Someone explain this to me


My religion is Islam. What Islamic tradition teaches may shed some light to the question of the original post. According to Islam:

a. Man was already unlike other creatures. God SWT gave man knowledge that even angels did not have. One example of this was given in the Noble Qur'an, where it was mentioned that Adam pbuh, enlightened by God SWT, was able to name animals that God SWT created. No other being was able to do so.
b. God SWT ordered all creation to bow to man. All did except Iblis (satan).
c. When God SWT created all, He offered free will to all creatures. Everyone, but Man and the Jinns, rejected.
d. Man and Woman exercised their free will by eating from the Tree of good and evil, opening themselves to the temptations of more disobedience/sin. By eating from the Tree, our first parents alienated themselves further from God SWT.

However, we can never know the Divine Plan. When God SWT was about to create man, angels commented: "Even though they will shed blood?" And God's SWT reply was: "I know that which you do not."

My religion is Islam. What Islamic tradition teaches may shed some light to the question of the original post. According to Islam:

a. Man was already unlike other creatures. God SWT gave man knowledge that even angels did not have. One example of this was given in the Noble Qur'an, where it was mentioned that Adam pbuh, enlightened by God SWT, was able to name animals that God SWT created. No other being was able to do so.
b. God SWT ordered all creation to bow to man. All did except Iblis (satan).
c. When God SWT created all, He offered free will to all creatures. Everyone, but Man and the Jinns, rejected.
d. Man and Woman exercised their free will by eating from the Tree of good and evil, opening themselves to the temptations of more disobedience/sin. By eating from the Tree, our first parents alienated themselves further from God SWT.

However, we can never know the Divine Plan. When God SWT was about to create man, angels commented: "Even though they will shed blood?" And God's SWT reply was: "I know that which you do not."
What text is this from? Can you give me a link? The earthly universe was created in the exact image and likeness to heaven but a smaller version. To give you an example. Say you have a planet outside this planet that has life. It would be an exact image of a celestial sphere that exists beyond this whole universe to include beyond this universes heavenly houses. The first sphere which existed before the earthly kingdom would be much larger, consist of more light and have beings that reside there that are simular to the earthly planet only they would be much bigger, older and consist of more light and have wings and they are not in fallen condition.
I really recommend looking into anything from SAND (Science and Nonduality) as they delve into modern science and spirituality in quite some depth without bringing in the nonsense of traditional religion.