Again, you miss the point. First, as an aside, I am not a Traditional or Trinitarian Christian (most Quakers are not).
Secondly, the vast majority of Christians at the time of the Creed's first use (circa 550 ad) were Eastern, not part of the Western Roamn but the Byzantine Empire. The Eastern Chrisitian never did accept the Athanasian Creed (to this day). That Creed was not part of the Nicean Council Anathasius took part in (as a secretary, not a voting member).
He did not write the Creed (probably, sorry Thomas). And his followers (the Eastern Church) never, ever accepted it. The threat of Arianism (pretty much what it was penned to counter) was prevalent in the West, not in the East. In Milan through Bordeaux (which is why Ambrose of Milan is one of the prime suspects). The Athanasian Creed was used to persecute the heresies of Nestorianism and Monophysitism (hence the use of the filique, which to this day is not accepted in the East).
For goodness sake man, get your facts straight. Trinitarianism does not demand the Athanasian Crred. Tritnarianism existed well before Nicea. Look it up, do not rely on what you have been told (look up "athansiian creed AND othodoxy" and "trinitarianism AND pre-nicene" on Google Scholar).
The facts are not on your side, Friend.
Let us get the facts straight. You are not my "Friend", and Constantine certainly supported the Trinity Creed and the Roman church, which is the topic of this thread.
And I did not say Athanasius wrote the Athanasiun Creed, it was only named for him because he was a major supporter of it. It is the Roman church that thinks highly of him, not me. It is the Athanasiun Creed by which main line Protestants and Catholics deny that non Trinitarians are "Christian". An example being the Utah Mormons, non Trinitarians, are considered not "Chirstian", whereas the Trinitarian, Independence, Missouri Mormons are considered "Christian".
As for the Trinity doctrine, it was addressed at the Nicene Council in 325 A.D., and became dogma, and naysayers were deported and excommunicated.
Constantine was the emperor of both the East and the West Roman Empire. It is the name of the "Roman" church you seem to be harping about. I didn't mentioned the Eastern Orthodox church.
As for what Quakers are or are not, seems to be somewhat nebulous. Somewhat like the "not hot and not cold" of Rev 3:15. A trait for which Yeshua said he would spit those who had it out of his mouth.