Stumbling off the path.....

That is correct. No apparent and non-apparent reason. Just superstition and belief in things which have no evidence.
Wrong. You condemn billions of people to irrationality.
It relies on an assumption that there is no higher intelligence than that of mankind.

I, for one, do not imagine that to be the case.
Believing in things without evidence is irrationality. That is why I became an atheist and abandoned my belief in Hindu Gods and Goddesses.
Fine .. if you think that there is no evidence for Hindu gods, then that is your opinion. :)

..but regards the existence of a higher intelligence than mankind, that many of us call G-d,
there is plenty of evidence, imo.
If you don't think so, and believe that all religions rely on mutterings of madmen etc. ,
then that again, is only your opinion. :)

..but even then, you cannot entirely dismiss the existence of a higher intelligence than mankind.
It would be rather pompous. ;)
That is correct. No apparent and non-apparent reason. Just superstition and belief in things which have no evidence.
Speculation has no evidence. Speculation merely draws from what is evident and attempts to connect unproven dots, sometimes with merit, often without merit.

Overwhelming subjective evidence has already been presented, and which you have every right to ignore.

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Believing in things without evidence is irrationality. That is why I became an atheist and abandoned my belief in Hindu Gods and Goddesses.
Yet you present speculation on a routine basis with no evidence. Does that make you irrational?

It is your right by free will to abandon or accept whatever belief.
That is correct. No apparent and non-apparent reason. Just superstition and belief in things which have no evidence.
Sooooo definitely not evolutionary and not observed outside of humans? Is that what you are saying?
Believing in things without evidence is irrationality. That is why I became an atheist and abandoned my belief in Hindu Gods and Goddesses.
And you have empirical evidence that life and the universe began completely on their own?
Any evidence that it is not like that?
I'm not saying it isn't. But asking a question ≠ is NOT the same as empirical evidence. So do you have any empirical evidence that they began completely on their own?
Self-replicating molecules, RNA bacteria followed by DNA bacteria.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
Self-replicating molecules, RNA bacteria followed by DNA bacteria.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
But all this is really 'evolution' of the universe, not genesis of the universe. There's no more evidence that the universe 'poofed' itself into being, than there is evidence some greater designer caused the universe? There's no actual knowledge of what originated the Big Bang singularity -- only speculation?