Quote of the Century


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"Even more devastating was Godel's demonstration that the internal consistency of such mathematical systems also cannot be established. Not only are there unresolvable questions in any consistent mathematical system, one of the questions that cannot be resolved is whether the system is consistent."

Thomas Grissom
The Physicists World : The Story of Motion & Limits to Knowledge
Page 285

; )
Hey SG

Long time no cake ; )
That's the second reference to cake today on this site! I'm off to the kitchen to bake a coffee cake. (Even if the cake isn't perfectly internally consistent, it'll still be good. Cake is like that. Especially pineapple upside down cake!) :p
Of Course! Pineapple upside-down is a lot like coffee--do we relly care what is in it or un what order they are added? No, both ichiban!
Didn't have any pineapple in the pantry, so I made a coffee cake with a nice chaotic streak of spice running through it and a struesel topping of comparable chaotic texture. It's now baking in the oven. :D
If ur cake is consistently inconsistent then its kool
If ur cake is consistently inconsistent then its kool

But it isn't. I purposely made the chaotic ribbon of spice running through it in consistent. You don't know how spicy each bite is going to be until you eat it. It also rose higher in the middle than on the sides, so some of the struesel topping rolled downhill towards the edges. The edges are also slightly more cooked than the center, but that is offset by the extra butteriness the edges got from my coating the pan with butter before I added the batter to keep it from sticking.

So, while the cake may not be consistently inconsistent, it is consistently delicious. :)
Originally posted by seattlegal
So, while the cake may not be consistently inconsistent, it is consistently delicious. :)

Unlike a lot of my cooking. :eek:

Anyway, another cake that is inconsistent is the humble cheesecake, especially if it's a marble cheesecake.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
this is what happens when you put scientists in the kitchen...

dude that cake sounds chaotically consistent enuff to like... explode : P