There is no Toilette Paper


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Eastern USA
I was happy once, but then came the saddest of days. The toilette paper which I had always relied upon ran out and left me down in the dumps.

Oh my paper is gone, so my toilette is useless. Its hurricane flushing system is as a ruthless lion which has been made toothless.

I'm marooned on the toilette with no way to call. My cell phone is all the way down the hall, and I dare not get up. No I dare not rise at all.

I managed to reach my laptop by means of which I beg you for tissue. Stop what you are doing. Call my neighbor and explain the issue.
As you left us no number for which to respond,

And your song has no melody for which to give the band,

While your situation is not one which anyone is fond,

I'm afraid you are going to have to take matters in your own hand.
The best of friends make the lamest of excuses, and the price of freedom is the friend that freely chooses.
Wil said:
And your song has no melody for which to give the band,
Its a riddle wrapped in mystery inside of I don't know how to write music.

While your situation is not one which anyone is fond,
Well, no. Thank you for your empathy.

I'm afraid you are going to have to take matters in your own hand.
What is this april fools?
Sounds as though you are on the horns of a dilemma, suffering a crisis of faith and in dire need of a support group!

Sadly, I don't know of I guess you're on your own for this one!
just a square....

it was a bad plan poorly executed....

however what percentage of the world does NOT use paper due to lack of technological advances...

And what percentage of the world does NOT use paper because of technological advances and concern for the environment?
In days of old, when knights were bold, and tissue not invented...
They wiped their ass on tufts of grass, and walked away contented.


Otherwise you could use mussel shell scrapers as they did in johnny house days.

Just *don't* wipe with poison ivy. Every camping trip there is at least one unfortunate soul who learns the hard way!