All religions are anti-Women



Men: Aggrassive,Extroverted,Mind driven,Transmittive,More artificial,Ego centric and bla bla...

Women: Passive,more Iternal,Intitution Driven, Receptive,Natural,Love and devotion centric and Bla Bla...

Religion:: A predefined framework of code and conduct to govern social life and fulfilling heavenly ideas.

Dear Friends:: If above description seems to carry a bit truth then..Do you think all religions are against religion.

plz do not cut paste, try your best to write your own ideas. tour guide in north india
I do not even follow what you mean. Women are repressed by some societies and in some religions. We alll know that.

Unless you mistake the mysogynistic texts of some Abrahamic groups as defining religion and ignore more moderate types, you are applying a very small sample as religion.

Look up aboriginal religions in the Americas to Austrailia, not much mysogyny there.
Men: Aggrassive,Extroverted,Mind driven,Transmittive,More artificial,Ego centric and bla bla...

Women: Passive,more Iternal,Intitution Driven, Receptive,Natural,Love and devotion centric and Bla Bla...

Religion:: A predefined framework of code and conduct to govern social life and fulfilling heavenly ideas.

Dear Friends:: If above description seems to carry a bit truth then..Do you think all religions are against religion.

plz do not cut paste, try your best to write your own ideas. tour guide in north india
Your understanding of Men, Women, and religion needs some help.
Your understanding of Men, Women, and religion needs some help.

For any man, women is mystry. For every Women, Man is mystry. No body can explain completely....

If i am right non of the person on this forum is Buddha,Jesus. Definately everyone needs help as for as religion is concern..I am not exception.
For any man, women is mystry. For every Women, Man is mystry. No body can explain completely....

If i am right non of the person on this forum is Buddha,Jesus. Definately everyone needs help as for as religion is concern..I am not exception.
I don't need any help from any religion, why would you?
I don't need any help from any religion, why would you?

I love your rebelness. It is always great to share something with a person like you does'nt matter you support or oppose. You have something real...earned...

"I don.t need any help from any religion" ...Only rebel and pure person can say like this. The very first step towords....." "

"Why would you?". I don't think i will get answer ever, not today, nor tomorrow.

Most beautiful reply i have ever read on this whole website.

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In many religions, including Abrahamic faiths, women have different social roles. However, not all of religions give women the same rights. Islam is one of the religions that gave women more rights than some other ones, for instance: the right to divorce, to own a land, run a business, be in charge of one's property/inheritance, rights to receive inheritance, etc.
Hey, I need all the help I can get! :eek:
I don't think so Seattlegal, you seem pretty damn balanced and Individuated to me.

The point of my retort was that even though the majority of Abrahamic religions have done what they can to annihilate the Feminine aspect, there are religions that still embrace and exonerate the Goddess and the Womb.
I don't think so Seattlegal, you seem pretty damn balanced and Individuated to me.
Thanks, but I still need all the help I can get!

The point of my retort was that even though the majority of Abrahamic religions have done what they can to annihilate the Feminine aspect, there are religions that still embrace and exonerate the Goddess and the Womb.
I wouldn't say annihilate. Obscure or cover over, or even deny, perhaps. Why? Maybe they want to avoid confusion by those who take things too literally. Some things are best understood via metaphor. However, you must first understand how to distinguish between literal and metaphorical--otherwise you're bound to be confused. :/
However, you must first understand how to distinguish between literal and metaphorical--otherwise you're bound to be confused. :/

One of my methods is substituting the word Love for G!d....if I can't subsitute the word love for G!D and have the scripture make sense litterally, I know I have to look further, to metaphor, or metaphysics or some historical context or parable....
Since this is under Abrahamic religions I just want to say that not all religions are the topic suggests.

Yes it's true the status of women in some religions has limited their access to education and advancement in jobs and professions...particularly in some traditional societies but even these situations there has been a recognition of the spiritual equality of men and women.

In the Baha'i Faith one of the principles is the equality of men and women and the need for universal education.
Men: Aggrassive,Extroverted,Mind driven,Transmittive,More artificial,Ego centric and bla bla...

Women: Passive,more Iternal,Intitution Driven, Receptive,Natural,Love and devotion centric and Bla Bla...

Religion:: A predefined framework of code and conduct to govern social life and fulfilling heavenly ideas.

Dear Friends:: If above description seems to carry a bit truth then..Do you think all religions are against religion.

plz do not cut paste, try your best to write your own ideas.

[link removed] tour guide in north india

sounds like a doctrine of shallow stereotypes ?
Brijesh said:
Men: Aggrassive,Extroverted,Mind driven,Transmittive,More artificial,Ego centric and bla bla...

Women: Passive,more Iternal,Intitution Driven, Receptive,Natural,Love and devotion centric and Bla Bla...

Religion:: A predefined framework of code and conduct to govern social life and fulfilling heavenly ideas.
I think men and women are much the same, but human brains are heavily affected by slight chemical changes in hormones. Suppose just suppose that we could eliminate hormones from our lives. Suddenly everyone would be a lot more predictable. As it is you cannot ever be mentally independent of the affects of the chemicals which your own body produces.

An egg once broken cannot be put back together again. At puberty you lose any claim you had to being reasonable. Its possible that the only sane human beings alive (by the normative definition) are the ones that have not passed through puberty yet.
In many instances those who give women equality don't realize they have equality....what religions and laws and men do is attempt to take it away.

We are also in an age (US anyway) where women are moving from liberated and equal to power and control (as if they didn't have it from their former place and roles).

52% of those entering college are women. More men quit school then women. While womens degrees are currently not management and STEM, they are gravitating to it and growing...

A matriarchal society is being created under our noses....

I predict we will all be bathing in guinesss before long....and while some will revel in it, for others it will be a sticky situation.
'Tis not that we Irish have a genetic disposition to drink. But the L_rd did give us Poteen (Midleton's one of the best) and Stout (Guiness is one of the best).... what chance did we have?