I don't care....


Veteran Member
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a figment of your imagination
I don't care if you worship Krishna, Christ, Allah, G!d, a Goddess, or the Green Man.

I don't care if you believe in the words of Bhudda, Lao, Moses, Mohamed, Jesus, or Einstein.

As long as you aren't physically or mentally harming, or stealing from others, I don't care.

How you find your bliss, what you do to get there...it is upto you and personal.

You can meditate, cogitate, circumambulate, pray, dance, or take psychedelics...

It is upto you...and I don't care.

I won't insist that what you are doing for yourself is wrong....

I only ask the same...

otherwise.... I don't care....
wil, I expect to still be T.H.I.N.K.ing about things ... long after this site has folded, even if we have no Intarwebs, as such, after a few nasty EMP blasts.

Or, in the very least, next week, next month, next year, etc.

Thanks for that! :)
I rather think caring is supposed to be what we're all about.

The title is not always the content ...........
As you recognize, we are known by our words and not our titles.
And yet our content is the greater truth.
Watch the movie....... there is love ...........
Love and compassion are nice sentiments, I am all for them; but sometimes these are not enough in practice.
Love and compassion are nice sentiments, I am all for them; but sometimes these are not enough in practice.

The only problem with either is the one who believes they love, the one who thinks they are compassionate. It is this same one who thinks they belong to a particular religion, country, or race. If this one is dropped, it is enough to create heaven on earth.
Hi Ciel — well, it's been years, hasn't it?

The title is not always the content ...
I wasn't responding to your post, which I will watch, but the title of the thread.

God bless,

Hi Ciel — well, it's been years, hasn't it?

I wasn't responding to your post, which I will watch, but the title of the thread.

God bless,


He understood this, but wil has a beautiful undercurrent to his assertion in this thread, he is basically asking all to drop what separates us, and lists many divisions that just don't matter to him.

I think you could learn from it, since you are one of the few that insist on a particular perspective, unwilling to actually meet outside your views. Only yourself and bhaktajan seem so insistent, everyone else can at least talk openly on a wider variety of views. I do not think it is possible to know anything of religion when we are so blind to the full picture.
A gift for you..........
So many beautiful people and words of truth...... as are your own.

With One Voice ? Mystics of Earth ? Full Movie - YouTube

IN love and trust.

thanx Ceil

I rather think caring is supposed to be what we're all about.


You have a point, and I do think it great you have found a way that is comfortable for you.

And I do care that you have found it....I just don't care that it is different than mine, and most of the world's. I've got no interest in making you conform to my thinking.....except....that I have an interest in your not insisting I condform to yours...otherwise....I don't care...

and you can't care more than that!
I'm pretty sure that Love and Compassion are both, well-beyond emotion ... and sentimentality. The latter comes into play when I get cutesy with my amazing feline friend here. She's an amazing creature, and I certainly love her dearly, yet much of what we cat-friends ~ and often enough dog-friends ~ tend to display, is sentiment rather than genuine Love.

Compassion is to emotion as mind is to brain ... sort of. Compassion originates in a very different way than emotion, and certainly shows up in a very different way in the brain, life, actions and Aura of the person who practices it. It is not spontaneous, in that sense, but intentional ... even if, with practice, it may BECOME spontaneous.

Emotion, typically, is reactionary ... rather than involving careful, controlled, intelligent RESPONSE.

Erotic love, or even brotherly love, or the sort we extend to our fellow family members, even if they are Republican ... yes, this is good ... and can help us to *practice* something more all-embracing, more like Agape.

But Agape is not emotion, or sentiment.
I'm pretty sure that Love and Compassion are both, well-beyond emotion ... and sentimentality. The latter comes into play when I get cutesy with my amazing feline friend here. She's an amazing creature, and I certainly love her dearly, yet much of what we cat-friends ~ and often enough dog-friends ~ tend to display, is sentiment rather than genuine Love.

Compassion is to emotion as mind is to brain ... sort of. Compassion originates in a very different way than emotion, and certainly shows up in a very different way in the brain, life, actions and Aura of the person who practices it. It is not spontaneous, in that sense, but intentional ... even if, with practice, it may BECOME spontaneous.

Emotion, typically, is reactionary ... rather than involving careful, controlled, intelligent RESPONSE.

Erotic love, or even brotherly love, or the sort we extend to our fellow family members, even if they are Republican ... yes, this is good ... and can help us to *practice* something more all-embracing, more like Agape.

But Agape is not emotion, or sentiment.

Compassion isn't an emotion at all, it is a certain understanding, empathy in a way, but towards behavior in general, understanding why people are acting as they in any situation. In Buddhism, it is seeing the ego in action, and wanting to pull them out or at least provide a break.

For me, love isn't an emotion either, it is the dropping of ego, a complete comfort and utter lack of defensiveness. There is a more common definition that says love is a type of passion, for me, this is very unhealthy, but could be called love - or lust, jealousy, obsession, dependence, lots of things.

It is true that many chemicals are released when we experience either, but they are always in response to thought first - they are never the result of worldly stimulus, but rather manifest thought outwardly. The compassion and love of a sage is not based on thought, thus they are called pure.

Emotion always coincides with a particur release of chemicals, involuntarily. Learning to control thought, we can control these releases - which is what meditation techniques are doing. True meditation though is the letting go of the doer, a dissolution of ego, returning to the whole, and this is what all religions mean by love - not the targeted pseudo-love, but becoming love itself, and this type of love is what people point to with compassion too (mostly to say it isn't normal love)
What is the difference between pseudo and real love?

Pseudo love will become part of your identification, you will become possessive because for you they are as an extension of you, you do not grant them freedom or individuality.

In real love, there is no district lover or beloved, there is only a flowing.
It is this same one who thinks they belong to a particular religion, country, or race. If this one is dropped, it is enough to create heaven on earth.
That is true, but some are blind to this thinking (especially some who are from the monotheist religions).
What is the difference between pseudo and real love?

Pseudo love will become part of your identification, you will become possessive because for you they are as an extension of you, you do not grant them freedom or individuality.

In real love, there is no district lover or beloved, there is only a flowing.

I meant distinct, auto-complete :-\
That is true, but some are blind to this thinking (especially some who are from the monotheist religions).

Yet the monotheist religions all say it, that we have to drop personal will - it means the very notion of an individual self must go. Of course, the ego plays a trick, it pretends it is humble, even competes to be the most humble.

This is the biggest ego trip there is, that we can create a humble ego, it is just arrogance set on its head - you are just trying to avoid being arrogant because it makes your ego feel it is better than others. Humility means there is no distinct ego, you cease to experience yourself as separate from anything. The very contrast of humble and arrogant no more is relevant at all, as all opposites cease to be a factor in this experience, things simply are..

You of course understand this.
If that was the case, what was the need to kill Ravana and Kamsa or for Arjuna to get into a war with Kauravas. Of course, wars are illusions; and Ravana and Kamsa were none other than Brahman. We have to play our part (nimitta) in the game (leela).