Well-Known Member
The story of Adam and Eve then describes our first entry into physical bodies (with its sexual story of snakes chasing fruit, an obvious reference to what we started doing, just as soon as we found ourselves living in physical bodies).
Old scriptures were excluded from the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. Hebrew Scriptures banned indicated that there were two creations. In the first, God created man and woman. Genesis 1 does not give the woman a name. The hidden texts indicate that the first couple were Adam and his first wife Lilith. Lilith refused to let Adam perform on top or doggy intercourse with her. Lilith believed that man and woman were equal (contrary to modern Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.) Lilith was condemned and transformed into a demon. She has been doing mischief ever since. God then needed to find an helpmeet (Genesis 2) so instead of direct creation; he made the woman inferior by cloning her from one of Adam's rib. That led to the subjugation of woman for the next several millennia.
This also explains the discrepancy that Genesis ("mistakenly") says humanity was created twice, first on Day Six and then again in the story of Adam and Eve. Humanity WAS created twice, or rather, two different aspects of humanity were created, first our astral aspect and then our physical aspect, as Genesis correctly reports.
Genesis does not describe two creations. It describes the first and only creation, that of Adam and Lilith. The so-called second creation was not another creation. It was God's correcting his mistake of creating a strong assertive woman. Then God did not create Eve. He removed a rib and magically cloned a second woman, supposedly submissive and inferior, Eve.
The story of Genesis makes sense once we understand the symbology that is being used (and not allowing ourselves to be distracted by confusing 24-hour-day-symbology with what is actually being referred to: periods of time of billions of years). Prehistoric humanity could not comprehend periods of time of billions of years, but they could comprehend periods of time of 24-hours, and so this misleading symbology was used (and is certainly not necessary any more).
There is no evidence for that wild hypothesis. Humankind knew a day was 24 hours because that is what a day has been since modern man evolved 200,000 years ago. At the time of earliest Earth, the planet spun faster, and a day was only FOUR hours. So, rather than days being billions of years, today's 24 hour day is the longest a day has ever been. The day is continuing to slow down and will in future eons, get slower and slower until it might stop rotating entirely with one side permanently many thousands of degrees hot and bright with the other side permanently frozen to near zero degrees Kelvin.
My personal belief is that the stories of Lilith and the cloning of Eve were invented to warn women to be submissive, accept inferior status, and cruel discrimination. I do not believe in any creation myth. They are clearly Stone Age stories, re-edited during the Bronze Age. The degradation of Eve paralleled the degradation of Mary Magdalene as a sad and cruel excuse for treating women as chattel. Judaism and modern Paganised Christianity were invented as tools of oppression of the people through intimidation, fear, debasement of the female half of humanity.
Question Everything,