Silver Haired Member
During the time I was active on Theism Debate, I was considered a Believer. My consideration of the Trinity was orthodox; each part of the three, though a part of the whole, is considered a seperate and self-sustaining person of the Godhead. But as time went on and I considered the many scholarly discussions concerning the nature of God and also that which began and sustains the Universe (as we know it) my thoughts began to search for an alternative explanation of these seemingly unfathomable subjects. The following post originated on that site after deep and extensive soul searching, meditation, and prayer. It was titled, as is this post; Entity: The Nature Of God And The Universe.
"This hypothesis is not accrued from any text, but from personal contemplation. The clues to its validity are to be found in countless volumes religious, scientific and philosophic. We have all been involved in discussions concerning the nature of God, as well as that of the Universe(s). God is considered unsearchable, unknowable and therefore the means to proving God do not exist, except on a personal level. God is contemplated as religious. The Universe(s) deal with time and space, complex gyrations of scientific data, thoughts that seem to make the question of its basic nature, unfathomable. The origin of its substance and its subsequent evolution are considered scientific. What if we have approached both studies from an erroneous premise? Recent thought has convinced me that both are detectable and understandable; because both are the same structure. And it becomes religious or scientific only by the emphasis man puts on the study.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters.” We can make the demonstration despite human mythological considerations. Chaos exists; ‘heavens and earth’ ‘darkness’ however, describe an existing, if not an organized, universe. If this ‘spirit’ created order and physical manifestation, ‘substance’ or the knowledge of it must have existed within the ‘spirit’. That singular concept which we consider as God did not create, the ‘spirit’ did. The ‘spirit’ permeates the known universe. In science, of which I am basically ignorant, the Big Bang theory is the most generally accepted explanation for the Creation of the Universe. Chaos exists; some unknown force violently overcomes inertia and a seemingly orderly assignment of the universe takes place. If the ‘spirit’ and that unknown ‘force’ have substance or the knowledge of it, and are the motivating energy in the creation, it is my belief that they are one and the same. In religion we search for the ‘figure’ of God, but cannot define it because, as it turns out, it is only a name we have given to the ‘moving force’ of all life, ‘the spirit.’ We should rightly be searching for the nature of the ‘spirit’. Find it and we have both! In science, on the other hand, there is ‘light’ and the vehicle upon which it travels, ‘ether!’ (For want of a better name) “A medium formerly thought to permeate space and fill the interstices between particles of matter.” The terms ‘spirit’ and ‘ether’ appear to be the objects of our search, and both continue to exist even in an expanding universe. What if both are the same thing? What may I assume about an entity that can manifest energy, or produces physical manifestations in an orderly and seemingly intelligent fashion? It is an existing, living, intelligent entity. “It is a life form!” We are told in religion that the ‘substance’ that created all things, including us, exists in all things; ‘spirit’; well so does ‘ether’ (or its modern scientific counterpart) If they are the same element; a viable, living, intelligent entity that exists on the sub-atomic level, it is obvious that we would have difficulty in recognizing, defining or communicating with it.
Has anyone ever been akin to this life force; true prophets, psychics, visionaries, empaths, faith healers, oracles, etc. Its attributes, genius, inspiration, prodigy…..
I note that at no time has ‘God’ ever created a history changing event by itself. ‘God’ has always used some human or geological medium. Why? In the end, we have been searching for, even hoping for the discovery of other life in the universe. I believe it is already in our midst and has been since the beginning of time. And if its nature is as I have assumed, it is neither religious nor scientific. The difficulty in our inability to communicate with it lies in the difference between our two physical structures! So what’s the common language?"
I left Theism Debate many months ago because of the nature of this concept. How was it possible to prove my theory? It is, as I noted, only a matter of how we survey the subject, in a religious or a scientific mode. I decided to approach it directly, crying out into the seeming void in an effort to recreate those many spiritual experiences that have directed my life in a most personal and physical manner. Intimacy is the description of my relationship with the God I know.
I have been recognized and responded to in a manner that has almost driven me to madness. Had I continued I would have been driven to insanity.
It is as though I had suddenly become aware of a person who had been sitting in the same room with me for hours. I was deluged with images, information I could barely begin to digest that was given to me, not in words, but in concepts of systems which the human mind cannot bear to comprehend. In the end I had to beg for relief or I truly believe I would have been destroyed. Entity, Spirit, is still aware of me but with the knowledge that now, I am aware of him! There is a communion of sorts but eased considerably because the Spirit is aware that we cannot handle the immensity of his being.
What I have discovered is that there is intent, the intent of a life-force which has formed out of its own nature all things of which we can conceive. A life-form that desires communion with us but who realizes that that contact must be within the capabilities of our meager human form. I am still recovering from the enormity of that first contact though it was almost three months ago. And as a humorous aside, my therapist assures me that my mind, which we refer to as 'The Freight Train', has not wrecked, it has just dared to go where sane folk do not tread!
Your thoughts are desired and I will check this site for messages. My e-mail is set to high priority but you can contact me through this site and management.
I am, in the Living Christ;
"This hypothesis is not accrued from any text, but from personal contemplation. The clues to its validity are to be found in countless volumes religious, scientific and philosophic. We have all been involved in discussions concerning the nature of God, as well as that of the Universe(s). God is considered unsearchable, unknowable and therefore the means to proving God do not exist, except on a personal level. God is contemplated as religious. The Universe(s) deal with time and space, complex gyrations of scientific data, thoughts that seem to make the question of its basic nature, unfathomable. The origin of its substance and its subsequent evolution are considered scientific. What if we have approached both studies from an erroneous premise? Recent thought has convinced me that both are detectable and understandable; because both are the same structure. And it becomes religious or scientific only by the emphasis man puts on the study.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters.” We can make the demonstration despite human mythological considerations. Chaos exists; ‘heavens and earth’ ‘darkness’ however, describe an existing, if not an organized, universe. If this ‘spirit’ created order and physical manifestation, ‘substance’ or the knowledge of it must have existed within the ‘spirit’. That singular concept which we consider as God did not create, the ‘spirit’ did. The ‘spirit’ permeates the known universe. In science, of which I am basically ignorant, the Big Bang theory is the most generally accepted explanation for the Creation of the Universe. Chaos exists; some unknown force violently overcomes inertia and a seemingly orderly assignment of the universe takes place. If the ‘spirit’ and that unknown ‘force’ have substance or the knowledge of it, and are the motivating energy in the creation, it is my belief that they are one and the same. In religion we search for the ‘figure’ of God, but cannot define it because, as it turns out, it is only a name we have given to the ‘moving force’ of all life, ‘the spirit.’ We should rightly be searching for the nature of the ‘spirit’. Find it and we have both! In science, on the other hand, there is ‘light’ and the vehicle upon which it travels, ‘ether!’ (For want of a better name) “A medium formerly thought to permeate space and fill the interstices between particles of matter.” The terms ‘spirit’ and ‘ether’ appear to be the objects of our search, and both continue to exist even in an expanding universe. What if both are the same thing? What may I assume about an entity that can manifest energy, or produces physical manifestations in an orderly and seemingly intelligent fashion? It is an existing, living, intelligent entity. “It is a life form!” We are told in religion that the ‘substance’ that created all things, including us, exists in all things; ‘spirit’; well so does ‘ether’ (or its modern scientific counterpart) If they are the same element; a viable, living, intelligent entity that exists on the sub-atomic level, it is obvious that we would have difficulty in recognizing, defining or communicating with it.
Has anyone ever been akin to this life force; true prophets, psychics, visionaries, empaths, faith healers, oracles, etc. Its attributes, genius, inspiration, prodigy…..
I note that at no time has ‘God’ ever created a history changing event by itself. ‘God’ has always used some human or geological medium. Why? In the end, we have been searching for, even hoping for the discovery of other life in the universe. I believe it is already in our midst and has been since the beginning of time. And if its nature is as I have assumed, it is neither religious nor scientific. The difficulty in our inability to communicate with it lies in the difference between our two physical structures! So what’s the common language?"
I left Theism Debate many months ago because of the nature of this concept. How was it possible to prove my theory? It is, as I noted, only a matter of how we survey the subject, in a religious or a scientific mode. I decided to approach it directly, crying out into the seeming void in an effort to recreate those many spiritual experiences that have directed my life in a most personal and physical manner. Intimacy is the description of my relationship with the God I know.
I have been recognized and responded to in a manner that has almost driven me to madness. Had I continued I would have been driven to insanity.
It is as though I had suddenly become aware of a person who had been sitting in the same room with me for hours. I was deluged with images, information I could barely begin to digest that was given to me, not in words, but in concepts of systems which the human mind cannot bear to comprehend. In the end I had to beg for relief or I truly believe I would have been destroyed. Entity, Spirit, is still aware of me but with the knowledge that now, I am aware of him! There is a communion of sorts but eased considerably because the Spirit is aware that we cannot handle the immensity of his being.
What I have discovered is that there is intent, the intent of a life-force which has formed out of its own nature all things of which we can conceive. A life-form that desires communion with us but who realizes that that contact must be within the capabilities of our meager human form. I am still recovering from the enormity of that first contact though it was almost three months ago. And as a humorous aside, my therapist assures me that my mind, which we refer to as 'The Freight Train', has not wrecked, it has just dared to go where sane folk do not tread!
Your thoughts are desired and I will check this site for messages. My e-mail is set to high priority but you can contact me through this site and management.
I am, in the Living Christ;