The very one looking at Christ, the very one believing in Christianity is ego.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 I think it is justifies your place as Christ, yet even in this, Christ is still other because ego survives. Still you cling to Jesus, and so your ego is strengthened, as the chooser, the believer. Even in its attempts to be humble, to be Christ-like, it is an error. The very act of worship confirms you are less, and again it is ego which compares. In the worship you are affirming you are not worthy, and thus confirm your illusion.
No true sage remains clinging to a single master, for they see what the master saw. What need is there to continue latched to them when you have arrived yourself? You can look at each and know they speak the same, maybe different perspectives, maybe with their own approach, but still they speak on the same realization. You can love them all, without judgement, and so you no longer choose a favorite.
I always return to this: was Jesus a Jew?
Not at all, he was love.
Do not be a Christian, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Muslim or Jew... these are all identifications which confirm ego.
Live as love yourself.
What scripture is needed? Scripture is only there because man does not trust himself, when there is no self to trust or distrust, only love shines. Instead I see a love like that of man and woman, aimed at Jesus or God, this is not true love.
In true love, ego cannot persist, with ego, love dies. All that remains is obsession, dependence, and in the worst cases fanaticism. You make your faith a covering for some negative aspect of what you think you are, it is a protection. Jesus has said you must be able to remove your clothes and stomp on them, the clothes are the ego, the personality which is a mask for what you are as love.
All identifications, from Christian to Christ, Buddhist to Buddha, American or Russian, cover you, give you a feeling of being separate, distinct. This is the problem though, we will go out of our way to prove these distinctions, and this is how war happens. Many are killed because man wants to prove his identification is stronger than the other, many suffer because man wants to prove his identification is more powerful. It is the cause of all that is wrong in the world.
Only in true union can this world become a paradise.