I don't think Jesus went into the desert seeking Bliss. He already had that. He went into the desert to better understand his task and role in helping lead ALL of HUMANITY to that
same Bliss-Consciousness. I think if you'll check with him, this is what he will tell you ...
Also, if you want to understand Rebirth, ask the questions, enter into the DISCUSSION, and be ready to open your Heart and mind. Otherwise, you're really just whistlin' Dixie. Some of us have pulled our pistols
long ago ...
... but if you miss the reference, our aim is to shoot to disarm, not to kill. We may occasionally nick a man on the hand, yet this is not our intent. Well do we know, Practice makes PERFECT (
Heaven and Hell most certainly exist, but if you want to understand all things relevant, ask those who have been through both, who either reside in such conditions or have done so for extended periods ... and/or, perhaps best of all, who have triumphed over the trammels of matter - and the thirst [
trishna, tanha] for embodied existence, altogether ~ and *transcended* the same.
Having done so, and making it a habit to follow in their footsteps (as some acknowledge), we too may arrive at our Destination. Along the Way, we may even help others who are receptive and hungry for Truth. True, we cannot force the food into our brother's hand and make him take a bite, yet we can show him the food on the Table, prove its nourishing value by eating likewise and continuing to LIVE ... and in his moments of doubt or denial, we may encourage him to quench his thirst, satisfy his hunger.
"Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty men."
I will not argue over food and water.
I will, however, tell you how tasty &
Wonderful this stuff is ... and plenty more, if you ask.