Honoring Our Redeemers



I no longer believe that God is so cruel as to require us to use a scapegoat of Jesus's human sacrifice to be considered worthy. Still, most of my life, I've felt such inspiration of the story of Jesus & I am still inspired by the 4 gospels. I believe that Christ is another word for God within us all & everything. Jesus taught, "The kingdom of God is within you." For most of my life, I considered Jesus my God - & that my experience of God was outside of me & I respect that is the case for others. It's comforting & inspiring to believe someone would suffer & die because he loved us so much. Jesus is a personification of spirituality, IMO, a means to help us resonate with God. So, although I believe Jesus' teachings do help & can redeem us if we understand & apply them, but I don't believe anybody outside of us can directly redeem us without our own personal realization & experience.

Yet, I do believe that we all have been redeemed, by many.
"Redeem: Compensate for the faults or bad aspects"
It's humbling to consider the extent of which we've been redeemed by others.
Some of those who have compensated for our lack...

1. Our Mothers... all of us were at one point 100% dependent upon our mothers.
2. Our Fathers... (Happy Father's day!)
3. Our ancestors - who sacrificed to improve conditions for us now.
4. Veterans who fought so we could have freedom previously lacking.
5. Valient people who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could have a better understanding & thus better circumstances - like Socrates, Jesus (& those like him), William Tynsdale, Abraham Lincolyn, Martin Luther King Jr.
6. Countless others who have showed big or small acts of kindness when we needed it.
7. Our own efforts to overcome & achieve goals.

Are there any other Redeemers you can think of?
What are your thoughts regarding this?

This song is what made me think of this:
Oh Lord My Redeemer.mp4 - YouTube
Like Rosenzweig (see Star of Redemption), I believe that Redemtion is really a process between the individual and the world. That is G!D creates the world, H! reveals H!mself to us, then it is incumbent on us to Redeam ourselves, Creation, and G!D by behaving morally in the world.
Like Rosenzweig (see Star of Redemption), I believe that Redemtion is really a process between the individual and the world. That is G!D creates the world, H! reveals H!mself to us, then it is incumbent on us to Redeam ourselves, Creation, and G!D by behaving morally in the world.
I agree... except that I also believe it goes both ways.
We redeem & we are redeemed.
We love & we need love.
To deem is to "come to think or judge"
some thing, action, or person. When we look
at the positives and manifest someone
better than before, we have helped to change
a negative judgment, or simply stopped judging
them. "the one i can see of you is better than
the best one you can make." how does this
comment sound? Thank you for your attention!