I'm kind of rushed ... but I would suggest browsing
How Spirit Interpenetrates the Physical BUILDING THE BRIDGE in order to visit the idea of
bubbles in koilon which Nick has described
in these or other words.
Also, note the Theosophical
anu or root atom of physical matter, which Nick has also explained. You can find an image of this atom ~ and another explanation somewhat like the above ~ provided at
The Theory of Everything | Science Of Spirituality Blog on Speakingtree.in.
Both of these articles discuss the intersection of modern science with the Theosophical observations and teachings from 1875 onward ... but with reference, also, to the ancient Greek ideas [whence the term `koilon']. The 2nd article is a bit better documented and has better incorporation of graphics, imo.
Finally, there is the work of Edwin Babbitt in the late 19th Century, whose
Principles of Color and Light finally gave us an image of the Theosophical `anu' but this time with much, MUCH more detail. Here, then, is the true
elementary particle of physical matter ~ whether that be a quark, a "preon" or whatever.
This is Babbitt's atom [in the true Greek meaning of this word ~ a+tomos=INdivisible]:
Note the
3 primary spirals as well as the 7 subsidiary spirals, and also note that each of these spirals has a set of secondary
spirillae which coils around it. Thus there are TEN primary coils, or the spirillae of Theosophical terminology .... EACH of which is slightly twisted so as to form the shape of the anu/atom. There is a vortex through the heart of the atom, yet the primary structure - its approximate heart shape - is made up of these TEN rings [spirals, or STRINGS, doh!] which themselves do not separate or break down any further ~ without becoming astral matter.
If you uncoiled the atom - just speaking in terms of the primary spirals - you would have ten RINGS or spirals, or STRINGS arranged one of top of the other, equidistant and held together magnetically. Except that these are twisted into the shape of the heart, or physical anu. And then there are coils formed around each of these - the Three and Seven - spirals. So we have two sets of
spirillae fully depicted. Note that for each of the ten primary spirals, the tiny spirillae which wind around it are - like the parent coil - IN TACT as ONE long coil or additional `string.'
Awhile back
I posted an image I found somewhere out there on the web to Interfaith. It's not accurate, in that it shows rings rather than true spirals, but I will reference it only because it helps illustrate the Theosophical idea (with good detail, I think 5 rings total) ... long ago verified many times over by trained clairvoyants [and now, increasingly, by empirical science]. Note that Theosophy teaches one primary set of spirals, and six secondary sets of spirillae, for a total of SEVEN spirals per atom. In the course of the natural, normal development of matter, only four of these spirals are unfolded at the present time ... except where additional spirals have been artificially hastened through occult means. And of course, eventually, in future cycles of evolution, it is the destiny of
every atom of substance to fully develop all of its potential ~ in terms of these spirals & spirillae. This doesn't quite explain everything there is to know about Consciousness, matter and Energy, even where these first two serve as the basis, or vehicle, for the manifestation of the latter [Spirit/energy] ... but it's at least the beginnings of a scientific and material BASIS for everything that the occult sciences postulate.
By the way, astral, mental and finer MATTER are just that. They are definitely SUBSTANCE and serve as the vehicle for Consciousness/Life on those planes of existence, just as the physical serves as such during our time
in the body. We haven't gotten around to discussing the Sutratma yet, but Descartes was quite familiar with it [and obviously the Eastern teachings] as he tells us the same as every Theosophist learns ~ that the thread-soul [the `silver cord' of the Bible] is anchored *in the heart*.
Anyway, yes, there are ultimate astral atoms and ultimate mental atoms, etc., which correspond with what is shown or depicted in these drawings ... and increasingly verified by science ... but we are told that not all of them are heart-shaped, as are the examples of ultimate physical particles provided.