Sound and Sacred Geometry
Here is some relevant data:
with my two cents
Chakra #
#8 False ego (ahankara) [Subtile Body]
Mental Body - one step above the emotional - where mental concepts are dealt with - "Don't get trapped in a mental wonderland - ignoring that which is about you"
#7 Inspiration (buddhi) [Subtile Body]
Where emotional concepts are dealt with - I would suggest a fair amount of work balancing ones self before this is a destination...
#6 Intelligence (Mana) [Subtile Body] <Sounds: Ha (aspirant) - Ksha (gutteral Silibant)>
The Astral - where our Creating happens when it is unconsciously done - those creations remain here for you to deal with after death ( if you don't deal with them now... You are creating a mansion for yourself - what will it feel like when you get there? )
#5 Ether (Kham) [Gross Body] <Sounds: Vowels ah aah eh eeh uh ooh rh reeh lr lree; ei ai o au am aha>
an infinite storehouse of energy and building blocks with which to create.... grey plains of possibility...
#4 Air (vayuh) [Gross Body] <Sounds: Gutteral/Palatable/Cerebral: ka kha ga gha na ca cha ja jha nya tah thah>
#3 Fire (analah) [Gross Body] <Sounds: Cerebral/Dentals/Labials: da dha na ta tha da dha na pa pah>
#2 Water (apah) [Gross Body] <Sounds: Labials/semivowels: ba bha ma ya ra la>
#1 Earth (bhumi) [Gross Body] <Sounds: va (semivowel); sha ssha Sa (Silibants)>
Places I do not go - where energy moves on the scale of plate tectonics.... Devas, sprites, gnomes, and a million other upward bound creatures learning to exist in the physical....
These are the Chakras along with the sanskrit sounds (Yes, Sanskrit alphabet is listed as per the 'articulators' in the mouth that produce the sounds).
This is NOT my own invention NOR my original idea NOR my own discovery ---these are the sounds associated with each chakra.
The Chakras are the energy centers which DIRECTLY align to the spheres... each Chakra is a receiver ( and transmitter ) of a certain ranger of vibration.... as such it only makes sense that they have a vibration which resonates accordingly..
People do too much fiddling with the Chakras....
They are automatically tuned to the right frequency, and if they are unbalanced - the work is to be done on YOURSELF - Mentally and emotionally, until the Chakras are balanced....
Then you may "light" them up and escape this horridly slow meat sack....
The lighting of the Chakras is the Creation of the Tree of Life within..... where one may climb to higher spheres....
And should ONLY be done as the result of a spontaneous happening - never force the tree alight - a psychotic episode could be your reward....
edit: you did not mention the Ground Star......
The ground Star is approx. 3 feet below your feet.... it is your "ground" while in the physical. It connects us to the MOTHER and as such is the "return" (as on a keyboard) which connects the energies together again in a circle....
Most folks should concern themselves with balancing the Heart Chakra.
It's color ( read vibration ) equates to fresh cut grass....
It is the Center where most folks feel activity even if the centers are sluggish....
It manages an energy which is equivalent to what most folks would describe as LOVE...
It is a Healing, growth based energy, and is the energy range which is most useful for healing of problems in the physical.... If you can get the Love flowing freely - the rest will gradually even out and behave... Love makes this world go round.... ( Master Cheesy says... LOL )