WOW, no really WOW. Hi Kaoticprofit, how nice to meet you.
oh first, may I suggest getting a cup of tea and a comfy cushion as this is going to take a while.
Now I apologise to my fellow interfaithers, I am generally a very patient person and not prone to sarcasm but your comments are not bringing out the best in me.
Well the Koran does allow such attacks.
Sorry there is no polite way to say this .... utter rubbish.
There's probably two dozen or so verses that encourage Muslims to commit terror attacks..
Sorry to have to reapeat myself ... utter rubbish.
It also depends on what version of the Koran you read. Many versions today are watered down and have lightened up on their animosity toward infidels.
You are aware, are you not, that the Quran is written in Arabic and has never changed???
Quran 8:5 "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them."
Surah An-Anfal - Quran 8:5 [It is] just as when your Lord brought you out of your home [for the battle of Badr] in truth, while indeed, a party among the believers were unwilling,
Now to be fair to you I googled what you quoted, perhaps my memory was failing and what did I find? This verse quoted on sites like christiansunitedforamerica and barenakedislam ... not one single Quran translations website has this "version" of the verse.
Qur'an 33:60 "Truly, if the Hypocrites stir up sedition, if the agitators in the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy - a fierce slaughter - murdered, a horrible murdering."
HAHAHA .... woops sorry, I shouldn't laugh. Where on earth did you get that nonsense from? Here is the verse and as you will say the translation has been watered down I have supplied the transliteration (as I am still assuming you can't read Arabic?) and just in case you don't know the transliteration is simply putting the arabic words, which have remained the same since the Quran was revealed, into our alphabet
Surah Al-Ahzab - Qur'an 33:60
La-in lam yantahi almunafiqoona wallatheenafee quloobihim maradun walmurjifoona feealmadeenati lanughriyannaka bihim thumma la yujawiroonakafeeha illa qaleela
Sahih International
If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease and those who spread rumors in al-Madinah do not cease, We will surely incite you against them; then they will not remain your neighbors therein except for a little.
now, show me the word murder!!
When Daniel Pipes was asked the question, "how many terrorist are there in the world," he said
Oh Good Lord, that's like me relying on Bin Laden to quote statistics about the USA. Sorry but you need to come up with a more reliable source than one of the worlds staunchest Islamaphobes.
According to The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan... Muslim women are treated as second-class citizens in Islam.
Does it say in Islam or in Pakistan? Provide a reliable source for this quote please.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) says hundreds of women were killed in so-called honor killings in the country last year.
Great now we are getting somewhere. This is correct .. now what religion are they? I ask because honour killings are carried out throughout the country regardless of religion ... as we are about to see.
Passers-by looked on in horror as he cut off Bibi's head while saying "she had sinned and had to be punished".
This is from the India Times on this story and I quote ""He followed the model code where a married woman cannot have an affair unless she gets a divorce."
Do you think for one moment a Muslim woman is allowed to have an affair if she gets divorced? NOOOOOO way. So what does this suggest? Woops that's right, they are not Muslims but you get brownie points for a good try.
Shocking 'Dis'Honour Killing: Brother Beheads Sister | More From India |
How many friends did you lose on September 11, 2001?
One ... a Muslim. Next question?
Most people don't know that the word LOVE is not found in the Koran!.
OMG really? That's terrible. May I suggest that next time you talk to God you ask Him to send any future revelations in the English language to ensure our terminology for affectionate feeling is included .... of course that might be a bit difficult for Arabs when it comes to the story of Daniel in the lions den, as Arabs have, I believe, 13 different words for lion ... that is the problem with a language rich in words.
What's not reported on very much is that they fear biological terrorism in Sochi.
Oh that's awful. Actually come to think of it people in Pakistan and Afghanistan fear drone strikes on civilian populations .... I wonder which is most likely to happen?
What I've posted are all documented facts.
Woops sorry to have burst your bubble.
Have you ever heard of the American Hiroshima?
No, I must have missed that issue of Mad Muslim Herald but I've certainly heard of Hiroshima, that's where your country dropped an atomic bomb killing how many non comabatant men, women and children? Sorry, just saying.
Islam is as much a political Ideology as it is a religion. Your politics are pretty much your religion in Islamic countries.
Finally you are right. Islam is my religion and political philosophy. Now, what Islam teaches me is that even in war I am forbidden from killing non combatants, animals or even cutting down trees. It teaches me about peace and many wonderful things. You should try learning about it.
I'm not what you claim. If Christians or members of the KKK killed 17,000 people last year then I would get out of Christianity or the KKK if I were a member.
You are a member of America are you not? Just curious whether you have handed in your American passport yet?
You are very misled to think that Christians are mixing religion with government in the U.S. .
George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' | World news | The Guardian
BBC - Press Office - George Bush on Elusive Peace
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq - Americas - World - The Independent
Last year Ahmadinejad claimed to have 30,000 suicide bombers in the U.S.
Oh dear, we are really not doing very well here are we?! Ahmedinejad claimed to have 30,000 suicide bombers ready to infiltrate ISRAEL. So I think we should leave that one for Bananabrain to complain about. Again, kudos for a nice try though.
Unlike Islam where "everyone who is a non Muslim" is an infidel and Muslims are encouraged to kill them "wherever they find them."
Oh dear getting a little tedious now. Read the verses before this one. This is talking about a tribe who continuously broke the peace agreement and plotted with the enemy. They were give 4 MONTHS to stop otherwise ..... and then this verse. Yawn.
As you seem to have a Quran translation written by a 4 year old child please use this one to read the verses
The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????
What you posted is true about the Shah and the foolish things the US did with him. I will never condone the stupid things the U.S. government has done in that part of the world. However, this has nothing to do with, "Islamic retaliation."
It and all the chess games the USA and Europe have played in the Middle East have everything to do with it and until your country realises that and stops doing it unfortunately things will not change any time soon.
Islam has been at war with mankind since it's inception. I can give you a list of wars committed by Islam since then if you like but it would be a very long page.
Pot calling kettle black I think ...
"Below, I have reproduced a year-by-year timeline of America’s wars, which reveals something quite interesting: since the United States was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence. In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars.
"We're at War!" -- And We Have Been Since 1776: 214 Years of American War-Making |
There's a real difference between a Mid-Eastern Muslim than an America Muslim. They've had different traditions and teachings in a region where the religion was born and it has influenced them to be more radicalized.
Just so we know your credentials, how long have you spent in the Middle East? And how long have you spent studying the different traditions and teachings there?
He's a very respected Mid-East expert. President Bush almost hired him as such but hired Laurie Mylroie instead.
George W Bush was a moron who could barely string a coherent sentence together. It has been proven over and over again that he, along with Blair, lied to our nations and the world to take us into an insane war which has killed up to a million people and still counting. The fact that he "almost" hired someone is hardly a recommendation to their credentials.
The terrorist have no reason to hate America. Even before the gulf wars Muslims and the terrorist have called America "The Great Satan."
Wrong again, sorry but you really need to do better research. Iran, not Muslims, call the USA the Great Satan, a term coined by Ruhollah Mostafavi Moosavi Khomein in 1979 during the Iranian revolution. Why did they hate the USA at that time?
"In 1907, the Anglo-Russian Agreement between Russia and Britain divided Iran into spheres of influence, questioning although not terminating Iranian sovereignty. At the height of the Cold War, the administration of the U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved a joint Anglo-American operation to overthrow elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadeq, in the pretext that his nationalist aspirations would lead to an eventual communist takeover. The operation was code-named Operation Ajax."
So basically the USA, among others, decided to carve up their country, take over and divide it amongst themselves ... now where have we heard that story before? Oh yes, Palestine. Now tell me again why they had no reason to hate the USA before the Gulf wars?
The highest hope of every truly devout adherent of Islam is to become a shaheed (martyr) while fighting in the Cause of Allah for world domination.
Oh dear I must not be very devout then because that is not my highest hope or the hope of any Muslim I have ever met and trust me, I've met a few. But well done for not mentioning 72 virgins because I would have had to prove you wrong again.
It's not only America they hate. Mid-East Muslims hate nearly everyone including one another! It's in the daily news!
Fortuitously I am sitting here drinking tea with a group of Mid-East Muslims (and a couple of Coptic Christians) and all are agreed that they hate Israel because they are occupying Palestine. I asked about the USA and everybody laughed and agreed they are just the right hand of Israel.
As for the daily news, did you read in the newspaper (I think it was last year or maybe the year before) about Egypt wanting to introduce a law to say men could have sex with their wife for 6 hours after her death? It was in major newspapers all around the world. Shame it was taken from a parody page on the internet and had not a grain of truth in it but of course it's Muslims so it's news and must be true!!!
The difference is.... I don't go around cutting peoples heads off just because I disagree with them. And I don't fly planes into buildings killing innocent people
Strangely enough, neither do I. Maybe I'm studying the wrong Quran? Perhaps you should send me the bastardised translation copy your 4 year old wrote.
And I can tell you that if I ever lost a son, daughter, grandson, or grand daughter.....I'm going to retaliate and justifiably so!
Bravo, that is exactly what creates a jihadist and exactly their attitude ... I wonder if you will get 72 virgins?