Ah, but the physics of information (see [0708.2837] The Physics of Information) can be postulated to include all information, within and without of the mind.
Depends on what you me by "I",
You see "I" as some existing being
I see "I" as a tread of events in space-time.
tread of events in space-time.
Yep, either way flotsom floating in space!
Of course, not. Purpose is in-built in existence, otherwise there would have been no existence. It is continuation of the species and evolution (we might not have nails in future generations and just 28 teeth may suffice).Is "Purpose" precluded from "Existence"?
in some real way
The metaphysics of eternity might be summarized by the question: can anything be said to exist "outside of" or independent of Time/Space, and if so how and why? Some consequential metaphysical questions of some importance are then: can "information" be said to exist without, or independent of, the human mind, and, if so, what would be the content and "purpose" of such information?
Here is a perfect example of the Subjective Universe I 'endlessly' babble about. This universe is not part of the material/physical universe, this universe contains the material/physical Objective Universe.
Nothing existed before something started to exist. BTW, time and space do not exist. They are accidents of matter.
Space is the distance between matter and matter. Considering that matter was created, there was no space before matter. Where there is no matter, there is nothing. Vacuum, is the word.
How about time? There is no time. Time is an accident of motion. For instance, put a marble ball on the top of a hill and tell me how long it takes for that marble to reach the base of the hill. You don't know. Why? Because the marble is in the state of inertia. There is no time while matter is in the state of inertia. You have got to push that marble down the hill to know how long it will take for it to reach the base of the hill. It means that time is measured by motion. Without motion, there is no time. Time is the biproduct of matter in motion. Bottom line: There is no space without matter and there is no time if matter does not move.
There was no time nor space before the universe was created. The universe is composed of matter. And time and space are accidents of matter.
Time and space became a constant after the creation of the universe. They do not exist by themselves. They are abstract concepts, relative to the existence of matter.
There is no such a thing as "always exists" about matter, and for that matter, about man. Only God always exists. And focus that the verb is in the present tense and not in the past; and it can neither be in the future.
An atheist asked me that if things were created out of nothing where did nothing come from? That's the kind of question which constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of the questioner but also to that of the one who must answer. Aristotle said, in other words, that only nothing comes out of nothing. And I add to it, by the will of man or of nature. And here is where we must start our research about the origin of things on the basis of the concept of probability that everything is possible.
Albert Einstein was once asked if he believed in God. He answered and said that all his life was trying to catch God at His work of creation. He was referring to the expansion of the universe, which could very well be God at His work of creation. (Psalm 19:1) Probability is the word. Nobody is sure of anything about issues of billions of years ago. So, it could have been this or that way.
Brāhman/Brāhmin (a little incorrectly, to differentiate from Brahman) - preistly classAnd "Brahmin" everything that is Maya plus the spirit. I just do not know.
But, that would make sense both in terms of "thou art that" and "not this, not that". I do not claim to be Hindu or Vedantic...I am just interpreting for my little monkey-mind.
You are aware of God. People like me do not see any reason. The primal mover of philosophers is their upbringing, their training, education, experience, and not any God. So, William Lane Craig is a theist, Dawkins is an atheist (if you consider him to be a philosopher)... but the Spiritual God that we cannot conceive through our senses, but that, somehow, we are aware of. The Primal Mover of the Philosophers.
Shiva is 'Mahākāla' (Lord of Time). The sound of Shiva's rattle during his dance creates time (tāla - beat).Zurvan was an androgynous deity who represented to space and time. Who first came up with the idea of space and time?
You are aware of God. [ I ] do not see any
Zurvan was an androgynous deity who represented to space and time. Who first came up with the idea of space and time?
You are aware of God. People like me do not see any reason. The primal mover of philosophers is their upbringing, their training, education, experience, and not any God. So, William Lane Craig is a theist, Dawkins is an atheist (if you consider him to be a philosopher).