"...those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth -- women, vaisyas (merchants), as well as sudras (workers) -- can approach the supreme destination."
Bahavagad Gita (circa 500 BCE)
Was it a woman, or a man That passed this way? I cannot tell. But this I know, a set of bones Is travelling upon this road.
Pali Sutra (about the same time)
Difference there is in beings endowed with bodies,
but amongst men this is not the case, the difference amongst men is
nominal (only). Not by birth is one a Brâmana, nor is
one by birth no Brâmana; by work (kammanâ) one is a Brâmana, by
work one is no Brâmana.”
Sutta-Nipâta,Book 3: Chapter 9: 58 (again, 600 years before Thomas)
Listen with your ears to the supreme facts
Consider with open mind
Between the paths before deciding
PERSON BY PERSON for his own self
Before greatness of this message
Is truly spread understand each one
Zarathushtra - Gatha - Yasna Ha 30.2 (about 1000-700 years before Thomas)
"We venerate the righteous woman who is good in thoughts, words, and deeds, who is well-educated, is an authority on religious affairs, is progressively serene, and is like the women who belong to the Wise God. "We venerate the righteous man who is good in thoughts, words, and deeds, who knows well the religion he has chosen, and who does not know blind following.
"It is these people who, with their actions, promote the world though righteousness." (Aiwisruthrem Gah 9