You really do not get it do you? I do not have to lower myself to your level of discourse, and shan't. 'Tis not obfuscation, rather it is trying to communicate that “Rabbi” does not mean some kind of intermediary.

The problem is that you are using your own definition of Rabbi made up out of smoke and mirrors, not that of the original language or people. Because I had a teacher in third grade does not imply that I cannot meet the criteria of Mt 23:8. I bet you went to school and had you share of teachers. No, what "Rabbi", "Master", "Teacher", "Elder", or "Deacon" imply is not someone over you (between you and G!d), but someone who can help you in whatever manner you see fit.

BTW, the Religious Society of Friends (for the most part) do not accept any kind of leadership in Worship (even Pastors). We literally experience G!d experimentally as a group of individuals. Chr!st is alive, Sp!rit is afoot and the Parousia is continuing.
Ben Masada said:
Hence the text in Deuteronomy 30:11-14
insofar as this relates to ezra, it relates to the authority for the validity of human interpretation, what you suggest is meant by jeremiah 31:34.

given the evidence that the prophetic system was over with the New Covenant, any one, from then on, with the claim of prophecy or of being a prophet becomes tantamount to being a false prophet.
well, not exactly. the return of prophecy is certainly anticipated and, despite the disappearance of the *nebu'ah* level of prophecy, the *bath qol* level persists into Talmudic times and the *ruah ha-qodesh* level persists to today, if the sages and particularly the mequbalim are to be believed. according to some opinions, including abulafia, for example, the "guide" is a guide to attaining prophetic inspiration.

It means that a Jewish person is justified to deny acknowledgment of any prophetic claim within the perimeters of Judaism.
unless the relevant qualifications under the rambam system are attained.

However, we do not discard the claim of prophets by other cultures or religions, as long as no connections with Judaism is claimed.
it really depends on what is meant. i find it very difficult to believe that G!D Has never Spoken to anyone else, anywhere, at any time, nor is this a principle of Torah - we certainly agree that there have been non-jewish prophets. i think it would be more correct to say that a non-jewish prophet would find it hard to be acknowledged by jews as a prophet to the jews - certainly muhammad didn't manage it!

showme said:
if God has given you a new Spirit according to Ez 11:19, what kind of Spirit is that? What kind of Spirit does a prophet have, and what kind of Spirit is Ez 11:19 speaking of?
ezekiel is, i believe, speaking of the change in the jewish people that occurred during the exile in babylon, when he received his Revelation; they got exiled to babylon because they forsook the Torah and behaved poorly; the "new spirit" just means that we started actually listening to G!D for a change and keeping the Torah, hence we were able to return and build the 2nd Temple. this is what i think thomas has also explained.

And if Jer 31:34 is fulfilled, are you saying that God has forgiven the iniquities of the House of Israel and the House of Judah?
G!D had Forgiven the behaviour of the jews during the time of the northern and southern kingdoms, during the first Temple period; the new "dispensation", as it were, refers to the 2nd jewish commonwealth, which was then destroyed, as the sages have it, due to "causeless hatred".

If so, why did the Inquisition still have the power to exile, and exterminate jews? How come Hitler was so powerful in killing jews if their iniquities had been forgiven? Personally, I think your insight isn't matching history.
hence the book of job and the episode in BT menahoth when G!D shows moses what happened to the great teacher r. aqiba, who really didn't deserve what the romans did to him. we really
don't have an answer for this, it just seems to be built into the fabric of the universe.

knowing the Lord
as i have explained elsewhere, this means observing the Torah and, therefore, acting correctly and morally.

This historically can be seen in the Israeli war of 1967.
you know, people like you who interpret biblical prophecy through middle-eastern politics are extraordinarily dangerous and extraordinarily misguided. that includes the jews that are stupid enough to try and ride that particular tiger. G!D Forbid that you are right; i don't fancy that one bit.

BrotherMichaelSky said:
Could it be possible, do you think, that their might have been a genetic meaning to being "chosen" by the Israelite's God?
only insofar as it is linked to a specific family of people with a consequential shared genetic heritage, but i think this is a red herring.

I have found specific reason in my spiritual exercises to believe in the benefit of Ritual Purity. ( not exactly as I understand Jewish practice today - but historically...)
well, there is plenty of reason for you to have found that, but it does have more to do with the sacrificial cultus as a mystical system, which you probably don't have access to.

Also, I have found a direct correlation to experiences during my spiritual exercises, with descriptions in Judaic Literature.
again, not particularly surprising. which literature do you mean, though?

this genetic component I am referring to would be a predisposition to psychic ability
oh, i see. well, i don't think we would agree with that, as some of our greatest sages are descended from converts, for instance.

Reinforced by the practice of marrying other Jews ( with the same genetic predisposition... )This predispostion developed because of their UNIQUE habit of focusing on their God and "watching" over extended periods of time.... thousands of years....
i see what you mean, but this doesn't actually have to rely on some sort of genetic predisposition. there could be a darwinian explanation, in that predisposition for psychic ability (which i don't think it is, by the way) has become a characteristic that is being selectively evolved rather like the tail of the bird of paradise and, indeed, the widdly guitar solo. i have noticed that it becomes progressively harder to impress people over time and this goes for one's textual and spiritual skills as well, as sexual display behaviours as it were - look at the yeshiva world; the better you are at Talmud, the more likely you are to be considered a good catch as a husband/son-in-law, hence those "tails" grow ever longer and more elaborate.

i just wouldn't use such a reductive term as "psychic".

Now, I have these experiences viewing these "Supercharged" Jewish Prophets, engaged in behaviors which can only be described as Full On Psychics - Healing folks, seeing the future with no doubts, turning sticks into snakes for crying out loud......
well, back in the day, there were "schools for prophecy", rather like esoteric martial arts schools in the east.

and then I find stuff like the Zohar....
then I buy Louis Ginzberg's collection of the Mishnah, and read some stories that just make me suspicious as hell......
eh? be specific. what point are you making here?

I ask you: why is this picture so detestable to Jews?
i'm not sure what you mean. if you're talking about the risks of prophecy and distrust of the mystical experience, i can give you one name that is a reason all on its own: shabbetai tsvi.

I believe that the Christ's visit gave that benefit equally from that point on... and the Jews had turned to weeding that predisposition out...
er...no, i don't think so. even if there was evidence that jesus was a prophet (other than what christians believe) the "predisposition", as you call it, has become an elite path since the time of the 2nd Temple; whenever it has become a mass movement, it has always gone horribly, horribly wrong for us.

Why, specifically, do i get more than the average "edging away" from me by Jews? almost as if I am suggesting something damning...
because we don't think it's something intrinsic, but rather something that one learns to do; plus, we are aware of the history of this skillset and, as i say, how it can lead to things going horribly, horribly wrong. just ask the donmeh, or the frankists, or, frankly, chabad!

But what is the UNIQUE character of Jewish belief?
perhaps it is the particularism of it; we were chosen for this mission, but not because we are so much better than anyone else; the mission is important to the whole of humanity, but we're not entirely clear why - only that it does NOT involve converting everyone! i suppose that it is simply this: it is our mission (and only ours) to be truly ourselves as jews; nobody else can do this, nor should we try and co-opt others. we are doing something on behalf of everyone, but we are not liable to receive any appreciation for it from anyone else than G!D. we are not pawns in anyone else's game, nor vice-versa. we are simply fulfilling what we were chosen to do and it will not be understood until it is understood in hindsight, may this be speedily in our time.


You know, BB, you (if you have the time and are so disposed) may want to check out the Hopi belief syste. Strangely parallel in some ways to your description of Judaism. They do not care to convert anyone. They do not like talking about their beliefs a lot (ripped off, raped, and murdered too frequently). But if they do not "keep doing as we have done" the world will go "out of balance". They sacrifice much time to maintaining this "world balance" by attending to ceremonies.
only insofar as it is linked to a specific family of people with a consequential shared genetic heritage, but i think this is a red herring.
i was thinking of a people with the genetic propensity for psychic development...
well, there is plenty of reason for you to have found that, but it does have more to do with the sacrificial cultus as a mystical system, which you probably don't have access to.
I have discovered that the rules for Ritual Purity hold within them practices which are DIRECTLY beneficial to ensuring that messages received by Higher Spheres are of the Clearest and Purest variety....
It is directly tied to one's "purity", what their experiences will be in Higher Spheres - who they will interact with, and the types of messages one will encounter....
again, not particularly surprising. which literature do you mean, though?
not pointing to a specific book- i mean from the Rules for Ritual Purity, combined with themes i have discovered in the midrashim....
oh, i see. well, i don't think we would agree with that, as some of our greatest sages are descended from converts, for instance.
I was meaning as a foundational base..... as in: the genetic predisposition for "psychic ability"- read PROPHECY - was maintained from older times within the Jewish Belief Structure.... a concentration of those using those abilities would encourage their continued development.... and as the prophets faded from the public view - so did the trust in the abilities (or vice versa )
i see what you mean, but this doesn't actually have to rely on some sort of genetic predisposition. there could be a darwinian explanation, in that predisposition for psychic ability (which i don't think it is, by the way) has become a characteristic that is being selectively evolved rather like the tail of the bird of paradise and, indeed, the widdly guitar solo. i have noticed that it becomes progressively harder to impress people over time and this goes for one's textual and spiritual skills as well, as sexual display behaviours as it were - look at the yeshiva world; the better you are at Talmud, the more likely you are to be considered a good catch as a husband/son-in-law, hence those "tails" grow ever longer and more elaborate.

i just wouldn't use such a reductive term as "psychic".
no one likes that term but those of us who have abilities which are labelled as such ... LOL
It's simply a word i knew you would understand.... and id DOES get my meaning across - doesn't it?
well, back in the day, there were "schools for prophecy", rather like esoteric martial arts schools in the east.
you are stealing my future points.... :)
eh? be specific. what point are you making here?
I am making the point that there is evidence that even Judaism kept "secret" traditions which equate to the secret "elect" of the early Christian church....
that what i am referring to is no great stretch - there is evidence that the ideas I share now, were shared continually over thousands of years..... until they became too dangerous for a certain power mad institution ( no - not a Jewish one either... )
i'm not sure what you mean. if you're talking about the risks of prophecy and distrust of the mystical experience, i can give you one name that is a reason all on its own: shabbetai tsvi.
you sir, deserve my thanks - you have placed a name before me that I am glad to have heard.... i am learning as you watch.... :) thank you!!
er...no, i don't think so. even if there was evidence that jesus was a prophet (other than what christians believe) the "predisposition", as you call it, has become an elite path since the time of the 2nd Temple; whenever it has become a mass movement, it has always gone horribly, horribly wrong for us.
again - you make thoughts begin to turn in my head that will bring fruit at a later time.... see now this is why i am here...... thank you again...
because we don't think it's something intrinsic, but rather something that one learns to do; plus, we are aware of the history of this skillset and, as i say, how it can lead to things going horribly, horribly wrong. just ask the donmeh, or the frankists, or, frankly, chabad!
with my new thoughts - i can only accept that as self evident....
perhaps it is the particularism of it; we were chosen for this mission, but not because we are so much better than anyone else; the mission is important to the whole of humanity, but we're not entirely clear why - only that it does NOT involve converting everyone! i suppose that it is simply this: it is our mission (and only ours) to be truly ourselves as jews; nobody else can do this, nor should we try and co-opt others. we are doing something on behalf of everyone, but we are not liable to receive any appreciation for it from anyone else than G!D. we are not pawns in anyone else's game, nor vice-versa. we are simply fulfilling what we were chosen to do and it will not be understood until it is understood in hindsight, may this be speedily in our time.



Very much so - but i would add something : the Jewish habit - from antiquity, was to WATCH their God so that He might REVEAL himself to His Chosen.....
There is something VERY appropriate in my mind, that a Religion should have as it's understanding that MORE WILL COME..... that the understanding of God will continue to unfold....
That He CHOOSES to reveal Himself..... constantly...

I don't see this terribly much within today's Judaism....
they have thrown the baby out with the bathwater....
We still have the Council of Inquisition, it just changed its' name to the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith". They exiled 40,000 jews from Spain alone. Some of these jews wound up in New Spain, and remain hidden among the Gentiles to this day. And these councils reign and have reigned past the point where the House of Israel was exiled. The only problem with the Councils of today, is they no longer have the state support for their unfettered urges to burn away what they consider chaff.

We mostly all die due to transgression of the Law. Adam died the day he ate from the tree of life (Gen 2:17). For 1 day is as a thousand years, and Adam died at 930 years of age. On the other hand, Enoch lived righteously and never died, the same for Elijah.

As for Judah being free from discipline, I think not. God's chastisement on the House of Judah is not complete. Joel 2:2-32,...for the day of the Lord is coming:..a day of darkness and gloom...I will pour my Spirit on all mankind;and your sons and daughters will prophesy,...for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape,...." At that time Judah will gather the people and pray to God for deliverance.

As for Israel looking to their own strength to keep them safe, I suggest you heed what happen because of pride according to Is 9:8-13.

Isaiah 9:8-13 is talking about the destruction of Israel, the kingdom of the North, when it was transferred to Assyria, according to the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Scapegoat. That's when the Tabernacle of Joseph was Divinely rejected while Judah was confirmed. (Psalm 78:67-69)
I have to believe you when you say so with such flatness.

But what is the UNIQUE character of Jewish belief?

The Law and the Prophets, according to Isaiah 8:20. The Law that remains forever, and the Prophets extant in the Scriptures. I mean, till the last one in Malachi.
insofar as this relates to ezra, it relates to the authority for the validity of human interpretation, what you suggest is meant by jeremiah 31:34.

That's what is so fair about Judaism. No one is charged with heresy for interpreting the Scriptures as we understand them. We are free.

well, not exactly. the return of prophecy is certainly anticipated and, despite the disappearance of the *nebu'ah* level of prophecy, the *bath qol* level persists into Talmudic times and the *ruah ha-qodesh* level persists to today, if the sages and particularly the mequbalim are to be believed. according to some opinions, including abulafia, for example, the "guide" is a guide to attaining prophetic inspiration.

The sages in the Talmud and Kabbalah are to be believed according to the power of one's understanding. My pattern is to compare them with the Tanach.

unless the relevant qualifications under the rambam system are attained.

And those qualifications are heavily measured by metaphorical language, if you read "The Guide for the Perplexed."

it really depends on what is meant. i find it very difficult to believe that G!D Has never Spoken to anyone else, anywhere, at any time, nor is this a principle of Torah - we certainly agree that there have been non-jewish prophets. i think it would be more correct to say that a non-jewish prophet would find it hard to be acknowledged by jews as a prophet to the jews - certainly muhammad didn't manage it!

Adonai still speaks, even every day, by the things created, aka, Nature, and the Scriptures. (Psalm 19:1) "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork." And evidences that prophets with connections with Judaism are not acknowledged by us is Jesus and Muhammed.
