What do you really know? Consider this very carefully before answering immediately by reacting, for no deeper insight can arise from it.
What do you really know?
I know that I am. I know that I have consciousness and self-awareness. I know that I can think. I know that I can believe, not believe, or deny.
I believe in current scientific evidence:
1. We are all made of energy and matter.
2. Our atoms constructed in the cores of Supermassive stars.
3. Creation occurred about 13.7 Billion years ago in a manner I do not know.
4. Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old, but that it could be older.
5. Humans evolved along with other apes over the last 13 million years.
6. Human divergence from other apes was not a sudden change.
7. Human divergence from bipedal hominids was not a sudden change.
8. Modern humans have been on Earth at least 200,000 years or more.
9. Consciousness and thought are entirely brain circuit generated.
10. Crustal Tectonic Plates moving and carrying continents.
11. Dark Matter in the Universe pulling galaxies together.
12. Dark Energy pushes galaxies apart.
13. The Higgs Bosons and Hadrons (baryons and mesons).
I do not believe in invisible unproven evidence lacking beings.
1. Gods of recorded history not supported by any evidence.
2. Angels, Demons, Goblins, Leprechauns, Ogres, Werewolves, Vampires.
3. Zombies, such as Jesus, Mithra, Elvis, and Osiris.
4. Cthulhu, Yog Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Hastur the Unspeakable.
I doubt beings claimed but unproven.
1. Bigfoot
2. Loch Ness Monster
3. Chupacabras
4. Abominable Snowman and Abdominal Snowman.
Amergin, Druid Firbolg