How to suck at your religion

Gee, I wonder which religion this is making fun of? Certainly isn't mine.
The comic strip writer is obviously opinionated.... I read a couple others...

I liked "what they didn't teach you senior year of high school"

Oh and religions of the world...anything which is the most popular, top of the pedestal often gets increased jabs to get knocked off....
Gee, I wonder which religion this is making fun of? Certainly isn't mine.
Oh, you mean the one that goes,
"I believe God is a fire-breathing orangutan who lives in New Jersey! I believe this so deeply that I have spread peanut butter on my privates and I intend to jump off this bridge. For I shall go roller-blading in the afterlife with our Dark Lord FireApe."​
Isn't about your religion? :p {Just kidding}

Another Mass-Public shooting ---NOT by debating Religious zealots of pre-Renaissance European foothills . . . whilst we make fun of people making fun of pillars of society . . . yet there are those that highlight more precient matters:

Dennis Prager urges college students and their parents to evaluate the value of going into debt for a college education in which students are bombarded for four years with withering criticism of every major value they hold. Prager does this by summarizing the major tenets taught at most public colleges and universities in the nation today. Here are some of the those politically correct maxims:
God is at best a non-issue, and at worst, a foolish and dangerous belief.
Christianity is largely a history of inquisitions, crusades, oppression, and anti-intellectualism. Islam, on the other hand, is “a religion of peace.” Therefore, criticism of Christianity is enlightened, while criticism of Islam is Islamophobia.

Do You Want To Go Into Debt For This? Dennis Prager Summarizes Four Years of a Typical “Progressive” College Education in 60 Seconds |
Art is my "religion"...

there is the old adage,

Art reflects Life

and sometimes
[ironically? interestingly? syncronistically? regretably? mystically?]

Life reflects art

BTW, I lived in an Art Colony [simultaniously it was also a dairy farm community and still is a dairy farm today]
Erections are satan's boner demons posing a mans penis , is this what Gerildene / Flip Wilson meant when she/he said the devil made me do it ? This just creates weird images for me . desert rat
If that is in refference to my post , I will try to explaine . In that cartoone is a statement that erections are satains boner demons . I did find this strange . I would think it was saying that religions had a problem with sex . If you remember Flip Wilson when he was Gerdeldine (1970s) . He would use the phrase " the devil made me do it " This does create some strange images for me , I believe a church would be a bit more suttle . desert rat