sights that they are particularly are fond of.... with little to no benefit for us....
The Christ - who was Jesus - is to be considered a Big Brother...
an accomplished sibling to be admired and emulated - who has done the very hard work to show us the way to the Father...
to deny his teaching is to throw His effort in His face - and then to ask HIM to take all of our exams, is to completely ignore all of His effort.... and completely miss the point....
I can say this as my opinion, and one can wonder where it has come from - but it is one of the first things I was led to understand...
Ignorance of the Law is no excuse - we are PERSONALLY responsible for ALL of our own creating....
and Jesus will not take it away from us - he would be taking our education from us - but He will step in and drag us from our darkness for a moment, so that we can see what He has done to get where He is.... same as He did from here...
( You may see this as a distinctly Christian thing - but that is only because I come from a Christian background... The very same soul is Revered and Admired by ALL in other spheres - and He is know THROUGHOUT creation for what He did here.... )
edit: even mentioning this in writing brings the tears to my eyes that contact with His energy always does... for folks to avoid His energy is tragic...