Has NATO Lost the war?

Servetus, do you think that this is the driiving factor in the U.S.'s "race to the bottom" as far as general knowledge and academic performance goes? Children educated at home by fundamentalists would have a very tough time with concepts in philosophy, history and science it would seem to me. Let alone critical thinking and formal operations.

Thank you for asking, Radarmark. The subject is complex, but, generally speaking, to me it seems a choice between Scylla and Charybdis. I don't see that children educated, or, perhaps more accurately put, socially engineered, in public schools fare much better. Catholics, if at times arguably alarmist, are at other times trenchant critics of the Marxist left (as well they should be, given the respective histories of both), especially, in this case, of the influential Frankfurt School, and this, it seems to me, is worth considering as a case in point:

Source (p. 83):
Patrick Buchanan:

"Another of the insights of Horkheimer and Adorno was to realize that the road to cultural hegemony was through psychological conditioning, not philosophical argument. America's children could be conditioned at school to reject their parents' social and moral beliefs as racist, sexist, and homophobic, and conditioned to embrace a new morality. Though the Frankfurt School remains unfamiliar to most Americans, its ideas were well-known at the teachers' colleges back in the 1940's and 1950's.

The school openly stated that whether children learned facts or skills at school was less important than that they graduate conditioned to display the correct attitudes. When Allan Bloom wrote in The Closing of the American Mind that "American high school graduates are among the most sensitive illiterates in the world," with some of the lowest test scores on earth in comparative exams, but the highest scores for sensitivity to issues like the environment, Bloom was testifying to the success of the Frankfurt School. Parents may consider today's public schools costly failures where children no longer learn. To the Frankfurt School, they are a success; for the children coming out of them exhibit all the right attitudes ..."

I think, then, and often, the parents who educate their children at home are reactionary and consider themselves largely forced to, in order to counteract this "attitudinal" trend and to reverse engineer, or engineer reversely. Furthermore, they see themselves as essentially compelled to respond when the attitudinal trend is analyzed within the context of an anti-Christian history, with avowedly anti-Christian goals, coupled with Marx's statement, in The Communist Manifesto, that children, in the utopia he envisioned, would be freely educated in what he called "government" but which many of those Christian parents call "public" schools. Parents, and not just Christians, are increasingly opting out. And if some of those parents create a few neo-Luddites in the process, well, then, so be it. Who knows? Perhaps a new Amish culture, of sorts, is in the making.

I think, then, and often, the parents who educate their children at home are reactionary ...

Should have been worded:

"I think, then, that the parents who educate their children at home are often reactionary ..."

Afghanistan is a religious state. Religious states are what would be considered tyrannies in the United States constitution. Isn't that just what the Taliban wanted? Hasn't the United States lost the war against terror? The government has been aiding in the establishment of religious states or tyrannies.

the united states lost the war before it ever begain if it thinks it can do away with sinful people in this world if it could Who would be left?
:confused: No one would be left. :D and finaly peace with no one

to enjoy it..
but their would be peace finaly ..
Amergin. Very strange, I feel that your attitudes are just the flip side of the Dominationists. Anything the U.S. does must be wrong and must be part of a giant religious plot. That should be another thread. I went to Lexus/Nexus... there is no state that has a statute fobidding an atheist from running for office. Please source your claims, otherwise everyone will come to think of you as I do, the flip side of Rushdooony (who never needed any proof or logic, he spoke to God directly).

You are definitely American. You are ignorant of your own history. Seven states have laws barring an atheist from holding public office. Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and three other states do block atheists from office.

These 7 states ban Atheists from holding public office | Death and Taxes

Rad, you need to learn more about your country. California is the only state I know about that elected and took a seat in congress. That senator is name Stark, Democrat. No other state is likely to elect an atheist anyway. So why bar them from office. They might as well ban non-humans from taking office pretending they could be elected.

the united states lost the war before it ever begain if it thinks it can do away with sinful people in this world if it could Who would be left?
:confused: No one would be left. :D and finaly peace with no one

to enjoy it..
but their would be peace finaly ..

America had a right to seek out and kill Al Qaeda terrorists. It did not have a right to invade and occupy a fragmentary country because Bin Ladin used an area for training. Bush claimed to conquer Afghanistan to build a democracy. What a load of bollocks! Afghanis have resisted foreign invasions since 400 BCE. All failed. It was paradoxical in that The USA is not a real democracy but a Corporation Plutocracy. How can a non-democratic country democratise a primitive nation of savages.

America has a democratic constitution but it is a facade for Corporate Rule. The people have little or no choice in their government. The Corporate Paid Politicians of Congress, President, and State Governments are picked by the Corporate Cabal not by real people. It takes billions of dollars to campaign and ordinary people have no chance. The US constitution separates Church from State but America is the most christian ruled nation on earth. Presidents declare national prayer weeks or months, and politicians compete on who is most Christian. Christian Churches do not pay their fair share of taxes.

Church Tax exemption costs you $7,000,000,000. That is enough to send several Mars Rover missions per year. I bet the lost tax revenues would found a Single Payer Health Care system, upgrade your early 20th century educational system, and send qualified students to college without outrageous loans. Meanwhile, Pat Robertson and others like him live in the luxury of ancient Oriental Khans and Emperors.

Amerigan, you need to learn law. Yes, six states have such statutes. One of the many reasons I do not live in Texas. Try out the decisions (from 1961) Torcasco v. Williams and McGowan v. Maryland (you can get some info from Wiki and other places on the web, but you really need to go a library and search Lexus-Nexus.

The states may have that in their Constitutions. But the legal decisions made make the point moot. Federalism trumps stes rights. One must have status to sue and take a case to court and (of course) none of those six states will elect an atheist anytime soon, so the texts bemain as is.

Okay, so they have the words (I knew that) but they are not enforceble according to current court rulings (even down to local level).