Stumbling off the path.....

Ironically ... I can't *stand* it when people pretend to be Zen Masters. :rolleyes:

The Master/student, Guru/disciple relationship is just as much maya as any other relationship, the only difference is that the Master/Guru understands the game and can bring you out of it, yet still he knows you were never really in it.

The True Guru is as much in you as Krishna, yet we call Krishna an avatar, making the True Guru something that apparently descends and ascends, every atom is of the Guru though, it is just a matter of encountering our own nature. At any time, anything can bring you out, all the Master/Guru does is create more situations that might trigger it. It is always a possibility because you have never been something else than the True Guru.

It is simply impossible because there is nothing else.

Yet, this one that complains is as much in fallacy as the one pretending, every moment, all you encounter is a message from the Guru, including the human role of Guru and the presentations of deep delusion or ignorance. It is all the same game with the same single player. Stop looking on the world in judgment, for the judge is nothing but ego. It is only ever ego which attempts to divide existence, which is all judging is doing.
Scripture says; "The paths of the Lord are straight, the righteous walk in them but sinners will stumble."

That is pretty straight forward. To be righteous is to walk in the paths of the Lord. obviously if you sin you are not righteous and you stumble, that is you do not walk in the paths of the Lord.

Blessed is he who finds no stumbling block in me.
Blessed is he who finds no stumbling block in me??

What does that mean?

As my original post in this thread posed, can one stumble off the path?

If you think you know what the path is, it might look like you have stumbled, but that stumble is only there to show you your idea is wrong.

Trust that every step, every moment you are exactly where you're supposed to be. You can only ever be here, just find out what it is which is present. It is such a simple thing that it is so easy to miss, but until you look at it, you will ever be unfulfilled, ever bound.

Seeing that which is beyond thought, beyond all happenings, you see you were ever free.

That IS truth, and that is what will set you free.
Blessed is he who finds no stumbling block in me??

What does that mean?

It means that the son of man does not stumble and whoever chooses to follow in his footsteps will walk in the paths of the Lord and therefore are righteous servants of the Lord, not sinners.
Blessed IS "he" who finds no stumbling block in "me"?

Who is 'he' and who is 'me' you wrote it...without quotes or I can only assume you mean yourself? And are you indicating perfection? or somehow that if someone else thinks you are perfect that they are blessed??

me thinks you may be trying to say Jesus as this a quote or paraphrase from scripture someplace?
A path is not a Path until it is well tread

We each have our own individual path, no one else can define your Path, no one can show you the direction of your Path, your Path is yours alone.
Blessed IS "he" who finds no stumbling block in "me"?

Who is 'he' and who is 'me' you wrote it...without quotes or I can only assume you mean yourself? And are you indicating perfection? or somehow that if someone else thinks you are perfect that they are blessed??

me thinks you may be trying to say Jesus as this a quote or paraphrase from scripture someplace?

As Jesus said it, so do I. Jesus and I are One. God is our Father.

Who ever has seen me has seen the Lord. The works I do in my Fathers name bear witness for me.

Scripture has it; "Blessed is he whose way is blameless who walks in the law of the Lord."
As Jesus said it, so do I. Jesus and I are One. God is our Father.

Who ever has seen me has seen the Lord. The works I do in my Fathers name bear witness for me.

Scripture has it; "Blessed is he whose way is blameless who walks in the law of the Lord."

You are not one because there remains perceived division.

Also your words still depend scripture, it remains belief, it doesn't seem a direct realization.

Drop your definitions and simply be.

There is no path to this, thus no possibility of stumbling - you already are, but we think there is something to do, we are uncomfortable just being so we seek some kind of permission or justification. Worse still, we want to know how to be what we are, there is no greater crime than trying to tell another how to live.

A true Master shows only what you are, then leaves you to be that.
You are not one because there remains perceived division.

Also your words still depend scripture, it remains belief, it doesn't seem a direct realization.

Drop your definitions and simply be.

There is no path to this, thus no possibility of stumbling - you already are, but we think there is something to do, we are uncomfortable just being so we seek some kind of permission or justification. Worse still, we want to know how to be what we are, there is no greater crime than trying to tell another how to live.

A true Master shows only what you are, then leaves you to be that.

The reason you do not believe me is you are not among my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.

If you do not want to put faith in me then put faith in the works so you will see that the Lord is in me and I in the Lord.

The words I speak are not my own ,it is the Lord who lives in me performing His works.

The Lord says this;

"Listen to me, you who pursue justice, who seek the Lord.
For law shall go forth from my presence, and my judgment, as the light of the peoples."
The reason you do not believe me is you are not among my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.

If you do not want to put faith in me then put faith in the works so you will see that the Lord is in me and I in the Lord.

The words I speak are not my own ,it is the Lord who lives in me performing His works.

The Lord says this;

"Listen to me, you who pursue justice, who seek the Lord.
For law shall go forth from my presence, and my judgment, as the light of the peoples."

You are right, I am no sheep.

I am that I am, a Sheppard would only distract from that.

Jesus has said he has come for the sick, that the righteous have no need of a physician.

Find out what sees your beliefs for it will set you free, until then you will be stuck clinging to thoughts.

"It is better to live one day as a Lion, than 100 years as a Sheep"