The Tree at which we all sit


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"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." ~Albert Einstein
Isn't that Beautiful? Immediately I hear the song `Who Can See It' playing in my mind.

Most of the folks really paying attention are beginning to get it, if they didn't already (as innately, we all somehow KNOW this) ...

Lighthearded Advice:

Visuals, as visions and visualization are all part of Revelation (god without, god within):

My, how Mer-Khemeti~c_urian of us/Man, nature's very Prometheus:
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. . . . . . B2c.jpg
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." ~Albert Einstein

Nice quote ... pity that was being said a long, long time before Einstein came along. And what does Einstein know about religion, or art, for that matter?

I think this kind of thing is a sign of the current culture's fascination with celebrity. Once you're a celebrity, you can have an authoritative opinion on everything, even those things you know nothing about.

God bless,

Yes, people tend to borrow philosophical soundbites from the antiquities - still Einstein was one smart cookie, while not religious (a BIG plus for him in MY BOOK), he was exploring the mysteries of the Universe, hence getting a little closer to g-d...
Nice quote ... pity that was being said a long, long time before Einstein came along. And what does Einstein know about religion, or art, for that matter?

I think this kind of thing is a sign of the current culture's fascination with celebrity. Once you're a celebrity, you can have an authoritative opinion on everything, even those things you know nothing about.

God bless,

Einstein had probably already forgotten more about religion (and to his betterment, as pointed out) by the time he was 12 than our resident naysayer will ever know.

Isn't it amazing how securely squirreled away and isolated some can make themselves, once they crawl so deep into that dark hole of an ivory tower they've imagined into existence, and especially after they go about shutting & barring the door and every last window fast, such that not one glimmer of light or Hope can enter in?

Yes, I know a man like this. And in his blindness he takes pot shots at everything that moves or scurries across the Cave floor.

Keep it up, Thomas. MUST - PUT - *OUT* - THE - LIGHT

You're endearing yourself to Jesus and making your paper pope happy too ... I'm just sure of it. :rolleyes:
Oh dear ... seems I have touched a nerve.

Taijasi — I do wish you could express yourself without recourse to offensive language.

Actually, I quite agree with Einstein ... I just didn't assume anything particularly original in what he said, or indeed that he was particularly qualified to make such a statement. I see Einstein as a physicist, a genius, but not a polymath.

"True Philosophy is true religion; true religion is true philosophy" Augustine said that, and he was no doubt quoting sources before him. That outlook seems to have been the way of things ...

... Probably me over-reacting to the cult of personality that so rules the roost today. Here in the UK we have (non)celebrities from Big Brother and the like, espousing political opinions when they can't even remember the Prime Minister's name, or even cogently describe what they're talking about.

So as a mea culpa, here's a couple of quotes from Paul Dirac:
"God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world."

"Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star."
I should point out that Dirac was an atheist who held the most negative views regarding religion.

God bless

The Butterfly Effect holds true, whether your believe in the Judeo-Christian depictions of deity ... or other portrayals ... or none at all.

I wonder why that is ...
Retract the claws, you two. First of all, Einstein was raised in a very un-religious household and went to Catholic School. While exceptionally gifted, Bibliography is a good site where you can find his writings on religion (not many, see notes 7 to 10, and many of them are quite redundant). Because he believed something (he also did not believe the universe was expanding or that time exists) is not, in and of itseld, sufficient proof.

Similarly, Augustine is a good start... but to be convinced (by reason, at least) one should put him in context of everybody in the West wrting about the relationship up to Hartshorne and Griffin.

Let's discuss the differences in opinion (and that is really all we have proof of here) and not fight over them.
Einstein was a student of esotericism and had plenty of insight into the Wisdom of God, the Ageless Wisdom. This did not prevent him from having an interest in Thesophical Teachings, quite popular among the earnest student of his day already, including scientists, poets, university professors, economists, suffragettes, literary critics, scholars of religion, and so on, ad infinitum. Rather, this accounts fully for why he was known to have had a copy of The Secret Doctrine, by H.P. Blavatsky, on his desk.

Let's see how the WitchFinder General takes to THAT. ;)

Study the enemy at work, as indeed, we are taught to keep them closer than our friends. Thus it has been taught.
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." ~Albert Einstein

Religions arise out of belief.

Arts arise out of emotion.

Sciences arise out of thought.

Not that the three concepts cannot be used in all three of the categories. Religions most obviously have emotion and thought involved. Same for the others.

The foundation for each though. They are all separate. IMHO.
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." ~Albert Einstein

If that was the case then The Baha'i Faith would be the one true religion. I call bullshit on this statement.
Quite well, in fact... The Julliard Quartet like his playing (especially his Mozart). Besides he was a Spinozan pantheist and a socialist (something pretty telling about his artistic bent).

Oh, he hated and never understood quantum mechanics… but who does?