When the Beloved is Ready for the Lover

Quote: "karaite" while I call him out and address his logic.
"karaite" while I call him out and address his logic.
logically analysed, his position is precisely that of the karaites and his arguments parallel those comprehensively refuted by everyone from sa'adia gaon to maimonides. it's the oldest chestnut in the book.

"Karaite" vs. "Fascist". Gosh, which is worse?

What does "Karaite" have anything to do with national Israel? I think that this thread is about the Land of Israel being rediscovered and resettled by its legitimate owners.

I was commenting to bannanabrain, who I beliueve has you pretty well sussed.

What do you mean by "sussed?" I couldn't find in the dictionary. And BTW, since this is the second time you get annoyed when I fail to detect whom you are posting to, tell me, is it unbecoming to pick up a post of one's concern to reply when it is addressed to another poster? Thanks.
