Actually, quarks (and their smaller components)
are astral matter. It has, therefore, been both observed - with scientific instrumentation in recent decades, years, days, etc. - and
proven as certainly as the sun above or the earth below. Does that make some of us any the wiser, or aware of the cosmological underpinnings (so to speak)?
No, because we never understood what `Firmament' meant to begin with. All we knew how to do was
read the books, but long ago we lost the Keys. Only when provided with the appropriate keys will things begin to fit into place. And at that point, we'll see that Earth-Sun-moon, planets-Stars-constellations, and in fact, "everything under the [Spiritual] S*N" is in tune ... plus we'll realize that just as WE are a Unit, composed of organs, cells, atoms and
LESSER LIVES, so too is Cosmos one giant ENTITY, also composed of ~ Lesser Lives.
Obviously about 99.9% of these are
Greater relative to ourselves, Earth's inhabitants, or even some of the other Intelligent civilizations evolving within this solar system. But we do not yet physically know (or remember from having been taught in previous cycles, even just a few thousand years ago) how to observe the other beings on the planet with us, or sharing this Star's heat, Light and Love ... so foolish men deny all of this, Doubters as they are.
Further, some assail the very Foundations upon which all of Cosmos Itself rests, insisting that somehow - with their tiny mind - they have outstripped the experts, the Adept clairvoyants, the Creators of Planets and Systems, or even just the Building and Ensouling Agents [Angels,
Devas, etc.] of the material forms
which each human being uses in the physical, let alone subtler worlds. Most of us who have glimpsed even *slightly* beyond the veil are humbled by what we have encountered, we are forever uplifted and Positively changed by our new awareness ... and we can never again be fooled or misled by the likes of the blind, always clamoring to lead ~ the blind.
But the blind will speak of veils, they will pretend they have somehow found mystical, magical answers ... when in fact, ye know them as surely by their fruits as ye know any other. They cannot prove word one of what they speak, their confused, muddled theologies are nothing but effort after effort to patch a leaking bucket,
or so they imagine. Wiser minds than they have long ago stepped AWAY from the dike, for we can see how many fingers they have inserted, and we notice that all the toes they have left are not enough to save the crumbling confusion.
So I say again,
we SEE astral matter with today's scientific instrumentation, as also with trained clairvoyance, being one of the easiest and most common
siddhis to either artificially hasten & somewhat develop ... or to find already present and partially active from a recent incarnation in which we have had mediumistic tendencies. This is how folks like my sister are able to perceive the astral aura from childhood, even if more detailed observations [chakras, the mental plane, the
Soul itself] may remain beyond their grasp, or require additional development of the Ajna center in order to distinguish.
A properly trained clairvoyant, using the Higher Siddhis [such as the MahaSiddha Shakyamuni Buddha, or countless others] can see not only the subtler expressions of the Aura [Soul], including the Spiritual Triad [the Atma-Buddhi-Manas, or TRIKAYA of Buddhist doctrine] ... s/he can also use the insight of the Buddhic awareness (and Taijasa-Manas) to tell us of our former incarnations. I would remind you that this is the same principle as a scientist peering into his looking-glass to describe the configuration of distant stars, or through a microscope to investigate astral matter. In each case, it is simply necessary to use the proper instrumentation.
What an important question to ask, regarding the practical value of say, researching the constellations of the Pleiades and Orion, or stars such as Arcturus and Sirius. Perhaps the Old Testament seers were just smoking something and thought the sky looked awful perty in their stupified state. Hmmm.
No, I don't buy that. Nor do I buy the nonsense patch-up job which is ongoing, perhaps initiated by some of the most
UN-Christlike minds & hearts our planet has ever known, on one level or another. It is very sad that this has led us to the present state of affairs in the world today, and it is a crime that the
LITTLE ONES must continue to struggle, unknowing, and often wonder why in the world the `Son of God' must die in order that eternal life be afforded for some ridiculous, limited number of human beings ... who otherwise are apparently to be damned forever in perfect demonstration of the philosophy that "a finite cause cannot have an INFINITE effect!"
WHAT!?! rofl, what a crock.
The observation of the most distant star, verily affects all life, all beings, all atoms and the very course of Planetary Evolution upon our little globe. When men are able to accept that teachings such as Rebirth have been provided as an aspect of the Divine Science, life will begin to Flow along a good bit smoother here in Earth's tiny Stream of Cosmic Evolution-in-the-preparing. But just as some of us
know that asking us to chew a human hand or eyeball for good luck is ridiculous, stupid, offensive and inappropriate, so too do we know that Truth Itself can be hard to swallow ... perhaps as it is just as bloodly and unpalatable at the present time.
Feed people on a thin gruel and notice how quickly they lose the ability to chew, to enjoy the TASTE of that which is Wholesome and spiritually Nourishing (for mind, body
and Spirit) ... or to feed themselves with that which also requires more careful absorption, digestion and contemplation.
Why do most of us as yet lack astral vision or the ability to immediately verify the existence of spiritual worlds and a planet TEEMING with Life that is much more Intelligent and Evolved than Human beings? Why, for that matter, do some of us recall many past incarnations, and have similar insight into those of our fellows? Ask the Buddha or ask the Christ; but do not ask a Fool. All will gladly tell you what THEY think are the answers, while only the fool is vested in just how you
take these answers, and whether you attend HIS church as a result.
The fool thrives on attention [the glamour of popularity & fame] and vainglory. Buddhas and Christs tend to have your spiritual well-being at heart, and since They know the value of a human incarnation, They also know that while some idiots will try (and succeed for a time), NONE can deflect your Will from the Divine [and from the WILL of the Divine] if and when
*YOU so choose*!
Our task is not simply in the aligning of our Will with God's, for the Angels have done just that ... and serve in this manner without the human predicament. Ours is to use Reason and the Higher Intellect [which is Divine, Inclusive & Insightful], in combination with what is called `Buddha Nature' or
the Christ within, to discern God's Purpose for us at any given stage of our Spiritual walk ... and to APPLY what we learn in practical application. Humbly we must reapply ourselves day by day, aspire to *expand* our understanding of our Purpose, and I think we shall find that in so doing we are
no less amazed when God's Purpose for us continues to deepen and broaden, gradually intersecting (as it must) with all other lives and expressions of the One Life upon our planet.
Only thus may we begin to appreciate the Beauty and Majesty of Cosmos, and realize that 99.9% of it pretty much fits together almost Infinitely better already than our tiny, mortal minds can comprehend or imagine. IMAGINATION, and no less, however, along with a developed sense of Humor, are faithful friends upon our Journey ... and both will be greatly needed by all of us in days ahead.
wary of that man who steers you from these notions. While most of us can never provide an answer for another, or lift Spiritual Insight out of the context and circumstances in which [or the Path, the Journey, *by which*] another individual must find it ... certainly we can point the way. And while there are many who already hold the curative Salve that will bring relief for quite a number of unnecessary sufferings, or alleviate the sting in cases of karmic manifestation ... one thing a doctor will never do is kill the patient, if the latter curses him as a devil and refuses all treatment whatsoever. Better to simply isolate the sick man, treat him with as much kindness & tenderness as possible, and even comfort him as his hour approaches. Do not, however, allow him to infect others who are already in much better health!
The hour of human ignorance is nearly over. Our wandering in the dark is not for long, or in vain. And many of the answers that people seek are on the verge of Revelation ... to the masses.
I quite agree that if something serves no apparent use, or has no immediate practical value, it is best left on a shelf, or hung out of the way for a possible future application. In such wise things we have read or experienced in childhood (or an earlier cycle) may one day prove useful, or even vital.
The Buddha did not fill his students' heads full of a bunch of fluff (as I deem 98% of today's western theological ramblings and leaky bucket-patchings), but He also did not veil the Truth as He understood it when there was a need to share it ... even if the most sublime portions of that Wisdom are missed by 85% of Western practitioners of Buddhism. Nor did the Christ eschew any of the questions his Apostles asked when there was a relevance to His Ministry. Perhaps if we better understood the Christ, *and* His Ministry, we would see the importance of the Stars and Astrology (the Bible being replete with such references) ... or recognize that Christ's Doctrine is the same as the Buddhist `Interbeing' ~ which Native Americans have also strongly emphasized in hopes that we might Heal ourselves & this Earth, then continue Wise-Lovingly upon THE WAY.